I was able to get up and check the girls Brix this morning, about 11 hours under the lights.

Elsa came in at 16-17 with a mildly fuzzy line. Amelia was at minimum 18 with a super fuzzy line, it was hard to gauge where the middle of the line was but 18 is probably conservative and I'm happy with it.

This week's menu is fish ferts and full bloom nutes. I may mix in a light ppm Dolomite Water for Elsa because she seems to need more Calcium than her tent mate.
Nice G! Those are great readings, and if there is room for improvement on the calcium line then brix will jump up a bit more too.

Not every strain is capable of cracking 20. Some strains, for whatever reasons, just can't photosynthesize at rates as high as others, so if you get to 18 you are crossing into territory that is close to the ceiling. I haven't found a strain yet that can't reach 18, but lots of strains can't get over 20. I find only about 1 in 4 on average that can reach 21 and even less that can reach 22. pure sativas and kushes seem to have the best chances of over a 21. Hybrids seem to rarely break 20.

How is the soil surface?
Thanks @Kaldean, I think they are ready to produce some healthy buds. Amelia has always had a darker green to her leaves from the get go so I'm thinking that it's genetics. I'll get a good Brix reading on both of them later tonight to see how they are.

I do have them on the wicking bases but I'm not utilizing them unless I'm traveling for work. It's kind of an in case of emergency deal. Once the plants are wove into the netting it can be a real bummer if you have to change plant heights.

1.5 liters seems to be the sweet spot as far as drying out within the 3ish days right now. I top feed every Wednesday and need the soil relatively dry. I anticipate increasing the watering frequency on these girls probably to every 2 days. I've had issues with overwatering in the past and increasing the frequency and not the amount seems to help keep me in the good lol.
With ya mate @g-one-three
So your top feeding like me, and your measuring, maybe thats one of my many problems, I water until I start getting run off, and im thinking I’m wetting them too much, it’s taking mine at least 5 days to dry out,
That’s the reason I’m looking at getting the same wick feeding pots you have, to hopefully eliminate my watering problems
And I just see that you managed to brix em, great numbers mate, good stuff 👏🏻👏🏻
:thumb: :adore:
With ya mate @g-one-three
So your top feeding like me, and your measuring, maybe thats one of my many problems, I water until I start getting run off, and im thinking I’m wetting them too much, it’s taking mine at least 5 days to dry out,
That’s the reason I’m looking at getting the same wick feeding pots you have, to hopefully eliminate my watering problems
And I just see that you managed to brix em, great numbers mate, good stuff 👏🏻👏🏻
:thumb: :adore:
Ya I was kind of doing the same thing last grow and over did it. I'm finding that consistency is making the plants happier or it's making it harder for the grower to overdo it haha.

Nice G! Those are great readings, and if there is room for improvement on the calcium line then brix will jump up a bit more too.

Not every strain is capable of cracking 20. Some strains, for whatever reasons, just can't photosynthesize at rates as high as others, so if you get to 18 you are crossing into territory that is close to the ceiling. I haven't found a strain yet that can't reach 18, but lots of strains can't get over 20. I find only about 1 in 4 on average that can reach 21 and even less that can reach 22. pure sativas and kushes seem to have the best chances of over a 21. Hybrids seem to rarely break 20.
So I hit 20 once on Amelia (kush strain) but I had to be riding the rails and picked up that slight lock out. I'm going to be hitting her with the fish nutes and EWC this week to see if I can push her up into 20. I'm happy with where both plants are right now but may try to push it just a hair more.
How is the soil surface?
It is super nice and fluffy. I'm even seeing some of those top fine white roots when I'm tilling the top 1" before watering.
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