My fellow military vets are familiar with the phrase, "Two is one and one is none."
Well, that phrase inspired my newest curiosity - adding BluMat Carrots to an AutoPot grow.
When I was laying out the tubing for my AutoPots I went looking for a "Tee" fitting. The first one I found was in my BluMat fittings. I tested the size and it fit the same I.D. Then I noticed a fitting that is technically a "Tee" but one outlet is for the tiny tubing that BluMats uses.
Thus, this idea: Use the tiny carrots to sample and satisfy the moisture for the top 3 inches of the pot's coco.
Those carrots are getting the same nutrients that the bottom of the AutoPots are getting.
I'm only doing this on one pot for now. It also happens to be the one pot that is not getting outside air bubbles to the bottom of the pot.
BluMat Carrot in the '"Dripper" Configuration
How the BluMat Carrot is Fed from the Nutrient Source
• Added Heater
• Set to 74º - that means it will let it go down to 72º before kicking in
• Large Fan is an Experiment - Trying to Spread Heated Air Evenly
• Lighting: Moved to 60% - Will confirm PPFD tomorrow
• Humidity: Lowered to 60%
• E.C.: 2.2
• pH: 6.0