First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

yay aint nothin better than hearing your little girl is getting better brother!:cheertwo:
I care about your grow but your baby is always #1:)
great news!!
indeed it is my friend, so glad to have everyone back at home, can sleep a bit better now, the hospital floor was not to comfy, neither was the crappy plastic chair they gave me to sit on all day and night,

but we are all home and she is doing well, should be back to her cheeky self in a day or 2,
life can suck sometimes bro. its like my youngest, he seems to have inherited my IBS and on a bad day we can spend they day alternatly hugging and him running around the lounge crying and trying to have a poo. and if he gets it anything like me, that pain would have most men on the floor in the fetal position.

now thats a pretty stark statement from a guy that can push a pencil in one side of his arm and out the other =(

you havnt missed much my friend. my harvest got done and was 'just enough'. me and fluffy have been talking 2l options (hempie/dwc/soil) and your expertise got reference a couple of current status is 15 healthy seedlings and 20 seeds waiting to crack.
thanks everyone, thanks for the update GiGa,

i also suffer with ibs, i have to take fibregel and all that stuff to keep it under control, the pain is crazy when i suffer with it though, but since changing my diet and taking this fibregel drinks it seems to have kept it under control, so i can understand the pain your son must be in when he suffers with it, i been rushed to hospital a few times before i was diagnosed with it, the pain got that bad that i could only walk a few steps before having to sit or lie down, ibs really sucks when it gets really bad, but its been ok for a while now,
but i know if i stop taking these drinks and tablets then the pain will come back with a vengence,

so i know your son must suffer if he gets them kind of pains,

im trying to catch up with everyones journals, ill do it but it will take a while,

im so chuffed this auto purple is actually giving me nice dark purple buds, keeping my fingers crossed that they stay purple, i got my purple widows growing so if this auto dont stay purple then i should be able to get them purple with these cold night time temps,

but so far so good,
yeah IBS is evil.

they say they dont know what causes it..but i can say without a shadow of a doubt that its something that can be 'caught' and then looks like it can be passed on.

never heard of anyone in my family having such a thing, lived decades in england with no trouble, spent less than a year on the continent (france, holland and belgium) and i had it before i returned....the odds of something already in my genes just happening to surface in such a narrow window of my life is adamant i caught it in france.

sounds awesome your gonna get some purp weed on the go. it totally sucks ass that you cant test a few strains that are reported to have asthmatic theraputic properties...even a hint that a kids got thc in their system and someone will be signing adoption papers somewhere....i swear the social services is just cash for kids government nastyness...they need so little excuse these days to stick their fkn noses in.
thanks for the kind words, my daughter is pretty much back to her normal self, im glad she is home for xmas,

social workers are idiots, they take people kid from some crap excuse, just so they can hand the kid to someone with money, it happened to a mate of mine, they kept coming up with reasons why the kid would be better off been adopted, they twisted things round to suit themselves, as soon as they got involved she had no chance from day 1, worse part is that she called social services to get help, then they turned on her and took her kid from her, it was so wrong, they was pure evil, she was a top mom cant even begin to think why they thought anything different, it was shocking, as if they had all ready got someone waiting for her kid, it looked like a huge set up to me, my mate was an easy target and they did all they could and took her kid of here, it left her ruined, it really messed her up, she was a totally different person after they took the kid, we hardly see her now, she never goes out or anything like that, really knocked her confidence,

she only contacted them as she wanted to get help finding somewhere bigger to live, so she contacted them as the place she was living in was to small, then they turned against her pretty much over night, next thing we know they had all ready got someone to go to court to adopt her child, absolutely shocking,

back to the plants, these purple buds are really dark, almost black, a real dark shade of purple, cant wait till the buds are big enough to take pictures of, the buds look amazing dark purple, just hope it smokes as good as it looks
i would rep, but i just did in my thread, lol =D

i only have one more thing to say on that other matter, if they took one of mine...ill have met at least one person involved face to face, and everyone talks...eventually ;)

never a truer word said my friend,

ill get a pic update up tomorrow or sunday, these purple buds are dark purple almost black, guess it must be just the genes causing it, all my other plants in flower dont have any sign of purple at all and they have been getting the same cold night time temps, so clearly if its not in the genes then it wont turn purple, if they all turned purple then at least 1 of the other 4 strains in flower should be purple, but their not the buds look like normal none purple buds.

i had a nice suprise as well, the purple widow i planted seems to be an auto, i got 10 of these from herbies, came in breeder packet labeled purple widow regular, how ever his purple widow is short and bushy and is clearly in flower, i thought it was just showing sex but lights are on 18-6 and i take the plants out at night that i want to flower, so i take 4 plants out for the 12 hours of dark and leave the autos in the veg room,

none of the 4 plants taken out the grow room have turned purple, these get colder night time temps than the auto purple thats in flower and dark purple,

anyway back to the none auto purple widow, i thought this was just showing sex, i did not want to flower it but glad is was a fem, anyways over the last couple of days its started to flower and continued to flower under 18- 6, so either its an auto of some type or this purple widow flowers under 18-6, possible some breeding in its past came across an auto, either that or the breeder put the seeds in the wrong packet, so i got 9 left, ill be planting some more in a week or 2, then i can check if their auto as well, it would be nice to find out their auto and femenised, but i wont know till i plant some more,

im having problems with fungus gnats, i planted a northern lights auto a few days ago and nothing happened, i pulled the soil back slowly and came across the seed, all around it was these fungus gnats larvae, so i squashed them and dumped the soil, they was all around the seed the seed had opened but they had clearly ate the root and into the seed, the shell was empty and no sign of any seedling at all so they ate the lot the greedy basxxxds, didnt even give it a chance to grow, so they went in a plastic bag and dumped in the rubbish ive not seen many flying around but i did catch a load a couple of weeks ago, looks like these was the result of them flies, my other plants are big enough to cope but after these have flowered ill dump the soil and start again with a clean room, hopefully that will solve the problem, plus its winter so their wont be any flying around outside, so once i replace the soil i should be ok,

ill try and get caught up with everyones journals,
wow thats heavy shit with the fungus gnats.
im using 'bug free' atm from the range. it does not get rid of them entirely, but they certainly dont like it.
its completly organic fatty acids only and is pet and kid safe as soon as its dry, it also says no problem eating fruits sprayed with it.

you may want to peek at my journal at how i have potted up my new critical mass, unless they already in the soil its goin to be near impossible to catch them =D
tell me about it, i wondered why some of my seedlings where struggling when they was small, if i started them in paper towel method they seemed ok, but if i planted them direct in soil they really struggled, now i know why.

ill try and get something that can kill them, id use the demaciuos earth stuff or what ever its called, but their all ready in the soil, i never seem them on top of the soil i have to dig down about an inch to find them,. i only noticed them when i looked for this seedling, all i found was an empty seed shell and some really fat grubs all around the seed shell and one was half inside the seed shell, so clearly these do lots of damage to the roots, so i need to find something i can mix with water, all i need to do is get these plants flowered off then ill bin the lot and scrub the room down and start with fresh comport, plus its winter so this should stop them coming in from outside,

well i hope so,

ill be over your journal shortly mate,
Thanks crazy about the gnats!
They straight stole the innards right out of it!
Wow, never heard of that before.

Have you ever heard of using mosquito dunks?
Xlr8 turned me onto them.
Because gnats don't come in from outside, they develop from within the medium..
Just put one in a nylon or sock, tie it off and keep it floating around in your res water, or holding water..
They're safe for pets and humans, good for a few weeks, and then change it out for another one.
Keeps Fungus Gnats away from the inside out. Combined with sticky traps around soil/coco pots, and not enough adults will survive to lay eggs..
Maybe something to try when you have new medium, and a cleaned out space..

ok thanks for the info, some reps coming your way

so i have heard of these dunks before, so do i just let it soak in the water then water my plants with it, i dont have many gnats flying around but the soil is full if big grubs, like a clear white color, so im thinking these are the gnats grubs, i have had newly planted seeds die on me or really struggle for the first week, so clearly the grubs are eating everything thats fresh, ill get rid of this soil and what i got left in the bags once this grow is over, ill then get some new compost and break it all up and try and squash it all so it kills anything in it,

i have heard you can cook it in the oven but it has bits of wood in it and stuff like that so not sure if thats a good idea,

but i do need to solve the problem

so them dunks are safe to use to water the plants with, i just leave it to soak in the water then i can use it to water with, if thats the case then ill try and get some when im not at work on wednesday, if i dont ill have problems, i always wondered why my young plants struggled but after a couple of weeks they soon picked up, clearly these bugs are eating the roots as they develop and the plant can thrive till its grown a big enough root mass.

thanks for the info ill look into it,
can someone reps vick074 for me, it must of give you reps recently as it says i got to spread it around a bit first,

reps to giga as well, thanks for the info on that earth stuff, i know a lot use it but not sure how safe it is, hopefully these dunks will do the trick, plus if i used that earth stuff on top of my pots then this wont stop the gnats getting in the bottom of the pots and any small holes in the pot, if they want to get in then they will,
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