Pj's Perpetual: Take Two

Lavender x P75

Today is day # 51 of 12/12 for this lady. Chunking up nicely and loving her smell upon touching... still has another week atleast before I plan to give her the axe! Gotta bust out the loupe and see what she’s looking like and go from there!


Oh ya!!

I almost forgot!

I up potted the mystery seedling, gut is telling me it’s a male... so figured I’ll get the culling over and done with if it needs to happen, otherwise I’ll snip a clone in case it’s a special lady!


That’s it that’s all folks! Hopefully some new beans will be arriving in the next week or so.. they will be hitting the water almost immediately! I’m super stoked to run some dominion seed co gear!! It looks out of this world!

Have a great day all!!
Man missed a lot here. Any good smoke come out from curing yet of the plants you taken down?

How is Honey Cream doing? :)

Figured I should get this out of the way (cause I thought I responded 3 days ago)!

The smoke from both so far is good... definitely a lot of room for improvement in terms of bud density.... but overall I am not complaining, both give me a buzz and I have a very high tolerance lol

the lavenderxp75 has a very distinct smell to it, every time I open the jar the wife knows it’s my stuff.... can’t put my finger on the smell but definitely fruity-esque

Killer Queen is sour citrus funk x 100... can smell it and taste it upon exhale... it’s very nice... I actually rolled up a massive canon one day last week, puffed the whole thing down in a few minutes cause I was at work.... went back in to work and was working away... and then it hit me, I haven’t been good and ripped like that for a long time... I actually stopped using the crane cause I thought I’d better wait a little bit till this settles down... didn’t last long, but I think with better lighting and a longer harvest window this stuff is gonna be killer! Pun intended and I hope my clones friggin root lol

Andddd Ms Honey Cream.... she got a pruning and stuck in the veg closet under the T5 on 18/6... looking pretty good if you ask me! Before and after shots..... and more updates coming later on!


Lavender x P75

So last run, my harvest from this one was pitiful. All my fault, not the plants. I kept it around because I know it has potential I have yet to unleash.... well I busted up and smoked some of the curing fluff that I managed to harvest yesterday, rolled a nice doob, and boy oh boy, how much nicer is homegrown than commercially purchased... it didn’t last as long as I would have hoped, but it was a powerful behind the eyes type of high, motivating.... it’s got me really excited for harvesting this one over the next week or so....




It excites me even more that I’ve got these 3 going in veg right now, took a while but they have exploded with new growth over the last week and a half... I’m going to start some training when I get the room and when it’s time to flip I will be lollipoping everything except the top 6-8” cause these ladies do not stretch at all.
Killer Queen

Today is day #39 of flower for this big girl, these pics were taken on Monday which would have been day 36.... the tops are getting heavy, can see them leaning on their supports holding them up.... a good sign if you ask me! I am really hoping for a good harvest from this lady, a harvest I can actually let a couple of the tops cure long enough to find out what the smoke is really like.... I will be letting this one run a week or two longer than the last... I had some dense buds, but I think she can pack more weight on if I am a little more patient with her. And still waiting on her clones to root.... down to 3 of them... one seems to have started growing, the other 2 may or may not survive, only time will tell!






Veg Update

The Rosetta Stone and the Purple Kush are both growing very nicely... Kush is much squatter... where as the Rosetta Stone is reaching for the light and may require training sooner than later... I really love her leaves though.... I’m kinda thinking ones a male... so I may consider throwing them in the flower tent for sexxing and open up some free space...

oh and the last couple pics are of the mystery seed which as I suspected was male. So he got ripped and trashed last night. Not equipped for males, especially when I don’t know their origins.

Purple Kush


Rosetta Stone


Mystery Male
:passitleft:It has man. Im actually working onn my house for the next several days. New windows and a maybe a green house going up in the yard. So still busy but at a medium pace lol. :passitleft:

Glad to hear that! At least you’re busy on your own house! I gotta do windows on mine... along with a ton of other stuff... money and time.. never ends does it! Greenhouse would be awesome though! Veggies? Starting to get those ready as well!

Also, awesome present in the mail when I got home this evening!



Love how much detail there is! I gotta make some decisions and move some plants around.... I want these in water and dirt by the next full moon! March 20! Pumped up now! Decisions decisions..... atleast it’s the weekend!
Now see that is something I can appreciate. I have wondered why more breeders don't put this information in the packaging or on their websites.

Yes sir! I won’t deny my fan boy crush on duke diamond lol I’ve just got mad respect for his work and the way he breeds. I’ve missed out on a ton of his work but I’m happy to have some now and I’m going to try for as much more as I can afford..... when I pop them I might start another journal just for them, we shall see!
Now see that is something I can appreciate. I have wondered why more breeders don't put this information in the packaging or on their websites.

It's a bit rare to see that much detail. I think the breeder knows how much he's helping us
Not only that but it tells me you care about your gear......and that you want to see it grown to the best of its ability. I know I take much more pride in seeing someone grow out my strain and have it look good than I do if I grow one out. Its such a cool feeling and I gotta think if you are doing it because you love it, you want others to succeed even more. Its one of my biggest knocks with the hype breeders (and its not knocking their gear...just the info they provide with it.) Take a look at In-House Genetic or Exotic Genetics...any of them really. All they tell you is some version of indica/sativa (which I am skeptical to say the least....not sure how you take a sativa dominant cross and and cross that with an indica dominant cross and get an indica ), a generic flower time (which I can assure you will lie in the 60-65 day range....according to them), and thats it.

How about a list of possible pheno types and what can be expected size wise for those. How about unique traits or things that will set a pheno apart along with the type/shape of bud, possible smells, etc. It isn't hard if you took notes as you grow them out.
Not only that but it tells me you care about your gear......and that you want to see it grown to the best of its ability. I know I take much more pride in seeing someone grow out my strain and have it look good than I do if I grow one out. Its such a cool feeling and I gotta think if you are doing it because you love it, you want others to succeed even more. Its one of my biggest knocks with the hype breeders (and its not knocking their gear...just the info they provide with it.) Take a look at In-House Genetic or Exotic Genetics...any of them really. All they tell you is some version of indica/sativa (which I am skeptical to say the least....not sure how you take a sativa dominant cross and and cross that with an indica dominant cross and get an indica ), a generic flower time (which I can assure you will lie in the 60-65 day range....according to them), and thats it.

How about a list of possible pheno types and what can be expected size wise for those. How about unique traits or things that will set a pheno apart along with the type/shape of bud, possible smells, etc. It isn't hard if you took notes as you grow them out.
Agreed! It'd sure make me feel better about dropping $100-$300 on a pack of seeds! At least they put some care thought into it..
It's a bit rare to see that much detail. I think the breeder knows how much he's helping us
Not only that but it tells me you care about your gear......and that you want to see it grown to the best of its ability. I know I take much more pride in seeing someone grow out my strain and have it look good than I do if I grow one out. Its such a cool feeling and I gotta think if you are doing it because you love it, you want others to succeed even more. Its one of my biggest knocks with the hype breeders (and its not knocking their gear...just the info they provide with it.) Take a look at In-House Genetic or Exotic Genetics...any of them really. All they tell you is some version of indica/sativa (which I am skeptical to say the least....not sure how you take a sativa dominant cross and and cross that with an indica dominant cross and get an indica ), a generic flower time (which I can assure you will lie in the 60-65 day range....according to them), and thats it.

How about a list of possible pheno types and what can be expected size wise for those. How about unique traits or things that will set a pheno apart along with the type/shape of bud, possible smells, etc. It isn't hard if you took notes as you grow them out.
Agreed! It'd sure make me feel better about dropping $100-$300 on a pack of seeds! At least they put some care thought into it..

This is a quote from one of his Instagram posts. In my opinion you can’t get more real than this guy in this business. Yes I paid for my seeds, but I know what I’m getting out of them before they even hit the dirt.

Best for last... Sort of... So this is the Munson pheno that's the most common, over 2/3rd of the progeny we ran. As far as structure, strength, resin and the funk factor .. it's the best of the best. Now as far as the best, this girl is part of a population that we put thru the stress to see what she can really take.
Without going on forever on the why for the folks who ask why do that? Not everyone is a experienced or "master grower", myself included. Some folks, actually alot of folks now legalization has happened are growing for the very first time. Some folks just don't have a handle on their environment and it's something they have to deal with and out of their control. Some people have accidents and no one's born knowing everything. So it's nice to know that I can give someone a cultivar that will excel in a harsh environment and more so in ideal conditions. If something is sensetive I want to be able to give someone a heads up, I want to be able to tell the person that hey.. this might not be for you. It may be a outdoor guy who likes something but it's not resistant to pest, prone to mold and mildew. It may be the first timer or maybe the person who runs 1800-2000 ppm and just can't stop themselves. I would rather them be able to make a informed decision on what they get and I would rather someone keep their money than to come back unhappy. Even if that means going on the the next person and skipping me all together. These cultivars are not all the same, try growing a heirloom Thai and some big bud on the same regemin and visa versa and see how that works out. I hope people can appreciate this and it helps them flourish. Now as to this girl, it's solid as can be. When doing the photo I was like I think I see a nanner, How'd I miss that? I looked and it's a little seed from something else near it who couldn't take it. Munson's only downfall is pest resistance, she's average to less on that depending on the pheno. However, she's funky and yielded great. Very remenicent of old nl with chem and shiva skunk. She's really rank and frosty. I really want everyone to rock her and spread clones to one another and maybe get some new blood growing.So maybe make new friends, get together and enjoy growing some herb with eachother. It can be a very rewarding hobby. It can medicine for someone sick who really needs it , you can make a difference in someone's quality of life, perhaps even save a life. There are alot of benefits to growing aside from the fun. So maybe teach some folks or help some sick people. If not that's cool too, this is some great stash and will make you damn happy. This lady really reeks hard, the chem skunk pungent funk is just such a time machine for me. The high is very strong and will have you messed up like a soup sammich. Anywho, I'ma go lower than other stuff when they drop, simply because I wanna see these go to everyone. It's as good as anything I've ever made , but I see potential to get this out there to homegrown folks and new comers and have them stoked instead of being detoured from growing based on beginners mistakes. Hope y'all enjoy #dominionseedco #munson#DragonflyEarthMedicine #organicsoil#rootwisesoildynamics #breedbyexample #VAdontplay#growyourown #overgrowtheempire#blueridgemountaincollabo #melvanetics

Where to start?!?

I had to come up with a tenative plan for the grow... wife wasn’t all too pleased with my plant count :laughtwo:.... but as I explained to her... it’s a process and ya gotta have the Vegs ready for the flower tent when ya take one down!

So sit tight while I write it down... then we will get to the pictures portion lol

First and foremost, I took down the lavender75 last night, day 66 of 12/12, that’s from when I started counting it is probably closer to 70-72... but I’m a dumbass and didn’t right it down. The 3 clones of hers are going bananas at the moment. One will be going to flower this weekend. Haven’t decided yet.

Killer Queen is at day 47... so another 2-3 weeks to go. The only remaining clone is still hanging in there!

Rosetta Stone - I moved both of them into the flower tent last night for sexxing. Not a move I normally do, I like to wait till they hit maturity in veg... but I wanna drop the dominion beans at the full moon so culling needs to occur. Based off of my experience, I’m calling one a male and one a female from the early signs I’m seeing.

Honey Cream - she is in full reveg now and loving life... I definitely will up pot her to a bigger pot for flower.... just curious... what’s the status quo on reveg? Meaning how many weeks should I wait for new growth before throwing it into the flowering tent again?

Pictures to follow! Thanks for stopping by!
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