Hazmatz Cerberus Grow

Thank you krissi I had issues last night stabilizing my hand lol I know I can get clearer but gawd dammit I smoked some Godzilla and was all over the place lol

Thank you bill you have a been a huge help to me personally.... Honestly they would have died a while back if you didn't help so thanks growmie.

And to both of you I'm sure you have seen me post it a few times that I like the heart high not the couch lock nonsense... Both of my close grow buddies are saying for that high I should harvest no later than two weeks from now.... Any input?
Hey @HappyHazmat88 hope your having a good day.
What you have to do is watch your white pistols.
Whan they have All turned red and crinkled in she is finished flowering and building for you.
At that point she is done won't get any bigger.
Then check tric's.
If you want a energetic feeling harvest right away.
Otherwise the tric's will turn cloudy and then amber.
And that's not what you want.
So just relax for a couple weeks, feed properly and wait for those pistols to go red.

Stay safe
Plants are look sweet Happy. Have a couple plants finishing soon too. This is the worst part of the grow for me. Give me my damn bud already!!! HaHa.

Yea for reallllllll lol I have about half oz left so I'm trying to smoke sparingly and wait so I don't have to buy more.
Yea for reallllllll lol I have about half oz left so I'm trying to smoke sparingly and wait so I don't have to buy more.
I hear that. I started growing because I couldn’t find a decent human with decent smoke. Now that I’m growing I have a guy I can go get some really nice stuff from but I prefer my own. As for now I’m scraping the bottom of the dug out too!

I hear that. I started growing because I couldn’t find a decent human with decent smoke. Now that I’m growing I have a guy I can go get some really nice stuff from but I prefer my own. As for now I’m scraping the bottom of the dug out too!

Yea same issue here I got my hood buddies that have some good smoke but they don't know they're plug or what they did to the green.... been a real issue here with people lacing weed to make it strong...and the illegal dispensaries here are charging $75 an 1/8th which is fucked up.
Happy Tuesday all... Had a busy day it was my kids bday:love:....but I had time to sit and chill with my plants...I :bongrip: and looked them over for a bit, but didn't notice to much over all change in the health. The leaf damage seems to be a thing that isn't going to go away, but theyre still mostly green and still feeding the plant so I'm living with it and embracing it lol so while I was in there I decided to play with my camera, and im pleased with the ladies looks and the photos....it's close to what I'm seeing with my eyes. But that's all to report nada really new......
oh maybe the fact that my girl thinks the house is starting to smell like "cat piss" ....maybe that's new lol but thanks for stoppin :headbanger:








U better find that Kat. Lmao
Hi all so curiosity got to me and I decided check the trichomes on the biggest plant. I have an idea but what do you say? Photos taken from different sites around plant.










Thanks that's what I thought last night but with something I spent months on I did not want to jump the gun.... I'll have her chopped and weighed before the day is over. :yahoo:
Thanks that's what I thought last night but with something I spent months on I did not want to jump the gun.... I'll have her chopped and weighed before the day is over. :yahoo:
Congratulations on your harvest Amigo. :bravo:

Stay safe
Congratulations on your harvest Amigo. :bravo:

Stay safe
Thanks bill, so I was right the tent is going to finish in stages and I'll have new seeds to drop tomorrow night so I may be able to make this continuous. Thanks for all the help the sign will stay in tent no matter what lol
No! Birthing nuggets is new life and moving life to a different place is all. She served her time well. Can't wait to see the buds!
May I ask the benefit of that? She hasn't been fed or watered in quite a few days as I've been following the dry..dry...dry...DRY rule.

Edit: no correlation I don't think...but just saying.
May I ask the benefit of that? She hasn't been fed or watered in quite a few days as I've been following the dry..dry...dry...DRY rule.

Edit: no correlation I don't think...but just saying.
To be honest I have no experience with putting a plant in the dark. I have just read here that many experienced growers do this. @Bill284 can probably chime in on the particulars.
Congrats and well done Happy!

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