Pj's Perpetual: Take Two

PJ congrats on the harvest brother. Tray of buds is a good tray. :passitleft:

Killer Queen, guaranteed to blow your mind... herd that in a song somewhere.

Prolly while hitting on a Toker II glass bong back in the day.

You are running autopots with your LOS? I thought I read that last week.

How does that work, is there a wick that feeds the roots?

A sorta... There's a tray the pot with the plant sits in. There's a float valve that regulates water level into the tray. The pot with the plant sits in about 1.5" of water all the time. In the btm of the pot I have about 2" of clay balls then the soil on top of that. There's a membrane under the clay balls that keeps all the roots and worms inside the pot. So the clay balls soak up the water and get the soil wet and the roots do the rest. Its amazing really.

The plants very very quickly find the water. I top water then at up-pot 1 time and thats enough. They find the water and never even blink.

Even after the reservoir runs out of water, I have about 4-6 days of reserve water before the plants actually begin to suffer in summer conditions peak flower. The soil mix is great at water retention. On the +6th day tho, all bets off. Could be a disaster.
first and foremost, a big thanks to @Dusty Kiefers @UrbanAchiever @brightlight @CraZysWeeD @Hyena Merica @SamSmith @Blew Hiller @Ditchweed242 @LaquerHead @bobrown14 @Van Stank @CareStaker and everyone else i have missed! Thank you for being you guys! Your journals, words of support, encouragement, and knowledge have helped me get this far and i cant express my gratitude to you all enough! Been having a rough year, but the 420 family i have aquired here has helped me keep pushing on and i can feel a change coming around the corner...

or maybe its just this test joint of the killer queen i just tried LOL... not fair to do a smoke report yet as it is still fresh and a lower down bud, but its ready for a trim and the jars to start curing... It busted up beautifully and was incredibly sticky to the touch. smell.... Sour... Grapefruit/pineapple.. Funky.... It smells and tastes really good... But i gotta get some other opinions

Smoked about half the J (i smoke alot and fast lol) before i felt it creeping in slowly.. Maybe 5mins... Then i just got a wave of alertness, energy, almost like it washed over me and the aches/pains i had disappeared and i felt motivated to get to work and get stuff done. I felt really good, like i havent in a long while, like i had slept for three days straight and finally refreshed myself..... So working away i went, feeling great, id say about the 20 min mark i started feeling my cheeks getting hot, heavy behind the eyes, not sleepy, just baked lol it didnt last too long 10-15 mins and then i just felt nice.... Smoked it at about 1030 and its now 130 and im feeling like rolling up another.

so thats my preliminary report! And im stoked about it. Even more so for the next few rounds that are coming up because it can only get better as i continue to learn. I have got several hours worth of work to do in the garden tonight, so hopefully tomorrow i shall have a slew of updates and pictures for you all to enjoy!

First you are welcome and thank you for being a contributing part of the community.

That buzz you are describing is probably due to the fact that it is not really cured yet and you took a tester off a bottom branch that may not be at the same ripeness as the tops are. That energtic short lived high is what I have experienced on the lowers. This is why sometimes people harvest in two parts. They take the tops first and let the bottoms go a bit longer. The tops should be much stronger and last longer once everything is cured.
Been awhile,, hope lifes good for ya.. And you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a Great New Years.....
Been awhile,, hope lifes good for ya.. And you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a Great New Years.....

Thanks woody! Same to you and yours! Btw I know you’re a music guy, and into a little bit of everything, some new tunes I’ve been listening to are by, the lost dog street band (or Benjamin Todd), shovels and rope, the white buffalo, bridge city sinners....worth a listen and might tickle your fancy!

When do we see a continue in here? :)

The continuation is coming! Lol I was trying to put a dent in my subbed list but that’s not working out so well lol I got a new phone so I’ve been trying to get the pics from my old one so I can order and date everything correctly... a bit ocd... but if I’m gonna journal I want it done right lol

Lots going on though! Two plants down, put a clone into a second run pail of soil, watered and voila!! a previously un popped seed emerged besides the clone, so it’s a mystery and I had 5new seeds, that I forgot about for 3 days, grow 3/8” long tails... so I dropped them in soil and we will see if they survive, 3 are regs of Brothers Grimm Rosetta Stone —— 2 are fem Kannabia Purple Kush..... so picture updates to come! Really happy with the way things are shaping up!!!
Really happy with the way things are shaping up!!!

Sounds great friend, it will be a blast following your adventures. :)

I had a lot planned for this weekend, switching tents and shortening a few shelves for the cloning, constructing a new light rig... I don't think I will be doing any of it if the neck thing doesn't get better tomorrow.

Hope to see some pics of them soon!

I will not get distracted.... I will not get distracted...

Lol! So I owe you guys some updates... I should put in a disclaimer “I suck at journaling, you have been warned”... :rofl:

I’m going to do it by strain and let ya know what my intentions are going forward with each! So please bear... bare... huh...( stupid English... you get the point lol ) with me and I shall grace your eyes with some reasonable cannabis photos!
Lavender x P75

This is my 4th(edit) attempt at flowering this pheno of the strain... it was the one I kept out of the two females I got originally... but man o man, these clones can be finnickity. Not big fans of transplants, light changes, and seem to be very very light feeders... but I’m starting to understand her a little better. I think the best methodology for this girl is in SOGs, 8-10” tall of a solid nug, this strain doesn’t stretch .... so I am hoping to grow out the 3clones I have remaining and try to keep one as a mother plant for clones that I can use to fill in open spots.... or possibly throw it outside in the veggie garden and see if that makes it stretch. (Watch I’ll make the news with a cannabis tree taller than my shed:laugh:)

she was harvested a day or two after this picture was taken. It’s a picture of a picture on my old phone lol
edit: I didn’t kill this one with alfalfa, I let her dry out too much by accident, stoner memory my bad lol


This was the clone I replaced her with, approximately 3days after planting I took this picture (Jan 2nd) you can see they mystery seedling that came out of the soil, this will be third run in this 5gal.


These were taken 15 days later and after removing the seedling to the veg area!


And here she is most recently which was Wednesday evening


And here are the clones which I am hoping will all survive, one to become a mother, two to be flowered as space opens up!

*please note I did water them more than this lol just snapped a pic before I went to refill my watering can and yes I need to clean my grow room, please excuse the dirty floors lol that’s this weekends project*
Killer Queen

Just finished round two with the queen in my stable. So far she has been an absolute breeze to grow, seed, clone, train.... just making life too easy on me lol! And the buds, sour citrus... best description I can give till I get this latest harvest dried and curing.... I’m going to have the wife hide a jar on me so it lasts a month or two longer than the rest of it. Give me a real idea of what it should turn out like.

Ok so last update was nov 22/18 and she was chopped on January 17/19... so that puts her at exactly 73 days of 12/12... so once I see how this batch turns out I’ll have a better idea of whether I run the next one longer or shorter.... trying to find the best harvest window when breeder says 58-65 days I believe... don’t quote that, it’s from memory lol

Without further ado, harvest pics!




And in her place comes the twin clone of this plant... just with 73 days extra veg:rofl: she started like this

And then I bent her all the way over cause I was running out of room!


This is what she looked like going into the tent on Sunday the 20th. I uppotted her to a 10gallon! So hopefully a nice big yield coming in my future!


And this was her on Wednesday evening, doing the stretch!!!

So I am very excited to see where this big girl goes... I gotta get some training and stakes made for her to support the floppy mess that’s coming my way... I may just move it to one side of the tent and pipecleaner it to the roof lol but that limits my mobility and it’s access to light... so it’s a juggling match till I can afford another light for the tent.

I’ll get some bud pics when I do the trim on them, they should be ready to go soon enough...

To be continued!
Up and coming!

Let’s start with the mystery seedling... not sure what it is... could be a random bag seed, or it could be a seed from the malberry one I tried last grow... either way pretty cool it germinated after a couple months of sitting in dirt and then just adding water and voila she popped up lol wish they all came up that easy! Lmao here’s some pics!


Rosetta Stone - by brothers Grimm seeds

Always amazes me how tiny they start out and how large they get!

Kannabia seeds - Purple Kush

Explosive seedlings that jumped up 2” almost overnight... something to consider for flipping of the stretch is gonna be bananas!


So! That’s my update, lots going on in the real world, but I’m gonna attempt to be more proactive in my journaling as I take pics. No promises but I’ll work on it! Thanks for stopping by! :thanks::passitleft:
Totally missed these last updates Pj.... I'm sorry.

Don't say the phone was busted when the Gunnebo security hook broke off and u fell down....?

Plants looks like they love what you do with them. Give the seedlings some more water. :)
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