New City Grower 2.0

Quote Originally Posted by Cannafan View Post
Hmmmm....I predict some photos coming up here....shortly....

Can't get anything past you, can I Partner?
I'm surprised you didn't ask me how I knew......

OK, I give. How did you know?

I still am in shock at how beautiful everything looks.... Baby Girl you rock..:yahoo:..
STOP Already! You guys have her head so big she needs a neck brace to hold it up.

I love what I'm seeing here :)
Did you peep that solo cup plant that exploding without hardly any veg time B?

As Always, thanxx for the tip NorCal & the Sleestack X Skunk is regular if I remember correctly Jaga.
hey BAR does 66 have a journal?
if not send him to mine I hit the link you left in your post
took me to skunny's page right about where he asked the question
skunny answered him tho I don't know how much more I could tell him but if hes got height issues just send em to my journal and he can see what im doing with sour diesel and if he has any questions he can ask me there
Nov 5, 2014​

I don't know if he has a journal Cronic but I directed him to yours & directed you to him. I can't do more than that.

Ronnie, Fifi answered it exactly how I would of. I'd also like to add that it takes a lot less time in veg than any other method to get an extremely bushy plant.

(Unknown Strain) Day 127 / Day 52 under 12/12

A little defol action.





You know the old saying Cronic; "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
Good evening weed BAR. Looking good. Nice to have someone around to take care of things. You probably have done it but how do you like the royal medic and smoke? :yummy::rollit::passitleft:


NURSE BETTY (Royal Medic) Harvested on my birthday; Aug 1, 2014


She passes the "I'll be proud to share with a smoke buddy who shares nothing but good stuff with me" Test! Rolling in at an exceptional 6 minus the body vibrations it's ultra mellow & Lester type relaxing. It can definitely relieve some anxiety; no wonder they call it ROYAL MEDIC.
The aroma & flavor can be best described as "WEED". It doesn't smell or taste special nor exotic but as I'm sure we all know those two characteristics can be misleading.

I keep noticing your plants get healthier & healthier looking every grow. I know that probably applies to all of us, but yours stand out to me anyway.
I can't wait until you get more light (& you will I bet. Xmas is coming too).
What's the point if we're not improving Cajun and how can one not improve with all the help & support that comes along with being a :420: member...
Good morning BAR. I'm back. New and improved. will post some pics soon and the clones are coming along. Upgraded my room to 3 600 Watt and will harvest soon. By the way, I remember your street girl when you adopted her. She's looking good.
Yes I'm back D. baby. had to take a 420 break because I was researching how to invest in stocks and I'm not a good mult-tasker. Alibaba was the one I settled on and it grew like a weed right out the pot.
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