Hazmatz Happy Hut

They look happy and healthy. And an easy grow is the best kind ;) Sounds like you had a good plan in place and it's paying off. :welldone:
Thanks budman, yea they're being easy so that's a huge plus .... Had a deva last grow lol look at her wrong and she would hunch over.
Since something happened in the grow that I can report on I'm doing this mini update....but don't think it anything nuts...I just fed em :laugh:. Few minutes ago Whiskey Zulu and Triks got a 1/3 cup (recommended for 3gallon pot) each top dressed with geoflora bloom nutes, and Twizzlers got a top dressing of the same but a 1/4 cup instead as she's only in a 1.5 gallon fabric pot......and everyone was watered until a decent runoff..... Other than that everyone is just chugging along, and I had to move some of my tie downs as they out grew them.

But thanks for stoppin and lookin.... Any concerns or comments feel free to drop em.....have a great rest of the day everyone :headbanger:

Bonus random calyx picz....one pic looks like two pistils high fiveing lol









Man they are looking nice and healthy Happy. Mind if I ask a few questions?
Are you only using the Geoflora with FFHF & FFOF? Any other nutrients or additives?
Are these the final pots? What size pots do you use for your autoflowers?

I'm helping my son with an autoflower setup and he wants to do organic. That looks like it may be a quick and easy way to go about it. Hopefully he can grow some plants that look at nice as those ;)
Man they are looking nice and healthy Happy. Mind if I ask a few questions?
Are you only using the Geoflora with FFHF & FFOF? Any other nutrients or additives?
Are these the final pots? What size pots do you use for your autoflowers?

I'm helping my son with an autoflower setup and he wants to do organic. That looks like it may be a quick and easy way to go about it. Hopefully he can grow some plants that look at nice as those ;)
Hey thanks budman, and absolutely you can ask anything.

So yes, I'm using both ffhf (top 3-4 inches of pot) and ffof(filling rest of lower pot), along with just geoflora nutrients (top dressed)....I'm opting out on the cal-mag unless a deficiency starts...as if she's good on her own why introduce something that could stress her out.

And for me personally I like the 3 gallon fabric pots .. they are a good size in person and I'm trying to keep the girls small so not allowing them a shit ton of room.....but they are the final/and only home(no starter pots).

And cool glad your son wants in on the cure...I love autos they are super easy :cool: if ya have any more questions feel free to ask....that's what we're all here for.

Hey everyone another bi-daily update. I'ma start off by saying what a great day it has been... 60+ degrees, sun shine, and my boss left me alone to do my work sooooo me personally I'm fuckin peachy :cheesygrinsmiley:.

Ok now onto the ladies. Since everyone was top dressed and watered yesterday they will not receive any water until they are light...light my stash bag after a long night with my bong lol. They all had the tie downs repositioned as they were pulled through when I got home from work....some strong little ladies I got. I've combed over the whole plant looking for any leaf deficiencies or any signs of any other issues......and nope.... Not a single thing to report negatively :yahoo:.
Alot of people I know bitch and complain about how hard it is to grow cannabis plants... I happen to think once you figure out it's not rocket science and not to over/under feed or water....your golden.

Again I want to thank all that have given me advice.... I have shown I listen and applied it where needed... Y'all are mvp's :thanks:

Ok onto the photos...got some top views....some side views...and a group shot....and by request I named the one that didn't have a name tag as I was told I should personally name them......so I did.....and well now you all know why I didn't to start and why I shouldn't be given a marker :rofl:.

Thanks for stoppin I appreciate it...have a dope day growmies.









Hey everyone another bi-daily update. I'ma start off by saying what a great day it has been... 60+ degrees, sun shine, and my boss left me alone to do my work sooooo me personally I'm fuckin peachy :cheesygrinsmiley:.

Ok now onto the ladies. Since everyone was top dressed and watered yesterday they will not receive any water until they are light...light my stash bag after a long night with my bong lol. They all had the tie downs repositioned as they were pulled through when I got home from work....some strong little ladies I got. I've combed over the whole plant looking for any leaf deficiencies or any signs of any other issues......and nope.... Not a single thing to report negatively :yahoo:.
Alot of people I know bitch and complain about how hard it is to grow cannabis plants... I happen to think once you figure out it's not rocket science and not to over/under feed or water....your golden.

Again I want to thank all that have given me advice.... I have shown I listen and applied it where needed... Y'all are mvp's :thanks:

Ok onto the photos...got some top views....some side views...and a group shot....and by request I named the one that didn't have a name tag as I was told I should personally name them......so I did.....and well now you all know why I didn't to start and why I shouldn't be given a marker :rofl:.

Thanks for stoppin I appreciate it...have a dope day growmies.








Looking good! Didn't think of naming them.:goodjob:
They have gotten so big in just a few days! Oh how I love autos. These are going to be fun!!

Still thinking of names btw
They have gotten so big in just a few days! Oh how I love autos. These are going to be fun!!

Still thinking of names btw
Fluffy butt stays lol but I'll take a name from you for one....and yea bi-daily there is noticeable growth I'm loving these girls.
Fluffy butt stays lol but I'll take a name from you for one....and yea bi-daily there is noticeable growth I'm loving these girls.
I had a french poodle growing up named "Sir Charles Fluffy-Butt" :)
have a banana sundae" in my pathetic little first journal. Since my youngest daughter is named Hannah. I shall name her "Hannah Banana" :)
I love it! I almost named one of my Banana Blazes, Havana. If I had a daughter named Hannah I would have jumped on that, too!!

I will add you to my list. I have a lot of catching up to do, I was in trim jail for what seemed like weeks and then my phone was messed up.

I like to watch as many grows as I can but it's so hard for me to get on all of them. I promise I'll check you out though-clicking follow in a sec
Everything is looking sweet Happy!

I like the aggressive LST you got going on. It looks like what I enjoy doing.:thumb:
Thanks nev it's appreciated... I feel these plants like a little abuse as they respond positively to abuse differently in each phase lol
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