Pj's Perpetual: Take Two

I will not get distracted.... I will not get distracted...

Lol! So I owe you guys some updates... I should put in a disclaimer “I suck at journaling, you have been warned”... :rofl:

I’m going to do it by strain and let ya know what my intentions are going forward with each! So please bear... bare... huh...( stupid English... you get the point lol ) with me and I shall grace your eyes with some reasonable cannabis photos!

Dude, I'm so far behind in my journaling and posting,, it's pathetic....... Glad to see you up and growing.. Keepem Green
@Norcaliwood thanks for stopping by man! I’ll try to keep the pictures coming. New year new me or something like that :rofl:

@CraZysWeeD so first... new iPhone remembers your name somehow... I’ll be typing ‘cra’ And it pops up as a suggestion lmao..... nah the old phone met its demise off the top of a truckload steel haha touchscreen had a mind of its own after that lol..... and I can be rather torturous to seedlings and clones.... survival of the fittest bitches lol see my following posts for more details! Lol
Lavender x P75

Harvest update -

This plant here yielded me Exactly 14gs of light fluffy buds. I didn’t waste too much time trimming it to be pretty. Wasn’t worth the effort, it all grinds and smokes lol

Jar of buds-

In Flower - not sure what day it is post flip.. earliest pic I have is Jan 2... so I’m gonna call that day 1 as buds were just starting...


With another 20-30 days to go I’m hoping she swells even more... but we shall see!

And her siblings are finickity as ever... always a hard time when these up pot... makes veg times a bitch! It seems they prefer a drier medium.


Next update - Killer Queen
Killer Queen- Brothers Grimm

Harvest Update -

So I managed to get a reasonable harvest off this girl! 42g... not too shabby... ounce and a half of smoke I don’t need to buy!! Woot woot! Still some lighter airy buds.... need some more light in my tent... but I’m not complaining at all!



In Flower -
The stretch is on and slowly taking over lol.... wish I had the space for @Van Stank s 10x10... that thing is epic... and growing these big girls is a
blast... she should be done stretching soon... I’m gonna rearrange and tie her to the ceiling so I am well prepared for a big floppy mess as the buds start to swell



Clones - boy oh boy, I’ll count my lucky stars should any of these babies actually make it into some soil... normally that’s how I clone, snip, dip in aloe, straight in soil... but I was running low on starter soil.... so I used peat pucks and this little tray thing I had for them.... not being used to it I left for 24hrs without checking on them... all the water was gone, all were shrivelled up and keeled over.... cursing myself for it... I decided to add some water with aloe(cut a sprig and left in bucket to soak) .... and another 24 hours later the survivors are pulling through!

It’s a good thing they didn’t all survive anyways.. I dunno wtf I would do with them all lmao!
@CraZysWeeD —- taking a note out of your book brother! Being a little crazy! Without the slightest clue of where I am going :rofl:..... right now my goal is just to keep the flower tent turning out buds every month and building a nice head stash in the jars..... my end goal is to try a bunch of different strains/phenos and carefully select/keep females that do it for me... and then when time/space permits I’d really like to start hunting through males to find some nice breeeding stock to cross with the females.... not to make a business or anything, just to have my own selections to play with during the corporate take over of the cannabis industry.
Sounds like a nice plan Pj. No worries here that the corporate take over.... :) More an issue if they find out that I'm growing. :)

I want to try different strains as well. I'm really hooked on trying more CBD strains. Specially THC/CBD hybrids. Now I need to make some cash crops, so I use strains I know how to grow. Kush is very forgiving. :)

Nice to have you around again friend. :high-five:

@CraZysWeeD Oh I am sure that once the corporations have a foothold in the cannabis industry you will see them lobbying governments worldwide to legalize cannabis! Be silly of them not too from a business standpoint. I’m waiting to hear that the laws are changing and we can’t grow our own anymore... so I’m keeping on the down low as a precaution lol.

I’m interested in starting to make oils and looking into cbd as well. Now that it’s legal a friend of the family with health issues has an interest in using oils etc in an effort to combat pain from nerve damage and arthritis... so that’s my next learning curve haha but I want to have different strains to make different batches of oil to see which are most effective for what ailments... I got lots of learning ahead of me!

Glad to be back my friend! Damn holidays always get the best of me, too much on the go, not enough time to accomplish everything.
I love your words spoken in true freedom. I guess u can go in to the nearest food store and buy spirits and wine. We have a state controlled monopoly just to control the sell of alcohol in one store per a fixed number of residents per town. It's so ridiculous that they think they control the amount people are drinking in this country. The newest law to take action this year regarding drugs is the prohibition of smoking tobacco, ecigg in public areas regarding if it's outside or inside. Today the judged that sales of even CBD products is illegal. So I'm very doubtfull I will ever experience true freedom here.

I like the sounds of your ideas in making oils. I'm a true believer in them as well and that u can make combinations with them and get different results in making people feel better. I really feel the CBD have saved my chances in being able to keep my work. But if they find out I'm sure to get the foot... That's how it is here.

I don't know if I asked you before but were in Canada are you situated?

You are a dam fine friend helping your friends out when they are in pain and need!

Well first I’ll answer your question lol I’m in Ontario. And believe it or not, we already have all of those smoking bans here, my one friend, a truck driver, was recently ticketed for smoking in his truck... cops reasoning “it’s a place of business”.... he owns it but he’s not allowed to smoke a cig in it? Wtf is that...

it is only recently that Ontario has changed laws to allow grocery stores to carry beer/wine.... if you wanted beer you had to go to... you guessed it... the beer store lmao... and if you want hard liquor/wine/beer you have to go to the LCBO... I don’t remember what it stands for...liquor control board of Ontario maybe?... anyways, even CBD is/was a grey area... friend worked at a pet store and they were selling cbd pet products... then got fined because they weren’t licensed to be selling them.... governments and their laws :rolleyes:o_O the only way you might get some freedom is if the feds in the US make it legal or declassify it from schedule 1 or whatever it is.

I sure hope it helps you stay in work! I think a lot of people would help others if they could.... to be honest my secret silent mission is to persuade everyone I know to appreciate cannabis and it’s properties... it’s just breaking down the stigmas that people have built in their brains towards it. I’ll never forget the day my grandma said to me and I quote “oh piss off, marijuana is not a drug, it should have been legalized years ago” lol I sure do miss her, she was very blunt, making for great conversations.

If I can get some oils made maybe I’ll try shipping you some... I’ll just label it maple syrup :rofl::rofl::high-five:
Haha. Sorry I missed your answer...

It sounds a lot like here then. :) My coworker tries so convince me to take a trip to Canada this spring. I don't know if it's him who wants a break from all and go there. :) I'm not so sure were to go in Canada... the first place that pops out is Vancouver. I'm keen on seeing all of Canada... Klondike in Yukon is a dream and of course Niagra falls, that's Ontario right?

I love to help people too and it's a pain to have to tell them I'm out of meds. Now I just got my own stash left. But the future looks promising! It's going to be awesome to run a perpetual sog grow again.

I would be thrilled by a gift but I'm not sure it would slip through. Seeds are legal. :)

Hope u have a great weekend friend!
Well life’s been kicking me in the ass again, same old story, eff the world lol @CraZysWeeD ill respond and to your above post shortly! I just gotta get this one out of the way while I’ve got 5mins waiting on this trucker to unstrap his load...

So turns out the wife’s besties bf... confusing enough?.... was growing... had some roommate/landlord drama and ran out of a place to keep it.... so the ladies were chatting and growing came up and it seems I’ve made a new friend :rofl::rofl:.... I was asked to take this lady and get her back to health and flower her out...

the strain is honey cream from royal queen... grown in miracle grow soil, with a blurple light... due to the home life problems, it seems to have started flowering... I’ve quarantined and put it under some cfls on 24hrs to try and bring it back.... looking for any advice you guys might be able to offer! Seems like nitrogen deficiency...but not sure what red stems are I haven’t got that far into my researching yet lol was thinking I’ll top dress with kelp and ewc and maybe some diatomaceous earth as I thought I saw a few gnats buzzin around at his place... anyways! @CraZysWeeD @Van Stank @bobrown14 @LaquerHead and I’ve missed a few others but I’m running out of time to get this posted lol

please excuse the mess in first photo... quite the ordeal to get it in/out of house/car + 45 min drive... I got creative trying to protect her lol



Thanks for all your help and advice my friends!
Haha! LMAO! :rofl:

Always happy to help. She looks really hungry to me but man that is some purple stalks. Do u know if she had any supplement nute feed except from this "miracle" soil? I would start giving her some basic nute... she looks strong and healthy otherwise. More light and more feed I think is the medicine for that girl. Hope u save her. She looks really god... report back on her! :)
Well life’s been kicking me in the ass again, same old story, eff the world lol @CraZysWeeD ill respond and to your above post shortly! I just gotta get this one out of the way while I’ve got 5mins waiting on this trucker to unstrap his load...

So turns out the wife’s besties bf... confusing enough?.... was growing... had some roommate/landlord drama and ran out of a place to keep it.... so the ladies were chatting and growing came up and it seems I’ve made a new friend :rofl::rofl:.... I was asked to take this lady and get her back to health and flower her out...

the strain is honey cream from royal queen... grown in miracle grow soil, with a blurple light... due to the home life problems, it seems to have started flowering... I’ve quarantined and put it under some cfls on 24hrs to try and bring it back.... looking for any advice you guys might be able to offer! Seems like nitrogen deficiency...but not sure what red stems are I haven’t got that far into my researching yet lol was thinking I’ll top dress with kelp and ewc and maybe some diatomaceous earth as I thought I saw a few gnats buzzin around at his place... anyways! @CraZysWeeD @Van Stank @bobrown14 @LaquerHead and I’ve missed a few others but I’m running out of time to get this posted lol

please excuse the mess in first photo... quite the ordeal to get it in/out of house/car + 45 min drive... I got creative trying to protect her lol



Thanks for all your help and advice my friends!
She's definitely not to bad off, hungry is about all I can see! I would start off by giving her a topdressing of kelp, 1/4 cup or so...and a kelp/fulvic tea for more immediate results until topdressing can work its magic. A little bit of neem (~1/4 cup) will also deliver some nutrients all while helping eliminate the gnats! An EWC slurry wouldnt be a terrible idea either. If I did the slurry, I might not do the kelp tea though...unless it's a real weak tea. Otherwise I'd wait a few days then try it

Water all that in with a good bit of aloe water and you should see some pretty awesome results within a few days :thumb:
Looks like a little Cal-Mag issue as well as a possible pH issue from what I can see. Sometimes pH issues will manifest itself as a deficiency. I would make sure you are giving some top notch water and a touch of epsom salt (.5 teaspoon) or some Cal-Mag if you have it. Top dress gypsum or oyster shell flour and some epsom salt (I would add some EWC, Basalt, and Glacial Rock Dust along with it) and see how she responds. I don't have any idea what is in that Miracle Grow stuff so I would start with mild changes and see how she does and adjust from there.

Good Luck!
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