Haha dainty hands makes everything look bigger... But for me that's just a big tomato haha. I have a raised bed I grow veggies in, nothing huge, don't have the room or the sunlight for it.

Ya they are loving the up pot right now. Amelia is still sitting at 11 with a semi fuzzy line, and Elsa is at 14 and fuzzy. Ya I need to get them into the bigger tent but that's occupied by a couple plants in flower. I can swap them around I just haven't had the time yet. But I want to get them under the screen for a couple weeks, especially that haze because she looks awfully sativa-ish.
11 is a good distance ahead from last week, She's on her way😊. Get that semi-fuzzy line up to fuzzy and she will cross the line. 3 or 4 dolo-waters with a fish water mixed in, and an extra helping of EWC will jack her up.

My experience tells me that before flower you really want to brix at 17 minimum for best results. Lower will still give great results, but if you are 17 or above she is photosynthesizing enough to show you what she really has, what the seed breeder claimed was in there.
11 is a good distance ahead from last week, She's on her way😊. Get that semi-fuzzy line up to fuzzy and she will cross the line. 3 or 4 dolo-waters with a fish water mixed in, and an extra helping of EWC will jack her up.

My experience tells me that before flower you really want to brix at 17 minimum for best results. Lower will still give great results, but if you are 17 or above she is photosynthesizing enough to show you what she really has, what the seed breeder claimed was in there.
Just so happens this week is due for EWC and Recharge.

Couple of questions regarding Gaia Green feeding. Should I amend with a little Gaia Green Mineralized Phosphate on top of my usual Gaia Green feeding? I'll be about 3 weeks before flower. I amended at 1tbsp/gallon at the up pot. Should I be using all 4-4-4 until flip or do you split it up with 2-8-4?

This is my current Veg feeding schedule-
1 tbsp/gallon 444, weekly
2 cups EWC, bi-weekly
5 ml/gallon Fish Ferts, bi-weekly, opposite the EWC
1 tsp/gallon Recharge bi-weekly
40 mL of Dolomite water, comes out around 35-45ppm, every other watering, about once a week
1/4 tsp Raw Silica monthly
Just so happens this week is due for EWC and Recharge.

Couple of questions regarding Gaia Green feeding. Should I amend with a little Gaia Green Mineralized Phosphate on top of my usual Gaia Green feeding? I'll be about 3 weeks before flower.
I believe it's never too early to start phosphorus breakdown, as it's hard to mine quickly and plants need a little bit more P every day than they did the day before right from the day they sprout.

That doesn't mean they need tons of P, just a smidge more every day as they increase in size.

P is instrumental to many things with photosynthesis at the top of the list, and if you want brix to go up you need more photosynthesis, so I wouldn't hesitate to add some now.

It will be a week before any of it gets assimilated, and 3 weeks until it's really becoming readily available. Just in time for flip and stretch, and stretch is very demanding, so now is the perfect time.

I amended at 1tbsp/gallon at the up pot. Should I be using all 4-4-4 until flip or do you split it up with 2-8-4?
I prefer using 2-8-4 all the way thru, but I generally sprout in final container or go from solo to final.

4-4-4 will grow a bigger plant faster, 2-8-4 is a slower growing plant with higher brix, and I grow sativas so anything that slows them down and raises brix is good for me.

You on the other hand scrog, so faster vegging is desired. So this one is your call.

If you think you can fill your scrog then you are better off with some 2-8-4 mixed in, say half and half with 4-4-4, but if you need fast growth still then stick with 4-4-4 and some guano (mineralized phosphate) for early P, and make guano part of your top dressing routine until you switch to 2-8-4 which has guano in it.
This is my current Veg feeding schedule-
1 tbsp/gallon 444, weekly
2 cups EWC, bi-weekly
5 ml/gallon Fish Ferts, bi-weekly, opposite the EWC
1 tsp/gallon Recharge bi-weekly
40 mL of Dolomite water, comes out around 35-45ppm, every other watering, about once a week
1/4 tsp Raw Silica monthly
That looks good, but if your calcium line needs improving I would use dolo water at those rates, or a bit higher, (I'm at 75ppm right now but only because these RVDV clones go thru a lot of calcium) every watering for a few waterings to get your line perfectly fuzzy, then back off to a frequency that maintains that perfect fuzziness.

As soon as the line is less than perfect it's time for more dolowater. It can't really be scheduled, you need to read the plants to know when it's needed.

More applications of dolowater is better than less applications at high ppms, but most strains can easily handle up to 75ppm.
I believe it's never too early to start phosphorus breakdown, as it's hard to mine quickly and plants need a little bit more P every day than they did the day before right from the day they sprout.

That doesn't mean they need tons of P, just a smidge more every day as they increase in size.

P is instrumental to many things with photosynthesis at the top of the list, and if you want brix to go up you need more photosynthesis, so I wouldn't hesitate to add some now.

It will be a week before any of it gets assimilated, and 3 weeks until it's really becoming readily available. Just in time for flip and stretch, and stretch is very demanding, so now is the perfect time.

I prefer using 2-8-4 all the way thru, but I generally sprout in final container or go from solo to final.

4-4-4 will grow a bigger plant faster, 2-8-4 is a slower growing plant with higher brix, and I grow sativas so anything that slows them down and raises brix is good for me.

You on the other hand scrog, so faster vegging is desired. So this one is your call.

If you think you can fill your scrog then you are better off with some 2-8-4 mixed in, say half and half with 4-4-4, but if you need fast growth still then stick with 4-4-4 and some guano (mineralized phosphate) for early P, and make guano part of your top dressing routine until you switch to 2-8-4 which has guano in it.

That looks good, but if your calcium line needs improving I would use dolo water at those rates, or a bit higher, (I'm at 75ppm right now but only because these RVDV clones go thru a lot of calcium) every watering for a few waterings to get your line perfectly fuzzy, then back off to a frequency that maintains that perfect fuzziness.

As soon as the line is less than perfect it's time for more dolowater. It can't really be scheduled, you need to read the plants to know when it's needed.

More applications of dolowater is better than less applications at high ppms, but most strains can easily handle up to 75ppm.
Awesome thanks for all the info! It's hard to find Gaia Green info for whatever reason People really should try it lol it's easy to use and adapt.
I'm in need more growth right now so I went with 4Tbsp of 444 and 1Tbsp of 284, along with 3Tbsp of Phosphate and 2 cups of EWC. I did 50ppm of Dolomite water for both plants and I will check the Brix in a day or so, hoping to be heading into the mid teens after the EWC feedings.

This will be the last general watering for the 2 plants and the next watering will be tailored to each plants specific needs. Elsa (haze cross) is really healthy and seems to just eat whatever I throw at her. Amelia (kush cross) seems to be lacking something just slightly but could be her slight over watering early on in her up pot, but I will keep an eye on her.

They were moved to the freshly swept 4x2 tent and trimmed up. I removed the lower growth up about 4", because last grow I left it and it's a pain to work around. The screen was set at 20" and the plants were centered under it. The screen is 24"ish away from the lights and the lights are turned up to 80% and will stay there for the rest of the grow .

P cat supervising as usual

Pre trim tent shot

Amelia (NASC Bermuda Zour)

Post trim

Amelia (Cap Junky x Princess Haze)

Post trim

Elsa is much larger and was able to fill more of the screen, but I did have one of her main tops get whacked off on accident. This won't be a big deal as she has many nice branches to fill in. Amelia has some catching up to do but showing really nice growth coming in. I doubt she fills the screen by flip time but hopefully it will be close 🤞.

Tent shot post netting
It's been a long couple of days since I posted about these girls. I haven't had much time to spend with them, just a quick look in and tuck job if possible. I snapped a quick pick Saturday and then today. Also I finally got around to trying my digital loupe I bought a while back.



New loupe who dis?

It's been a long couple of days since I posted about these girls. I haven't had much time to spend with them, just a quick look in and tuck job if possible. I snapped a quick pick Saturday and then today. Also I finally got around to trying my digital loupe I bought a while back.



New loupe who dis?

That loupe works well! Beautiful shots😍

What brand/model? got a picture of it?
That loupe works well! Beautiful shots😍

What brand/model? got a picture of it?

I got it on the Zon...
Wireless Digital Microscope, Skybasic 50X-1000X Magnification WiFi Portable Handheld Microscopes with Adjustable Stand HD USB Microscope Camera Compatible with iPhone Android iPad Windows Mac Computer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DVFBVPF?tag=420magazine0f-20

It wasn't priced bad for the ease of use and it connected right to my phone, plus the test shots were pretty good.
Did a little check in on the girls today before they get there food tomorrow. Seem to be drinking slightly more than last week as both pots top 2" were dry. They are going to get 1 maybe 2 more weeks under the Veg lights and then time to flip. Elsa (right side) is really filling the screen and post flip she should cover her half of the net. Amelia (left side) has about 6-8 large branches and minimal under growth. She won't probably fill the scrog but have decent size colas.


Amelia - NASC Bermuda Zour



Elsa - Brothers Grimm Cap Junky x Princess Haze



The feeding schedule for tomorrow will be
1 Tbsp - Gaia Green 4-4-4
4 Tbsp - Gaia Green 2-8-4
5 ml/gallon - Neptune's Harvest 2-4-1
Elsa will get 40 mL - Dolomite water
Amelia will get plain RO
Did a little check in on the girls today before they get there food tomorrow. Seem to be drinking slightly more than last week as both pots top 2" were dry. They are going to get 1 maybe 2 more weeks under the Veg lights and then time to flip. Elsa (right side) is really filling the screen and post flip she should cover her half of the net. Amelia (left side) has about 6-8 large branches and minimal under growth. She won't probably fill the scrog but have decent size colas.


Amelia - NASC Bermuda Zour



Elsa - Brothers Grimm Cap Junky x Princess Haze



The feeding schedule for tomorrow will be
1 Tbsp - Gaia Green 4-4-4
4 Tbsp - Gaia Green 2-8-4
5 ml/gallon - Neptune's Harvest 2-4-1
Elsa will get 40 mL - Dolomite water
Amelia will get plain RO
Nice G! The plants look great🥰 The brix and your calcium are fantastic!

That 18-18.5 is higher than I could get Gaia to brix, your blend of veg and flower is a great idea.

I hope you can break 20, the plants get greener and the leaves get a velvety feel to them. You may already be able to see/feel it starting on Amelia.

Once more, Gaia for the win👍 That stuff is awesome. You can't beat it for the price and ease.

Isn't it great to be able to monitor it and keep calcium problems at bay. It lets you know if your on the right track.

Well done Dude, I can't wait to see the colas rise👍👊😊.
Nice G! The plants look great🥰 The brix and your calcium are fantastic!

That 18-18.5 is higher than I could get Gaia to brix, your blend of veg and flower is a great idea.

I hope you can break 20, the plants get greener and the leaves get a velvety feel to them. You may already be able to see/feel it starting on Amelia.

Once more, Gaia for the win👍 That stuff is awesome. You can't beat it for the price and ease.

Isn't it great to be able to monitor it and keep calcium problems at bay. It lets you know if your on the right track.

Well done Dude, I can't wait to see the colas rise👍👊😊.
Thanks Gee! It really is convenient to see how healthy your plants are and that calcium line is a game changer because I have had issues with calcium in every haze I've grown so I want it to get it right before the flip.
Hey there Growmie your girls are looking happy buddy!! Can't wait to see them blossom out!! Happy Wednesday!! 😎✌️
Thanks Scottay! I'm getting pumped for the flip to see what they have to offer but trying to not rush it hahaha. The stalk on Amelia is getting thick and looks to be ready for some heavy weight. Have a great Wednesday :headbanger:
Thanks Gee! It really is convenient to see how healthy your plants are and that calcium line is a game changer because I have had issues with calcium in every haze I've grown so I want it to get it right before the flip.

Thanks Scottay! I'm getting pumped for the flip to see what they have to offer but trying to not rush it hahaha. The stalk on Amelia is getting thick and looks to be ready for some heavy weight. Have a great Wednesday :headbanger:
As you get deeper in you will see that some strains prefer microbial dominance in the soil, and some prefer fungal dominance, and that is a PH thing, fungal likes a slightly lower PH, and that is all dictated by calcium for the most part, and of course calcium's ratio with magnesium.

So some grows do better with a few microbial teas, and some with no teas but more fish water to boost fungii. And some from both. Both are the easy growing strains.

The easiest way to get thru this is to let fungii become dominant early on, then add microbial teas if needed.

It's easy to make fungal soil more microbial, but the other way around is harder as microbes like to eat fungii so if it isn't dominant 1st it's hard to establish later.

And some can benefit from some extra added gypsum as it provides calcium but no magnesium.

Now that you can monitor it all you will see what I mean.

Brix will let you know if you made the right adjustment.

Then you will quickly want a worm farm to make it all go round and round and to feed all those high brix trimmings to.🤣
Here's a cool brixing tip. If there is a substantial brix difference from lower to mid to top leaves on your plant, not a 1-3 difference, but a bigger difference, you need more phosphorus, as it's almost immobile in soil, but very mobile in a plant, and without enough it will constantly move P to the top of the plant.

It doesn't necessarily mean you have a P deficiency, so you won't see it in the leaves, but it does mean that you could use a bit more for full potential of the plant.
As you get deeper in you will see that some strains prefer microbial dominance in the soil, and some prefer fungal dominance, and that is a PH thing, fungal likes a slightly lower PH, and that is all dictated by calcium for the most part, and of course calcium's ratio with magnesium.

So some grows do better with a few microbial teas, and some with no teas but more fish water to boost fungii. And some from both. Both are the easy growing strains.

The easiest way to get thru this is to let fungii become dominant early on, then add microbial teas if needed.

It's easy to make fungal soil more microbial, but the other way around is harder as microbes like to eat fungii so if it isn't dominant 1st it's hard to establish later.

And some can benefit from some extra added gypsum as it provides calcium but no magnesium.

Now that you can monitor it all you will see what I mean.

Brix will let you know if you made the right adjustment.

Then you will quickly want a worm farm to make it all go round and round and to feed all those high brix trimmings to.🤣
So I am getting ready to recycle/refresh my last 2 grows soil but I have to clean the garage first before getting a soil cooking tote set up (wifes orders). What she doesn't realize is that there maybe a 2-3 tier small worm farm sliding into the garage as well 😂. The hunt for 20+ Brix is on and also I have way to many leaves, larf and stems being wasted.

By the way my soil was extra tilthy today. It is cool to see the fuzzy calcium line on the refractometer yesterday and the fluffy soil even after the watering/feeding today.
The girls post feeding update. This was the first time I was able to test Brix the day after feeding. Its given some interesting results and maybe @Gee64 can give some insight into the results I got.


This was Elsa's Brix today, almost the exact same as it was on Tuesday maybe slightly fuzzier on the calcium line.

Amelia's Brix is at the 20 mark. I tested this twice with two different leaves because I thought I got a bad reading. They both came out at and over 20. I'm surprised at the increase and how fast it moved up. Also that the other plant saw no increase at the moment.

Leaf that was tested. Really great green color

Also I have the seedling mat set to keep the soil above 71° and P cat is loving it.
The girls post feeding update. This was the first time I was able to test Brix the day after feeding. Its given some interesting results and maybe @Gee64 can give some insight into the results I got.


This was Elsa's Brix today, almost the exact same as it was on Tuesday maybe slightly fuzzier on the calcium line.

Amelia's Brix is at the 20 mark. I tested this twice with two different leaves because I thought I got a bad reading. They both came out at and over 20. I'm surprised at the increase and how fast it moved up. Also that the other plant saw no increase at the moment.

Leaf that was tested. Really great green color

Also I have the seedling mat set to keep the soil above 71° and P cat is loving it.
The difference in brix could be a lot of different things. Different strains, and different pheno's of the same strain can all brix differently. Some can photosynthesize more than others.

The myco in one pot may be healthier than in the other as well. Is the 15 wetter by chance?

Anything over a 20 is excellent! Well done!🥰👊.

Did you cut a clone of the one that broke 20?
The difference in brix could be a lot of different things. Different strains, and different pheno's of the same strain can all brix differently. Some can photosynthesize more than others.
They are different strains. One appears to be sativa dominant and the other is definitely indica
The myco in one pot may be healthier than in the other as well. Is the 15 wetter by chance?
Actually this one has been drying out faster than the 20 and is throwing out a ton of growth. I was thinking it may have something to do with the calcium being slightly out of whack.
Anything over a 20 is excellent! Well done!🥰👊.

Did you cut a clone of the one that broke 20?
Not yet but she's about ready for a trim before flip. Its an interesting plant all the main branches are stout but with little secondary branches coming off them.
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