New City Grower 2.0

membranes and associated proteins,

,denature the proteins ,,

dismantled by soil biota,,

extra hydrogen ions which make the solution acidic.

do it outside on the BBQ.

PeeJay, your Mensa-like wisdom shared never ceases to amaze. I'm not going to google the word I had never seen but, I got the jist of it. You have me curious about the college where you learned all the information that gushes from your massive dome. I'm guessing Harvard, 'cause this is another of your
Ivy League caliber, shares. Thank you.

You are as humble as Relaxed Lester & I :adore: your extraordinary mesmerizing contributions:thanks:

edit: just caught up and saw your post about the guy I mentioned above, RE your bud rating "Lester type" :rofl: :rofl::high-five:
Aug 11, 2014​

Brooklyn is going to love this one!

(Regular) Day 97 / Day 1 inside & under 12/12

Because of two reasons;
One, she's just getting to big to leave out on the Fire Escape (Nearly 5ft tall & 2ft wide)
and two, more importantly I don't want those aphids or thrips from her roommate out there to decide they want to attack her... I moved her into the Bloom Tent today.

After a few days of heavily spraying them both with SNS 203 mix I thoroughly inspected her for the critters before making the move.



She was so tall I had to apply LST to her top. I also did some defoling & super-cropped her branches up instead of out as she was so wide.





LMAO!! So you basically stuffed the poor thing in there, right? Bent the top over and lifted her skirts up and crammed 'er in the tent, eh? - figuratively speaking, that is. Heheh, the visuals are great!!
Good day everyone in 420 Land.

After tap-rooting the two beans in the seed dish from
NURSE BETTY (Royal Medic), this morning I planted them in NYC Compost/Mulch. The plan is to do a side by side comparison grow with one using GROWOLOGY & SNS 604s while the other is feed only GROWOLOGY. Let the show begin.

THING 1 & THING 2 (Royal Medic) Day 0



The BLACK to BLACK bean hasn't sprouted yet.

Did you try your special gnat spray on the thrips/aphids as well?

If that doesn't work, my mommy in law told me about a mix with moonshine and water.
Nope DaTenshi, the SNS 203 says on the bottle that it works on Root Aphids, Thrips, Shore Flies, White Flies, & Gnats as well.
If I get my hands on some Shine I'll be drinking instead of spraying it. LOL

LMAO!! So you basically stuffed the poor thing in there, right? Bent the top over and lifted her skirts up and crammed 'er in the tent, eh? - figuratively speaking, that is. Heheh
That's about the size of it Gray but the funny thing is she conformed nearly overnight. This morning she looked as though she fits & is suppose to be there as opposed to looking stuffed into the tent like she did yesterday. I took a pic of her this morn but it was to blurry.

Also I was wondering if I just went ahead & topped her at the height I wanted would it be better than the LST?

hi, BAR, nice work. girls looks beautiful. :bravo:
Thanxx Sara. Your lights are really showing their ability now that I'm not dealing with any issues. Thumbs up for TOP LED :thumb:

High reg:ciao: I bet she is missing her colourful dress
any how she looks like she is growing very well :bravo:have a go with this lil :volcano-smiley:
Pepé Le Pew (Skunk) gets all her "hand me downs" Jaga. And you have a good one as well.

Yes, I do like it! Not because I'm mean, ya know. How close to the light is that plant? I had no idea she was so tall!
About 10"
That's about the size of it Gray but the funny thing is she conformed nearly overnight. This morning she looked as though she fits & is suppose to be there as opposed to looking stuffed into the tent like she did yesterday. I took a pic of her this morn but it was to blurry.

Also I was wondering if I just went ahead & topped her at the height I wanted would it be better than the LST?

Good idea. :cheesygrinsmiley: You're not going to slow 'er down much at this stage of growth. It's probably better to take a big piece of the top off. You'll be happy later when the canopy is so much more manageable.

Good idea. :cheesygrinsmiley: You're not going to slow 'er down much at this stage of growth. It's probably better to take a big piece of the top off. You'll be happy later when the canopy is so much more manageable.


Thanxx Gray. I couldn't agree more. Just finished topping her.

(Regular) Day 98 / Day 2 inside & under 12/12




Shoot, why not just move into the living room & transform my bedroom into a grow room & be done with it? LOL
Oh, & the little one will have to move in there with me; I'll need a bloom & a Veg room...
good evening weed BAR. I chopped a couple of autos today and found a little bud rot so I took a couple of pictures. You can see it pretty good. It hasn't been the best year for mold free growing.

Looking great in here!
Aug 13, 2014

SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular)Harvested on Aug 8, 2014

Wet Weight:


Dry Weight:



Thank goodness we're completely done with that issue plagued round. Now back to our regularly scheduled program of the issue free grow...

STACK A DOLLAR (Cotton Candy, Double Re-veg) Day 44 / Day 13 under 12/12

She has started flowering.




STREET GIRL #3 (Unknown Strain) Day 44 / Day 18 under 12/12

This one's for B. Real. I used another 7up bottle to raise her closer to the LED panel.


(Regular) Day 99 / Day 3 inside & under 12/12

After only 3 days of being inside she's pre-flowering already! So glad it's not a dude...


Looking busy BAR :high-five:

Looking great in here!

Thanxx guys...

LI is flooded!
What's new? They always get flooded. I would never by a house out there but I wish the best for those who've been hit.

Thanxx for the pics of the bud rot Bill. Does molded bud look the same when it first starts? I need to know what to look for with the high RH I'm dealing with in the Bloom Tent.I've been spraying all budding plants with SNS 244 every few days.
BAR Looking for bud rot is a OH sheet what is that type of thing. Once you see it, it's there. The pictures show it but I have had times when you inspect at night and see nothing and the next morning have buds that are all goo. It's a fast acting mess. FANS are your friend. If you can keep the buds dry even with high humidity you will have better luck. All we can do is try.
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