Next round on the go, sweet! Great choices G👍👊. This should be a fun one!

Imma gonna go sit behind Bill and wet-willy him. It will likely lead to some wrestling but we will fix what we break😊
Hahaha well heck ya, I'll throw some couch cushions on the floor for you guys.
Nice start @g-one-three

Have you tried/grown Green Crack?
On my list of favorites.

First off, you beat me to growing Brothers Grimm Princess Haze x Cap Junky tester seeds. I will try the other cross from them with Cap Junky. Hope your grow goes well and I will stop by occasionally if you don't mine.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Thank for swinging through, I have tried green crack and I do like it but it wasn't grown by me haha it's on my list to grow but unfortunately fortunately that list keeps getting longer and longer. Same with Jack Herer one of my favorites just never made it to the soil yet.
Well between work, family and this upcoming trip my time has been spread really thin. Thankfully these girls have been very understanding and haven't given me one problem. To get them prepped for the week away I am up potting them into their 5 gallon fabric pots and setting up their wicking bases.

The first quarter of soil was placed into the pots and amended with, 1 cup EWC, 1Tbsp of Gaia Green All Purpose 4-4-4, 1 Tbsp of Power Bloom 2-8-4, 1/2 Tbsp of Glacial Rock Dust, 1/2 Tbsp of Mineralized Phosphate and 3 cups of used soil from my last grow on top. I repeated this process 3 more times to fill the pot. The transplants were watered in and then sat on the wicking bases.

These girls are going to spend a little time in the 2x2 tent under the 100w Vivosun AeroLight before heading to the 2x4 tent to grow into the screen.







This cat loves the grow tent, I cannot keep him out of it haha
I want that cat's face as my winking emoji! 🤣.

Looking Good G👊, this should be a great run!
Haha he's a funny dude and would make a solid emoji. He just likes sitting under the lights in the jungle.

I'm really looking forward to this one, lots of mysteries with these seeds haha
Well I survived being unplugged for the Internet for a week, it was awesome and I suggest that everyone give it a try at some point. The fishing and weather was lousy but the company was great. We got one pretty spectacular day right before we left and these are some of my favorite pictures. These aren't weed related but this is one of my favorite places so I figured I'd share them with you.
Well I survived being unplugged for the Internet for a week, it was awesome and I suggest that everyone give it a try at some point. The fishing and weather was lousy but the company was great. We got one pretty spectacular day right before we left and these are some of my favorite pictures. These aren't weed related but this is one of my favorite places so I figured I'd share them with you.
Beautiful G. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Well I survived being unplugged for the Internet for a week, it was awesome and I suggest that everyone give it a try at some point. The fishing and weather was lousy but the company was great. We got one pretty spectacular day right before we left and these are some of my favorite pictures. These aren't weed related but this is one of my favorite places so I figured I'd share them with you.
Looks just like Muskoka :thumb: Beautiful.
Glad you had a good time my friend.
Where approximately is it?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ok vacations over, laundry is in the wash and now we are back to the business at hand.

While I was gone I left my wife in charge of watering the girls. She was happy to see the auto water base because of how simple it was to top them off. She did a great job and even gave a little top water to them because she said the tops looked a little dry. Who knows maybe I'll make a ganja farmer out of her before she knows it haha.

They are due for a feeding of Gaia Green and Dolo water. I'll probably add some Raw Silica because I don't want the haze to get weak on me. They will be hitting the main tent here in a couple of days when I'm able to swap things around and clean.

Also I am thinking that I should name these girls because the strain names are getting too long to write every time. I think I'm going to call the Bermuda Zour, "Amelia", and the Cap Junky x Princess Haze, "Elsa".

Day I left, 1 week ago



Elsa, Cap Junky x Princess Haze

Amelia, Bermuda Zour
Beautiful G. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
It was exactly what I needed to recharge.
Beautiful Pictures I am going to pull up a seat for this grow and hope you do not mind. :thumb: 🍋
Thanks for coming in just watch out for Gee, no ones been around to keep an eye on him, so who knows what trouble he's gotten into 😂.
Looks just like Muskoka :thumb: Beautiful.
Glad you had a good time my friend.
Where approximately is it?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The lakes near port loring, but I know I drive through Muskoka lol you know your landscapes well. We are about 1.5 hours south east of North Bay.
It was exactly what I needed to recharge.

Thanks for coming in just watch out for Gee, no ones been around to keep an eye on him, so who knows what trouble he's gotten into 😂.

The lakes near port loring, but I know I drive through Muskoka lol you know your landscapes well. We are about 1.5 hours south east of North Bay.
Lived there a long time. :Namaste: very recognizable. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ok vacations over, laundry is in the wash and now we are back to the business at hand.

While I was gone I left my wife in charge of watering the girls. She was happy to see the auto water base because of how simple it was to top them off. She did a great job and even gave a little top water to them because she said the tops looked a little dry. Who knows maybe I'll make a ganja farmer out of her before she knows it haha.

They are due for a feeding of Gaia Green and Dolo water. I'll probably add some Raw Silica because I don't want the haze to get weak on me. They will be hitting the main tent here in a couple of days when I'm able to swap things around and clean.

Also I am thinking that I should name these girls because the strain names are getting too long to write every time. I think I'm going to call the Bermuda Zour, "Amelia", and the Cap Junky x Princess Haze, "Elsa".

Day I left, 1 week ago



Elsa, Cap Junky x Princess Haze

Amelia, Bermuda Zour
Wow G, your posts have made me quite upbeat. The lake photos are stunning and your wife had some explosive growth in those plants while you were gone. Nice to come back to that :) Welcome back to the internet!
So I'm taking my first Brix readings of this grow. I'm fairly new to this concept and @Gee64 has been helping me understand how this works and what you can decipher from the reading. I'm truly learning as I go so if any fellow Brixers have points, tips or corrections on the info I'm regurgitating please don't hesitate to post.

Elsa, very healthy and vibrant, her soil is drying much faster than her tent mate. Her Brix line is at 13% and slightly fuzzy.


Amelia, she is drooping slightly and I believe she is appearing over watered. I took her off the wicking base to allow her to dry out. She has a sharp line Brix at 7%.


So the most basic way to understand these numbers, is that the higher your Brix % is the healthier the plant and the fuzziness of the line is the calcium content. Gee explains it more in depth and more understandable in his GeeSpot thread but that's the most basic gist. You can visibly see the difference in the plants health and the Brix % reflects it.
So I'm taking my first Brix readings of this grow. I'm fairly new to this concept and @Gee64 has been helping me understand how this works and what you can decipher from the reading. I'm truly learning as I go so if any fellow Brixers have points, tips or corrections on the info I'm regurgitating please don't hesitate to post.

Elsa, very healthy and vibrant, her soil is drying much faster than her tent mate. Her Brix line is at 13% and slightly fuzzy.


Amelia, she is drooping slightly and I believe she is appearing over watered. I took her off the wicking base to allow her to dry out. She has a sharp line Brix at 7%.


So the most basic way to understand these numbers, is that the higher your Brix % is the healthier the plant and the fuzziness of the line is the calcium content. Gee explains it more in depth and more understandable in his GeeSpot thread but that's the most basic gist. You can visibly see the difference in the plants health and the Brix % reflects it.
13 is about the minimum that you want, as below 13 and bugs start to appear, or at least the potential is there for it. The one at 7 does look overly wet.

If you have good light and good mineral content, brix really comes down to 5 things. Carbon, oxygen, calcium, phosphorus, and microbes/fungii.

Start with calcium, because if it's correct then phosphorus intake increases and oxygen gets into the roots better.

I would definitely give them a shot of calmag, the 7 more so, but be careful. You don't want to give them too much at once.

Myself I put a half cup of prilled dolomite in a quart jar, fill it with water, shake the daylights out of it, then add it to my watering can 1 tablespoon at a time until it is about 80ppm, then water like normal with it.

You are far better off to water 3 times in a row with it than to water once at 240ppm. Too much at once will fry some leaves.

That will increase plant calcium and increase tilth in the soil, which increases soil O2 intake.

If the other is 13 then your mix is likely strong enough so I wouldn't do anything else yet, other than let them dry down to proper moisture content. Then give them another brix test and go from there.

I find that with Gaia and proper watering and calcium, 14-17 is pretty common if you start with 3 cups prilled dolomite, 1 cup oyster shell flour, and 1 cup prilled gypsum per 20 gallons of soil, and let the calciums cook for 2 weeks before you add the ammendments to cook in.

It should be an easy tweak to get that 7 to 13 like the other, and calcium falls out the bottom of the pot if it's too wet, so start there.
Amelia is perking up as she is drying out and Elsa is recovering nicely from her super cropping. They will be going under the screen this weekend hopefully to start the scrog process.

My garden produced some giants this year, not the onion lol. Those tomato seeds have been grown by our family for over 40 years and came from relatives that grew them in West Virginia since the early 1900's. We save the seeds from the best tomato, and plant them the following year. This tomato pictured is just shy of 4lbs and almost bigger than my hand lol.
Little update on these girls. They are chugging along and really growing nicely again. The over water issues have resolved and they are doing great if not a little hungry.


Amelia, sporting big kush leaves and that classic bush shape after topping.


Elsa, she's just about perfect and going to be a great Scrog candidate. She's showing more and more sativa traits as she grows.

I'll have a better post on weds when the get their top dressing.
Amelia is perking up as she is drying out and Elsa is recovering nicely from her super cropping. They will be going under the screen this weekend hopefully to start the scrog process.

My garden produced some giants this year, not the onion lol. Those tomato seeds have been grown by our family for over 40 years and came from relatives that grew them in West Virginia since the early 1900's. We save the seeds from the best tomato, and plant them the following year. This tomato pictured is just shy of 4lbs and almost bigger than my hand lol.
Thats a heck of a tomato! Or maybe you just have dainty hands like @Azimuth 🤣

That one is perfect for 1 slice sandwiches🥰

Did you grow it in a pot or in the ground?
Little update on these girls. They are chugging along and really growing nicely again. The over water issues have resolved and they are doing great if not a little hungry.


Amelia, sporting big kush leaves and that classic bush shape after topping.


Elsa, she's just about perfect and going to be a great Scrog candidate. She's showing more and more sativa traits as she grows.

I'll have a better post on weds when the get their top dressing.
Those are some bushy plants G 😍. They should produce well!😎 This will be a fun run into flower. They have really grown since uppot.

Have you checked brix lately, I'm wondering how Amelia is doing?

How long til flower now, 2-3 more weeks?
I'mThats a heck of a tomato! Or maybe you just have dainty hands like @Azimuth 🤣

That one is perfect for 1 slice sandwiches🥰

Did you grow it in a pot or in the ground?
Haha dainty hands makes everything look bigger... But for me that's just a big tomato haha. I have a raised bed I grow veggies in, nothing huge, don't have the room or the sunlight for it.
Those are some bushy plants G 😍. They should produce well!😎 This will be a fun run into flower. They have really grown since uppot.

Have you checked brix lately, I'm wondering how Amelia is doing?

How long til flower now, 2-3 more weeks?
Ya they are loving the up pot right now. Amelia is still sitting at 11 with a semi fuzzy line, and Elsa is at 14 and fuzzy. Ya I need to get them into the bigger tent but that's occupied by a couple plants in flower. I can swap them around I just haven't had the time yet. But I want to get them under the screen for a couple weeks, especially that haze because she looks awfully sativa-ish.
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