Lady Cannafan Puts On The Gloves - RQS x Mike Tyson 2.0 -Clash Of Titans 3 Strains

The plant from the last two pics was taken as a clone from Banana Jealousy plant during veg.
I believe I planted it May 6 in the ground outside near the house.

Here's what it looked like on April 13th in the solo cup. It is flowering now, but staying pretty short out there.


:rofl: Well that’s why I thought it was a reveg not revegging, instead flowering! LOL It’s cuz it IS flowering! :rofl: It’s takes a bit for me lil pea brain to get it!:idea:But, it took your images and the right info too! :rofl:

Gees! No matter what, you sure get every bit outta your plants! Those were huge reveg pics on some of your girls - harvest them and then set them free outside to give again! I love everything about your grows. Everything. Can I come live with you?
That purple reveg plant is a White Widow, and I had named it B-59 after a member named "bassman59". So part of the mystery solved, but I can't remember why I named it after him...... :laughtwo:

Ahhh....I went back in time and discovered I had named it in honor of him when he had become a fallen warrior to the unjust cannabis laws.
The laws sucked and still do in so many areas of the world.
The reason I left here in 2017 was due to a major scare with the feds and "illegal activity". We are now a legal state, thank the cannabis Gods.
My first photo grow was ala Bassman59 style. He did some heavy defoliating for a while and I needed to slow a tent full down to let some autos finish, my first grow. I had a heck of a run with his method! Wouldn't care to re-run it but it served me well then. All that defoliating just takes so much time! When all was said and done they finished healthy!
My first photo grow was ala Bassman59 style. He did some heavy defoliating for a while and I needed to slow a tent full down to let some autos finish, my first grow. I had a heck of a run with his method! Wouldn't care to re-run it but it served me well then. All that defoliating just takes so much time! When all was said and done they finished healthy!
Yep, I remember doing the same with heavy defoliating back then. I do a little now, but nothing to that extreme anymore. I wasn't in the habit of clearing out lower "larf" in many of my earlier grows, but I do it now more regularly.

I am seriously considering some Auto's for next springs' 1st grow. I had my mind set against them, but as I looked through some of my earlier grows with them, they weren't too bad. I'm more experienced now, I'm thinking I can improve those results satisfactorily.
Gelato 44 Clone outside came down today. I would like to have waited a few more days, but I went out to look it over and found a lower bud with bud rot. I wasn't about to let that keep going, so chop chop.
She's hanging out on the deck with a nice breeze going on, and I will bring it in tomorrow. Found one spider mite started on it, so I don't want to take a chance on those inside.
You are always on top of things, Lady! :high-five::thumb:And noticing a single mite, well… do you wear glasses? I’d be lost without my readers and jewelers loupe! Even instructions written in tiny print, egads!:nerd-with-glasses:

Let’s see… I also have COPD (and other issues) and quit drinking (only 1 or 2 every few years). We do have a bit in common. I’m finding these things out by reading your past journals. Love every one! I’m NOT spying on you🕵️‍♀️ o_O:laughtwo:
You are always on top of things, Lady! :high-five::thumb:And noticing a single mite, well… do you wear glasses? I’d be lost without my readers and jewelers loupe! Even instructions written in tiny print, egads!:nerd-with-glasses:

Let’s see… I also have COPD (and other issues) and quit drinking (only 1 or 2 every few years). We do have a bit in common. I’m finding these things out by reading your past journals. Love every one! I’m NOT spying on you🕵️‍♀️ o_O:laughtwo:
:thanks:I totally appreciate you reading through my journals! You are a good egg Granny Girl. 💞

COPD sucks. That's all I can say about that right now. UGH But, I brought it on myself, so I have no right to b*tch about it.

Spider mites.......spiders rule my existence here. I. Kid. You. Not.
I deal with them in some way or form every single day. Yes, I wear glasses but my eyes have become so trained to see even the tiniest webbing or string of a web, and I always follow it. They are there, just hiding and keeping a foot on that web string to feel for vibrations from a trapped critter.

Matter of fact, I went out to check on grapevines today, and of course I have to check in front of me wherever I go for those bat rastard 8 legged critters. This is what was in front of me when I started to step off the pergola. I have been taking this brats web down every day, and it builds another one during the night.

I had a play with adding a moon and making it look halloween-ish. I took the shot through a screened area. He's wrapping treats early for the kids, nice candied dragonfly. :cheesygrinsmiley:

:thanks:I totally appreciate you reading through my journals! You are a good egg Granny Girl. 💞

COPD sucks. That's all I can say about that right now. UGH But, I brought it on myself, so I have no right to b*tch about it.

Spider mites.......spiders rule my existence here. I. Kid. You. Not.
I deal with them in some way or form every single day. Yes, I wear glasses but my eyes have become so trained to see even the tiniest webbing or string of a web, and I always follow it. They are there, just hiding and keeping a foot on that web string to feel for vibrations from a trapped critter.

Matter of fact, I went out to check on grapevines today, and of course I have to check in front of me wherever I go for those bat rastard 8 legged critters. This is what was in front of me when I started to step off the pergola. I have been taking this brats web down every day, and it builds another one during the night.

I had a play with adding a moon and making it look halloween-ish. I took the shot through a screened area. He's wrapping treats early for the kids, nice candied dragonfly. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Ahahaaaa! Simply Goulish! 🎃👻 You do have a fun love of images and that love shows. Awesome pic!
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