New City Grower 2.0

Yeah, I will build one too, but I have to wait a little while. I am thinking of going to the sprinkler DIY section at the home center to see everything they have there. I may even have a whole kit to make a drip irrigation system out in the shed with everything I need. I'll have to get a plastic container and rig up the pots and buy the inserts, etc...
Depends on the size unit they r building, GF.

That 6 site one I'm using pumps 220 gal/hr apparently. If I take off the lid it looks like a water park all over the room. I'm headed off shopping now. Will post what I grab when I get back. I already put 10$ into a tub, mountain town rape pricing. Don't feel like making a drive to HD though.
nozzle size times amount of nozzles times 60 minutes equals gallons needed. I would up the pump by about 20 or 30 % to be on the safe side. Just trying to help
So, the idea of this is to keep a constant spray of water from the bottom, up onto the bottom of the cuttings? I wouldn't think with misters you would need such a big pump for that. Am I thinking this works in a way it doesn't?

I don't think a big pump is needed for most, the sprayers are pretty darn close to the (soon to be) root end of the cutting anyway. I think water just needs to hit it, an extremely powerful stream of water isn't going to help the process, IMHO.

Smaller diameter tubing, smaller pipe seems to make sense, LA.

We are all gonna have sick aerocloners soon.

I don't think a big pump is needed for most, the sprayers are pretty darn close to the (soon to be) root end of the cutting anyway. I think water just needs to hit it, an extremely powerful stream of water isn't going to help the process, IMHO.

Smaller diameter tubing, smaller pipe seems to make sense, LA.

We are all gonna have sick aerocloners soon.


That was my thought, but I wasn't so sure. I have several sized pumps around here for the ponds out back so I'll see. If I use 1/2 tubing and small emiters the misting should be adequate. LA, I would definitely try the solar pump out. I would think as long as the cuttings have a constant mist of droplets, it should work (in theory).
I think too powerfull a pump would basically turn the thing into a bubble cloner? Its not a stream of water its a fine mist of water you need? So that the stem gets a high level of oxygen but also has constant moisture? I thinks these things are so cool and would give healthier all round clones as they produce air roots too unlike my simple water clones but sadly I cant join you guys in making one as when my landlord does his inspection he is a cop and may no its use all grow items need boxed and hidden if he sees anything the games up big time :volcano-smiley:..:passitleft: brought some real sticky icky icky bar puff puff pass :passitleft:
I expect a 120 GPH submersible pond pump with adjustable flow control would work great ($20). I have a slightly larger one in the small pondless waterfall I built. It has a valve that lets you adjust how much water it puts out. Just buy a pump with a flow control valve on it and you won't have to worry about buying a pump that puts out too much water/mist.
Here's one y'all can look at ....its bigger but same idea :peace:
Here's one y'all can look at ....its bigger but same idea :peace:

Wow, that's a really nice one. I wonder how the atomizer nozzle heads would work in a system like this. The water would be in such tiny droplets they could even penetrate the cells. Those systems which you put up on your patio to keep you cool which mist all day long. I wonder how something like that would work out. Those systems are all on sale right now and you get everything you need, poly tubing (if you want to use that) emiters, and all other connectors usually come in the box for under 30, even less on clearance. Just thinking...good morning Reginaldo.
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