They are different strains. One appears to be sativa dominant and the other is definitely indica

Actually this one has been drying out faster than the 20 and is throwing out a ton of growth. I was thinking it may have something to do with the calcium being slightly out of whack.

Not yet but she's about ready for a trim before flip. Its an interesting plant all the main branches are stout but with little secondary branches coming off them.
Are both pots from the same batch of soil?
Are both pots from the same batch of soil?
Hey sorry Gee I missed this question. Yep all 10 Gallons came from the same bag and was mixed thoroughly with the amendments.

I'm thinking that for what ever reason my soil mix is lacking something that haze strains need. I seem to run into deficiencies on sativa leaning strains and I've been mixing my soil on all three grows the same. Now that I'm testing Brix, the lower Brix kind shows that they really aren't as healthy in veg as they look, even though a deficiency hasn't shown up yet.

I was going to check them again to see if things are maintaining or improving this weekend but it was a busy weekend. So the update for the weekend is they are still alive and got 1 gallon of RO added to the swick base lol. I am planning on flipping them on Wednesday as long as they are healthy, Elsa is going to need a bigger net haha.
Quick update on the girls post tucking today. Elsa is about to completely fill the net and Amelia is about to do her best to catch her tent mate. The flip may have to wait a couple more days because Amelia is showing a small deficiency. We will get her fixed up and off to the races.



Hello mate, thought I would put a message on here so I don’t lose meself :rofl:
How’s things going ?
I see the pic you put up with the strange growing one on the left, I had a similar problem in one of my first grows
I raised the light a little and it seemed to sort itself out :thumb:
Hey welcome welcome! All I ask is that you don't let the "P" cat out haha he's kinda squirrely.

It gets crazy with all those notifications 😂 I get lost all the time.

Thanks to everyone's suggestions I believe I'll be getting her back on track. Also I may have overlooked one major issue which my wife pointed out to me.
I forget to post my contest picture for photo of the month so I'll put a couple here that I was considering. Also digital loupes are awesome and very helpful.
Hey welcome welcome! All I ask is that you don't let the "P" cat out haha he's kinda squirrely.

It gets crazy with all those notifications 😂 I get lost all the time.

Thanks to everyone's suggestions I believe I'll be getting her back on track. Also I may have overlooked one major issue which my wife pointed out to me.
Cheers mate for the invite,
So what did your wife point out ?
Cheers mate for the invite,
So what did your wife point out ?
That she's been at home and turning off the A/C during the day. I didn't even think that could be an issue because by the time I got home to check on the plants everything had cooled off.

I've added in a humidifier and lowered the light intensity to 50%. I am trying to maintain a VPD of 0.8-1.0. I can't believe that I let my environment get so far out of whack.

Everyone was overdue for a haircut to help thin out under the canopy. I always hate removing the large fan leaves that get no light but I want to force the tops to grow.

Pre cut tent shot


Post cut





That she's been at home and turning off the A/C during the day. I didn't even think that could be an issue because by the time I got home to check on the plants everything had cooled off.

I've added in a humidifier and lowered the light intensity to 50%. I am trying to maintain a VPD of 0.8-1.0. I can't believe that I let my environment get so far out of whack.

Everyone was overdue for a haircut to help thin out under the canopy. I always hate removing the large fan leaves that get no light but I want to force the tops to grow.

Pre cut tent shot


Post cut





O’Dear lol, well at least she helped in pointing it out :rofl:

And the trimmings cool mate, your still in veg so it’s quickly gunna fill back in :thumb:

And that brix thing, I was reading a post when gee was talking about it to you, your aiming for 20+ before you switch is that correct ?
O’Dear lol, well at least she helped in pointing it out :rofl:

And the trimmings cool mate, your still in veg so it’s quickly gunna fill back in :thumb:

And that brix thing, I was reading a post when gee was talking about it to you, your aiming for 20+ before you switch is that correct ?
Yep the all that undergrowth just sucks nutrients that should be going to the tops. I didn't do as thorough of a job on my last grow and it was a pain after the stretch.

As far as the Brix, I've been trying to shoot for over 15. I think Gee gets a consistent number of 18-20 with the Gaia Green. I'm hoping that by reusing this soil on the next grow I can get it even higher. I believe @Gee64 explained it like this, each time the soil gets used the microbes adapt to your specific environment. After reusing and amending those microbes are ready to roll right out of the gate. This soil I'm using is 75% new and 25% last grows. After this grow I'll be probably be 25% new and 75% old, then all old stuff after that. I didn't have a soil bin to store the old stuff but I do now.

Damn!! How did I miss this???

All caught up now and looking great!!

Lol I was going to tag you when I flipped. No one likes that boring Veg time and your ghosts are keeping you busy. Also I like that hashtag haha I'm probably going to borrow that.
#fullnets :ganjamon:
Yep the all that undergrowth just sucks nutrients that should be going to the tops. I didn't do as thorough of a job on my last grow and it was a pain after the stretch.
Take the side branches but leave the fans. If the fans become too inefficient from lack of light the plant will suck them completely dry on it's own, it knows what it's doing, but leaves are batteries full of minerals, so if you run a deficiency those batteries buy you time to correct it.

Better the bottom shady leaves buffer the deficiency than the ones above inbthe light that you need to photosynthesize sugars.

Side branches are excellent to store in the freezer, crush when frozen into a meal, and mixed into your tub of cooking soil. Larf too. Plants are what they eat.
As far as the Brix, I've been trying to shoot for over 15. I think Gee gets a consistent number of 18-20 with the Gaia Green. I'm hoping that by reusing this soil on the next grow I can get it even higher.
You are actually ahead of me with Gaia. I saw it, looked at it, and thought WOW!! What a great product! It's like over the counter brix -in-a-bag that is relatively cheap if you buy the 10kg sacks, so I tried it.

1st grow I got 12-14's and it became apparent quickly that it needed calcium put into the soil and cooked in to make it work right, so 2nd run with no reused soil I started with the calcium levels Rev's recipes use, then added Gaia and pulled 17's and 18's with just EWC and fish water, no spikes or Gaia top dressings until flower. Thats as far as I took it.

I prefer Rev's mix even tho it's expensive and labour intense, but Gaia is very good stuff and so simple to use. It can literally take a new grower to the upper deck immediately. I like how you are combining the 2, I think thats the key to your success with it. Carry on, I'm watching and learning. 👍👊
I believe @Gee64 explained it like this, each time the soil gets used the microbes adapt to your specific environment. After reusing and amending those microbes are ready to roll right out of the gate.
Almost, they actually adapt to specific strains more than environment, but do adapt to both. Your soil from this grow will innoculate your next batch very well regardless of whether or not it's the same strain, but if you have a favorite strain you grow regularly then keeping that soil seperate and cycling will really dial your grow in.
This soil I'm using is 75% new and 25% last grows. After this grow I'll be probably be 25% new and 75% old, then all old stuff after that. I didn't have a soil bin to store the old stuff but I do now.
You say that now, but 25% is enough to innoculate your next grow and Gaia makes growing everything easy, so you will find that sooner or later you need to share the used soil to grow more things🤣

Pretty soon you won't have enough so you will end up with plants everywhere just like me solely to provide good compost and good used soil. It's a sickness... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!🤣
Lol I was going to tag you when I flipped. No one likes that boring Veg time and your ghosts are keeping you busy. Also I like that hashtag haha I'm probably going to borrow that.
#fullnets :ganjamon:
#fullnets... Thats a gooder! 🥰👊
Take the side branches but leave the fans. If the fans become too inefficient from lack of light the plant will suck them completely dry on it's own, it knows what it's doing, but leaves are batteries full of minerals, so if you run a deficiency those batteries buy you time to correct it.

Better the bottom shady leaves buffer the deficiency than the ones above inbthe light that you need to photosynthesize sugars.

Side branches are excellent to store in the freezer, crush when frozen into a meal, and mixed into your tub of cooking soil. Larf too. Plants are what they eat.

You are actually ahead of me with Gaia. I saw it, looked at it, and thought WOW!! What a great product! It's like over the counter brix -in-a-bag that is relatively cheap if you buy the 10kg sacks, so I tried it.

1st grow I got 12-14's and it became apparent quickly that it needed calcium put into the soil and cooked in to make it work right, so 2nd run with no reused soil I started with the calcium levels Rev's recipes use, then added Gaia and pulled 17's and 18's with just EWC and fish water, no spikes or Gaia top dressings until flower. Thats as far as I took it.

I prefer Rev's mix even tho it's expensive and labour intense, but Gaia is very good stuff and so simple to use. It can literally take a new grower to the upper deck immediately. I like how you are combining the 2, I think thats the key to your success with it. Carry on, I'm watching and learning. 👍👊

Almost, they actually adapt to specific strains more than environment, but do adapt to both. Your soil from this grow will innoculate your next batch very well regardless of whether or not it's the same strain, but if you have a favorite strain you grow regularly then keeping that soil seperate and cycling will really dial your grow in.

You say that now, but 25% is enough to innoculate your next grow and Gaia makes growing everything easy, so you will find that sooner or later you need to share the used soil to grow more things🤣

Pretty soon you won't have enough so you will end up with plants everywhere just like me solely to provide good compost and good used soil. It's a sickness... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!🤣

#fullnets... Thats a gooder! 🥰👊
Haha my wife would be unhappy with plants everywhere. P cat would be pumped though. I talked to my local grow store and asked if they were going to get the big bags of Gaia Green in because I'm starting to go through the buckets quicker now.

So I want to start a batch of soil here pretty soon, about 45 days before I want the seed to transplant. Do you have any suggestions on how I should ratio my mix? I'm open to trying anything. Lol this plant will be in my 2x2 as kinda an experiment to tinker with Brix. 5 Gallon fabric pot and the usual stuff I've been using.
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