New City Grower 2.0

Good morning everyone in 420-land. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as I did. This morning everything looked lovely in my bedroom garden. It feels good having all your plants smiling at you to start the work week. I might even have a surprise for you all this evening if I seen what I think saw this morning!

Here is the DIY 6 site aerocloner:
Thanxx for your DIY cloner here Organics. It seems it's not just us in the Dead Clone Society interested in your aero-cloner. Great stuff...

I posted this on my blog. I put things there I don't want to forget.
I do the same Brooklyn. My blog is like my personal 420 notes that any member is welcomed to use.

Awesome plants! Very busy over there. Looking great!

:passitleft: High broke Ass......:circle-of-love:
Thanxx Cajun...

Hello Fifi... :cheer:

I'm not a meat person. No animals.

I don't judge anyone else, though. I cook my husband meat and fish all the time.

Being inspired by your words I made a dinner with 0 meat in it, and my bf loved it!
We don't eat meat either but do eat fish & poultry. I like saying if it doesn't fly or swim, I don't eat them.
In general, most vegetarians are great cooks because they're diverse with their seasoning. A lot of heavy meat eaters are basically salt & pepper cookers with maybe a little bit of this or that added.
Maybe if we are doing some off topic discussion it would better be done on the Virtual Couch or in my Non-420 Garden Journal in my links. Sorry Reginale for OTing your journal.

How many times do I have to tell you BKLYN! This is an open thread with only 2 rules. I'm not even going to repeat them. I'll let someone else remind you of the 2 rules as I know your memory is shot... LOL.

No foul language or disrespecting other people.......:circle-of-love:


And Fifi wins a one & one time only moment that I'll call her by her official username.

Congratulations Dennise.
As I posted this morning, "there may be a surprise this evening" There is one!
I was 75% sure this morn that these were the beginnings of roots. Now less than 12hrs later there's no doubt about it.





The only thing I did different from before when I tried the window seal method was add MYKOs to the water. I'll be trying other methods as I take cuttings. I'm overwhelmed, nearly in tears of joy over here. You'd have to be in my shoes to understand..

Trix, I need the to know how long it took for us to refund your DCS cape deposit.

DCS said check is in the mail. I should have never sent the Grand Poobah my cape & DCS belt buckle, typical NY'ers :rofl:

I am very happy for you Broke Ass :high-five:, I can sense that big grin on your face from 3000 miles away :goodjob:

Now that I have seen the rootlings, you have earned this fresh bag :volcano-smiley:
Exactly two weeks Brooklyn (14 days).
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