Pj's Perpetual: Take Two

@LaquerHead @Van Stank @Itibitiguy @Ditchweed242

Thanks guys! All of Your advice is very close to what I was thinking I should do.... just worried about killing it ... that’s the last thing I want to do! She should be dry enough tonight for me to give a topdress of ewc, kelp and glacial rock dust and clean her up a bit, going to take a few clones as a precaution... and water her down with some blended up aloe in the water... and give her a few days to see how she responds! Thank you all again!! Much appreciated!


Canada is beautiful all over... every province has something worth seeing atleast once lol... Niagara Falls is Ontario and is a great place.... never been to Vancouver personally... but I’ve been to other parts of British Columbia and it’s awe inspiring and beyond words beautiful..... Yukon I haven’t been too, but I will get up there one day, it’s too beautiful to pass up... a girl I dated, her dad owned a float plane and use to fly up there every summer to go hunting/fishing... she was crazy so it didn’t last long but I would have loved to gone with him lol..... no matter where you go there is lots to see here and well worth the trip! And cannabis is abundant and readily available too...making the trip even better! Lol thanks for your advice my friend! If you do make a trip across the pond keep me posted!
Quick flower tent update

Killer Queen is done her stretch I think/hope, buds are starting to stack up, I really need to look at another light in there to get better coverage... you can see in the pics which ones are getting the most/best light. If they were all stacking like that my yield would be wild!




Lavender x P75

She is getting closer and closer... looking mostly cloudy right now... going to give it another week or maybe two before she gets the ax... I’ll have to double check how many days she’s been under.



Thanks for stopping by everyone!!
Nice girls Pj! Stacking up good!

Canada is beautiful all over... every province has something worth seeing atleast once lol... Niagara Falls is Ontario and is a great place.... never been to Vancouver personally... but I’ve been to other parts of British Columbia and it’s awe inspiring and beyond words beautiful..... Yukon I haven’t been too, but I will get up there one day, it’s too beautiful to pass up... a girl I dated, her dad owned a float plane and use to fly up there every summer to go hunting/fishing... she was crazy so it didn’t last long but I would have loved to gone with him lol..... no matter where you go there is lots to see here and well worth the trip! And cannabis is abundant and readily available too...making the trip even better! Lol thanks for your advice my friend! If you do make a trip across the pond keep me posted!

Man it sounds like my dreams about it. I guess those planes are the best way to get around there in the bush. It's always been a dream of mine to fly planes. I think you guys are as crazy as me over there, and I can promise you will be the first to know I'm coming! Wouldn't miss a chance visiting you if I get there! Stay lifted homie!
GIRLS???????????? did you bump your head... Hell them does never stray far from home... But it's nice to see what's over that ridge.....
Honey Cream from Royal Queen

I was going to add stuff but I am glad I didn’t touch her yet! Before and after shots!

When she arrived on feb 3:

And here she is on feb 11 :

Considering I have done nothing and she is only getting whatever light (24/0) is coming from the light on the mirror... she’s made a big change in a week so I’m glad I got too busy and left her... everything happens for a reason!! We will see what she looks like in another week! She hasn’t needed any water yet either! So it’s kind of a guessing game at this point for me. Ah well! That’s part of the fun! Lol
Killer Queen - these were taken on Sunday which was Day 20 of 12/12


I’m starting to see some flop so I’ve gotta get some stakes in her pot and wrapped otherwise she will be taking up the entire 4x4 soon enough.... and another light would be spectacular... would raise my heat but I don’t have much in way of exhaust going on either at the moment.... but you can really see which spots got the best light... if I had two of the same lights I think the canopy would have stayed even in growth.
Lavender x P75 - photos taken Sunday feb 11 - approx 41days of 12/12 or week #7

Just letting this girl go, she’s continuing to get chunkier and frostier... probably the densest plant I have grown to date... I really like this smoke and intend to dry and cure it for atleast 3 months before I touch this one.... her 3 sister clones are finally getting their feet. They don’t need much for water or feeding it would seem, Ive been using my moisture probe to determine when to water... can’t remember the last time I gave her more than a cup or two just to wet the surface a bit.

Without further ado, here she is:

Thanks for stopping by! Veg tonight update coming this evening!
Veg Update

Ok first up, killer Queen clones, some are still surviving, time for an up pot to solos, seems I’ve got 5 that will survive, but only time will tell!

Seedlings -
Brothers Grimm - Rosetta Stone on the left(regs)
Kannabia - Purple Kush the right (fem)

Clones and mystery seed -

clones are back left and right and front right - after about a month these ladies are finally showing new growth... not sure what my plan is but they will need to be big shapely bushes before I flower them, they do not stretch at all!

Mystery seed is front left... this will be next to hit the flower tent, going to sex it and see if it needs to be culled or not.

Temps were getting a bit warm, normally just run 2 of 6 bulbs on the T5 but they burnt out so I am running the other 4bulbs... I will say that the extra heat made them jump, almost like they like it... RH is still lower than I’d like but not seeing any adverse effects.

Thanks for stopping by all! :passitleft:
Killer Queen - today is day 25 of 12/12.... when I got home from work last night and poked my head in all was fine.... fast forward 8hours (my light runs 6pm-6am).... and she is now the queen of the flop... and it’s only going to get worse... so my mission tonight, tie her to the ceiling..... told you I was running out of time @Agemon lol


After Flop -




Veg Update

alright! So when I don’t forget I try to do things in the garden around the full moons... some folks argue for or against moon cycles having anything to do with it... but I personally see a jump in the garden around the full moon, hence why I try to plant seeds or up pot around the same time.

Group Shot -

In the back - 3 clones are lavender x p75 finally starting to get some new growth and they are becoming little bushes... these will be vegged for a while as they get no stretch in flower.

In the front row - left two are Rosetta Stone, right two are Purple Kush and on the far right are the 3 remaining killer Queen clones.... I really only need one to survive so I can keep the genetics around, but at this point, if they die I’m not concerned, I have more beans and although the smoke is nice and very easy to grow, I’m getting tired of her floppiness!

Kannabia - Purple Kush

Brothers Grimm - Rosetta Stone

Thanks for popping by!
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