New City Grower 2.0

Thanks you guys/gals. If I understand it correctly then, I can use the leaves that I defol from my plants after they've dried and just crush them up and mix in with the soil? Waste not .....


Yes, but remember that they need some time to break down. Reg toasted them a little with the eggshells which helps. By toasting up the eggshells it makes the phosphorous in them more available.
I don't want to hijack your thread with this partner, but I have another question on the eggshells. These things come up as I'm watching a ballgame that is now 19 innings! LOL

Is the point of drying the shells to get the membrane out? Cuz I can do that by just soaking them in warm water and then peeling it out. The shells have calcium, but the membrane is of no use to my knowledge.

Oops, just read PeeJay's info on phosphorous. Anyway, that's an easy way to remove the membrane. LOL
I don't want to hijack your thread with this partner, but I have another question on the eggshells.

Is the point of drying the shells to get the membrane out?
Knock it off Princess DIY! You know my threads are always open journals. The more info the merrier. To answer your question, No. The way it was explained to me is that the calcium from the shells is hard to break down so you bake them to make it easier available.
Actually Canna, getting rid of the membranes and associated proteins is part of it. By roasting the shells you denature the proteins and make them easily dismantled by soil biota. As I mentioned, toasting or charring them also makes the phosphorous more available, and the calcium to a lesser extent. To really make the calcium quickly available you would char the shells, grind them up, and put them into a container with an appropriate amount of vinegar. You might be worried about the pH of using vinegar, but the calcium compound in the shell will react with vinegar like baking soda does (just not as quickly.) As the slow fizz happens the gas that is thrown off will contain the extra hydrogen ions which make the solution acidic.

Tums are high in the same calcium compound as egg shells. When you have acid indigestion you eat a Tums. It fizzes in your tummy with the excess stomach acid. Usually you burp or fart after a while. The acid indigestion is gone.

Egg shells are not just calcium. Like bone there is also a lot of phosphorous in them. They also have about the same calcium to magnesium ratio as bottled Cal-Mag products - 5:1.

One good way to char the egg shells is to do it outside on the BBQ.
Good info PeeJay,
I wonder if you ever did the experiment with whole eggs by placing them in vinegar for an extended period of time? It's a fun experiment for kids. We did this in school many years ago. The vinegar slowly dissolves the shell. If left long enough, there is no shell and you wind up with a whole less. Egg artists will use this technique to Etch designs onto eggs by putting wax on the eggshell over the area they don't want eaten away by vinegar. They are careful not to allow it to etch all the way through. Also, bleaching an egg will dissolve the membrane, but not the shell.

Just a little tidbit of random info. LOL


NURSE BETTY (Royal Medic) Harvested on my birthday; Aug 1, 2014


She passes the "I'll be proud to share with a smoke buddy who shares nothing but good stuff with me" Test! Rolling in at an exceptional 6 minus the body vibrations it's ultra mellow & Lester type relaxing. It can definitely relieve some anxiety; no wonder they call it ROYAL MEDIC.
The aroma & flavor can be best described as "WEED". It doesn't smell or taste special nor exotic but as I'm sure we all know those two characteristics can be misleading.

Aug 11, 2014​

Brooklyn is going to love this one!

(Regular) Day 97 / Day 1 inside & under 12/12

Because of two reasons;
One, she's just getting to big to leave out on the Fire Escape (Nearly 5ft tall & 2ft wide)
and two, more importantly I don't want those aphids or thrips from her roommate out there to decide they want to attack her... I moved her into the Bloom Tent today.

After a few days of heavily spraying them both with SNS 203 mix I thoroughly inspected her for the critters before making the move.



She was so tall I had to apply LST to her top. I also did some defoling & super-cropped her branches up instead of out as she was so wide.




Haven't posted this yet but the wild Thai is a strong 8! You were absolutely correct. Going to grow the clone all fox farms and Mars II and see the difference but if it gets much better..... Oh my!
There's a good chance we gave it the same rating. My 7 might be your 8 as I've been an "everyday" Smoker for a long time.

Sorry for not catching up on all your journals everyone as I'm tired but will do so tomorrow morn at work.
Good day BAR. You have been busy. Making your own soil is the only way to go. Good soils are very expensive and still need things put into them. Having to move your Kerala X Skunk in to the bloom tent because of bugs sucks. Good looking girl. It's munchday so hope it's been a good one.
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