New City Grower 2.0

Well, I love Corgi's and think they are very smart little dogs. When we had a dog, Ozzy was a white shepherd. I want a puppy, but Mark is not having it. The parrot is really enough. Eh, he's right. I do miss having a dog. I miss taking our long daily walks, but he's been gone now for a long time.

So no ankle biter you! Corgi's are not like that. Not yappy at all.
I have an Aussie Shepard and a Belgian sheep dog. Shelter dogs, the best kind, IMO. And I used to have a border collie. My fishing buddies. Enuf about dogs... Sorry BAR... And btw I forgot to tell ya how nice ur set up is looking. That's a serious garden there.
Look at fluxxy momma go! I'm hope mine looks like that!
I hope yours looks better down the line. One of the bigger mistakes I made as far as time consumption was continuing to remove the inside growth when I was getting close to going vert. Now I'm fighting height at the rim of the pot waiting for the inside bud sites to catch up. I refuse to let one out grow the other; The even canopy by any means necessary. That's the trick for the multiple main colas.

Man, aerocloners are really awesome. My friend built the one I'm using for cheap. I couldn't believe how quick it rooted cuttings! Way faster than anything else I've tried, including bubble cloner. If ur interested I could find out how he made it?
Corgi, I am interested in the cloner your friend built.
That would be great Organics. I'm also interested. You could post it here so all the members from the Dead Clone Society can get a peek. This is DCS Headquarters...

Grwar update
Thanxx Dusty. I try to keep the text as short & to the point as possible because we all love pics,

Reg, my friend, you are an excellent grower!

Wow, that's an impressive array of plants and techniques, all apparently thriving. The color on that Kerala is superb! And what a beautiful light-fingered job you did fitting her into your space - just one snip and some easy training - beautiful!
It just goes to show how natural sunlight out performs anything man creates. Looking inside the tent with the LED panel off her color looks much more vibrant than her roommates'.
It was your call to top her instead of sticking with that extra bushy LST I had did. Good call Gray.

And those street girls! :laughtwo: Fantastic! You're getting a whole variety! #1 looks pure indica, #3 and #4 are two more different strains, and I think I see a nice sativa dom in a couple of those as well as the third wave girls. Heheh, that tree is ... sheesh, how do ya even describe it, it's so weirdly outer dimension, classically fairy tale what-are-the-odds shrug. Reg's Magic Manhattan Bean Tree. It's a story that should be told all over America between tokes. "I knew a guy ... "
Thanxx man. You just sent a warm vibe through my heart... :green_heart:

My neighbor has a little hot dog dog (I think that's the type you all are talking about) that never shuts up. Barks whenever anyone on our floor opens their front door or anyone is walking on our floor's hallway. He runs right to her front door and " RUFF, RUFF RUFF" !
I will post here then BAR, when I get a chance. Everyone's here anyway. :)

What I'm trying to do is get my friend to become a member of the forum, then share what he built. That would be a nice entrance. Either way ill get a post on the el cheapo aero cloner up soon.
Nope, that would be a Dachshund. A Corgi is what the Queen of England collects. They have a gaggle of Corgin!
I learn something new everyday here.

Thanxx Organics.
The Queen lets her Corgi's shit on the carpet in the palace :/

True story :)

Of course she would, she won't be the one cleaning :rofl:

Great update BAR I love all your girls, and the flux looks awesome to me! I have never tried fluxing before, seems very complicated, but comparing the ones I did see around it looks like you got it right, she will stretch in flower upwards anyway
Really nice picts. B A R they all look good :goodjob:
Aug 15, 2014​

Last night I stirred the bucket of the cooking Organic Soil. It was the 4th day after mixing it. There was a grayish color on top that looked like mold & Soil Coach PJ says it means everything's cooking well!


STACK A DOLLAR (Cotton Candy, Double Re-veg) Day 46 / Day 15 under 12/12

Also did some defoliating this morning.




Thanxx Copper...
Ok here we go. I don't exactly have all the information I need at hand (or time) to make a legit "tutorial" on a DIY aerocloner.

And this will be nice for me because I could use a little help with the thing as well.

Here is the DIY 6 site aerocloner:

The inside view with lid removed:

It makes roots faster than anything else I've tried:

The stuff needed:

Rubbermaid Tub and lid, any megastore
PVC piping, 1/2", hardware
PVC 90degree Elbow fittings and Tee fittings, 1/2", hardware
Sprayer inserts, hardware
220 Gal/hr submersible pump- hydro store or elsewhere for less $ probably
Little cone shaped hydro insert thingys, hydro store
Ez-cloner Neoprene soft inserts, hydro store

I would buy whatever size Rubbermaid tub+ lid you want. Based on how many sites ya wanna have. Go with wider and shallow instead of deep though.

Here is one spot I'm struggling. The cone shaped hydro insert thingys, lol.
They look like this:

Once the bottom of these things is cut off and they are glued in place, the neoprene inserts slide in and out as needed and don't slip thru due to the taper.

That's the top. This one is leaking out of the top, but that shouldn't be hard to fix.

This thing is actually fairly simple looking inside. The bottom of the tub holds water. The water is sucked into the pump, forced thru the PVP pipe and out of the sprayer sites.

Pump looks like this:

Once PVC is cut and fitted together it looks like this:

I'm not sure how he got the sprayer inserts into the PVC pipe. I'd probably try a soldering iron.

So I think I wanna build one of these myself. (I have this one on loan).

Anybody wanna build one with me? That would be a great way to make a real tutorial.
Ok here we go. I don't exactly have all the information I need at hand (or time) to make a legit "tutorial" on a DIY aerocloner.

Anybody wanna build one with me? That would be a great way to make a real tutorial.

I don't have an official blog, but I posted this on my blog. I put things there I don't want to forget. I'll have a close look and see what it entails. I am definitely interested in building one with you to make a DIY tutorial.
The clone shaped hydro pots are just called net pots C.O very nice aero cloner :high-five: with the spray nozzles I would drill a hole the same size as the injector nozzle and use a solvent bond to make it air and water tight this is the one shopping item you have forgot also for size and also what size is the pump you are running there? :volcano-smiley:
COorganics Nice system. You were wondering about how he got the sprayers in. Not having it in front of me so I will be guessing. I believe he drilled holes and taped them with the thread of the insert. Do the sparyer nozzles screw out? If so when you buy them you will also have to buy a right size drill bit and a tape. More than likely it's a 1/8" or 1/4" pipe thread. A pipe thread is tapered so it will tighten. Drilling and taping the holes is very easy and makes it so the nozzles can be changed out or cleaned. Like I said I'm guessing on how it's done.
Awesome plants! Very busy over there. Looking great!
P.S. I'm doing something similar with a 5 gal bucket. Will have 10 cuttings for each bucket, but this above looks very promising. I'll jump in w/ ya.
The clone shaped hydro pots are just called net pots C.O very nice aero cloner :high-five: with the spray nozzles I would drill a hole the same size as the injector nozzle and use a solvent bond to make it air and water tight this is the one shopping item you have forgot also for size and also what size is the pump you are running there? :volcano-smiley:

220 gal/hr apparently
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