Hazmatz Happy Hut


Hey all hope everyone is well....all is great on my end the plants are healthy, but I have noticed a big slow down on everyone..no more bud growth or plant growth in general.....so in my eyes they are getting closer to done than I think..just waiting for pistils to darken and crinkle.

Everyone was watered tonight and top dressed with a 1/4 cup of bloom from geoflora. This will be the last feed and possible water until chop.... I did this the last harvest as well and I found my buds dried in a few days...and even sampling it immediately after dry, the smoke was smooth....so I'ma stick with what I see works.

But sorry for the boredom, nothing dramatic or alarming lol soooooo...the plant pics is what ya came for so heres some dendrophilia porn. Happy hump day y'all and thanks for stoppin by:headbanger:










Oh and because it was mentioned a few times about sampling my buds... Well I kinda did that.

I didn't want to rob myself....so I decided to pick off the individual swollen calyxes that grew up the stems at each node on every plant.....dried them out....and packed a few bowls.... Have to say I'm not disappointed... If this got me stoned....I now have a decent idea of how the buds will smoke ;). Here's a pic of one of the fattest ones .

Nice garden HH, looks very tasty, I’m almost at chop day too. Bill wont let me chop yet or he’s gonna cut me off on advice lol. I’m day 78, I have amber but I still has white pistils. Lmk how it tastes
Looks fantastic Happy. And oldG you can always take a little taster :)
Nice garden HH, looks very tasty, I’m almost at chop day too. Bill wont let me chop yet or he’s gonna cut me off on advice lol. I’m day 78, I have amber but I still has white pistils. Lmk how it tastes
Thanks old g thanks for coming over....yea I'm close prolly a day or two fluffy butt has mostly orange pistils...and all cloudy trichs....so for my buzz preference I'm a day or two out. I took a sample and I'm happy with the high.. fairly quick onset, front forehead pressure, with a clean smoke... And for taste hadn't had time to cure and really get it's flavor but taste alright....can't put a flavor to it yet.
Looks fantastic Happy. And oldG you can always take a little taster :)
I did I’m getting too anxious, too many white pistils still. I’m probably ten days out still.

Soooooooo good morning everyone today is chop day for fluffy butt... She has mostly red/orange pistils and all cloudy trichs with some Ambering. But I enjoyed the high from the small stuff I tried 6-7 days ago...so if it was good then....then in theory should be a bit better now. But I haven't noticed any more building or swelling.....so chop chop chop pity chop.

And for whiskey Zulu and cheetarah they have til the end of the week to finish up. Both have about 50/50 white and red pistils and the trichs are mainly cloudy, very few clear, with a couple amber trichs throughout. I have stopped water and feed on Wednesday, I did this my last grow and it seemed to dry faster this way (4-5 days)....I assume it has to do something with droughting it at the last week. But same as fluffy butt I haven't noticed anymore swelling or growth on either of them.... If it wasn't only day 63 they would be chopped to...according to genetics harvest window they have a least a week.

But enough rambling here's some pics and I need to get my mind right and wake miss fluffy butt up from her dark nap for a controlled dismembering.

1 of each solo
2 long shots
3 of fluffy butt before chop. (Last pic is of a small lower bud....hence some white pistils)








Be Interesting to see what's hiding under those blades. Gonna get a cramp trimming that joker. A deep wrist cramp, like you haven't had since the Kim Kardashian video hit the freemium-sites. Give her hell, she looks tasty!
Ok so after a chop and a slight trim I weighed them wet and got a total of 143.3 grams, so after dry and losing about %50-%75 I'll be left with between 35.825g(1.3oz) and 71.65g(2.7oz)... For only being in a 1.5 gallon pot and only 8 inches tall... I'd say this was successful. Photo below of most of it hanging in front of tent exhaust and root ball of the little lady.


Ok so after a chop and a slight trim I weighed them wet and got a total of 143.3 grams, so after dry and losing about %50-%75 I'll be left with between 35.825g(1.3oz) and 71.65g(2.7oz)... For only being in a 1.5 gallon pot and only 8 inches tall... I'd say this was successful. Photo below of most of it hanging in front of tent exhaust and root ball of the little lady.


Congrats on another fine harvest my friend.
Roots galore. :thumb:

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Congrats on another fine harvest my friend.
Roots galore. :thumb:

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks bill yea not to bad on a shorty plant.... My apartment smells great lol but yea I didn't expect to see alot of roots with her... One of my biggest plants from last grow had half that.
Have fun with the chop Happy they all look amazing. :welldone:
Thank you budman... I'm trying to do half trim wet half dry to keep from being stuck for good amounts of time....plus I'll have two more by the end of this week...so don't want to cramp up.
Be Interesting to see what's hiding under those blades. Gonna get a cramp trimming that joker. A deep wrist cramp, like you haven't had since the Kim Kardashian video hit the freemium-sites. Give her hell, she looks tasty!
Hahaha I do my trimming in stages first bigger stuff removed while wet....and then the rest of needed after dry.... So no real cramping.... Plus I use spring loaded scissors ;)

Lol I never had interest in watching that vid... I prefer the video with one cup :eek::laugh::rofl:
Well I spoke a bit to soon.... I'm going to chop them all tonight... Gf and I are renewing our lease and they need to be here for a few days to make repairs and I don't want to plants hanging around or tent up when they are here.... So I'm thinking chop today 3-4 days dry....then jar and hide... Break down tent...wait for repairs...then set back up.

It's only a little early... Cheetarah had maybe 7-8 single white pistils on her along the whole cola, the rest are red like leprechaun beards..so she's done already in my eyes.

And for whiskey Zulu about %60 red pistils but they turn red during dry anyways so I'm not worried here either.

Both have been checked no clear trichs, all cloudy with spots of amber nothing crazy.

So I guess I'll be busier than I thought today. I'll post a report in a few days.

Now I think I'ma have that cramp a few of ya warned about.
Ok so after a chop and a slight trim I weighed them wet and got a total of 143.3 grams, so after dry and losing about %50-%75 I'll be left with between 35.825g(1.3oz) and 71.65g(2.7oz)... For only being in a 1.5 gallon pot and only 8 inches tall... I'd say this was successful. Photo below of most of it hanging in front of tent exhaust and root ball of the little lady.


Brother your plants look awesome, over an oz in a gallon is excellent, my last gro were all gallon pots. My gro wasn’t near as good as you, I didn’t realize my pots were too small until the plants started acting funky late in flower. Your other plants look big, a lot of colas , beautiful job
Brother your plants look awesome, over an oz in a gallon is excellent, my last gro were all gallon pots. My gro wasn’t near as good as you, I didn’t realize my pots were too small until the plants started acting funky late in flower. Your other plants look big, a lot of colas , beautiful job
Thanks bro, yea if my math is correct and I use the percentages from last grow I should be an oz and a half.... possibly more. And yes I just spent the last two hours chopping and doing a brief wet trim....two hours for a light wet trim :eek: :laugh: tons of colas.
Way to grow Happy!

Much appreciated.
Nice work mate:thumb:
Thanks you.... we'll see how they smoke soon enough.
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