
Here is a Pic from a previous grow using one of those cheap USB microscopes.
Can you show me what you're using as a tripod? This is excellent.
Hi Carmen
I didn't forget about you. I think someone borrowed my tripod and didn't return it. Or it could be a stoner/ senior moment. When I locate it I will send you a picture.
Beautiful looking bud Carmen, great pics & going to be some awesome smoke
Thanks Con! I tried some lil bits that were accidentally snipped and they are promising.
Carmen you have some really nice pictures great job. I wish my phone took better pictures. 🍋
Thanks Keith!
Hi Carmen
I didn't forget about you. I think someone borrowed my tripod and didn't return it. Or it could be a stoner/ senior moment. When I locate it I will send you a picture.
Awesome RR, when you can :)
Nice bud Carmen. 🍋
Thanks Keith! And soon we'll be saying that about your gorgeous monster plants.
Very nice!!! :yummy:
Thank you SmokinRasta! Your flowers are looking super close too!
Probably this post:

But that whole page (and thread) is filled with good macro pic advice.
Thanks Shed. This particular post is mainly about how to use a traditional camera on a tripod, but LCF has a photo of the helping hands thingie. That may not have the height necessary to act as a tripod for a living plant, but is great for nug shots.

Incidentally, we were nearly right when we said on 13 August it would be another ten days until the MAC #1 auto is ready to harvest. That gives me 2 more days of maturation. The trichomes don't look ready yet and I have a logistical concern.

I don't know how I will manage the dry and early stage cure, off gassing etc in the time I have.

I usually hang for a week then jar but leave the lids off for the first few days. After that I open the jars twice a day for a week, then once a day for another week or thereabouts, and by that stage they are usually ready to be sealed in the jars.

This time round I have 2 weeks until I leave for Durban. I'm thinking that I need to learn about fridge drying for this plant.

Thoughts anyone please?

@gwhunran , how amber were your trichs when you harvested your MAC?
I was just chatting with Nick Hardy and he suggested @GroveBags ! What a brilliant and simple solution. He uses them for his commercial grows.
Thanks Keith! And soon we'll be saying that about your gorgeous monster plants.

Thank you SmokinRasta! Your flowers are looking super close too!

Thanks Shed. This particular post is mainly about how to use a traditional camera on a tripod, but LCF has a photo of the helping hands thingie. That may not have the height necessary to act as a tripod for a living plant, but is great for nug shots.

Incidentally, we were nearly right when we said on 13 August it would be another ten days until the MAC #1 auto is ready to harvest. That gives me 2 more days of maturation. The trichomes don't look ready yet and I have a logistical concern.

I don't know how I will manage the dry and early stage cure, off gassing etc in the time I have.

I usually hang for a week then jar but leave the lids off for the first few days. After that I open the jars twice a day for a week, then once a day for another week or thereabouts, and by that stage they are usually ready to be sealed in the jars.

This time round I have 2 weeks until I leave for Durban. I'm thinking that I need to learn about fridge drying for this plant.

Thoughts anyone please?

@gwhunran , how amber were your trichs when you harvested your MAC?
Beautiful plant Carmen. :love: :) I was going to suggest Grove bags too. 🙄:) Once the bud is dry to touch, I put em in grove bags and leave them open. Usually for a couple of days, touching them a couple times a day, for dampness. :hmmmm:🤠 When they feel right, I zip em up and leave them for a couple months.:) You could just zip em up before leaving. :hmmmm:

I had some amber in mine, and they were very cloudy.:hmmmm: I like to watch for the plant have that "last swell" look, before harvest.🤠 I'll be happy with the smoke as long as it's sticky and taste/smells good. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Beautiful plant Carmen. :love: :) I was going to suggest Grove bags too. 🙄:) Once the bud is dry to touch, I put em in grove bags and leave them open. Usually for a couple of days, touching them a couple times a day, for dampness. :hmmmm:🤠 When they feel right, I zip em up and leave them for a couple months.:) You could just zip em up before leaving. :hmmmm:

I had some amber in mine, and they were very cloudy.:hmmmm: I like to watch for the plant have that "last swell" look, before harvest.🤠 I'll be happy with the smoke as long as it's sticky and taste/smells good. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Thanks G :)
The hydro store supplied me the wrong size bags! I ordered 226g bags and they have given me 1 pound bags which are enormous. I don't think I can use these. Grove say that the bags must be 75 % full for optimal cure as I understand it. Damn that means I wasted an afternoon and a ton of petrol. I think I have to return them and hope they have the correct size. Grrr
So if I understand you correctly, I bag them when I'd usually jar my bud? Only now I just zip and leave instead of burping?
Thanks G :)
The hydro store supplied me the wrong size bags! I ordered 226g bags and they have given me 1 pound bags which are enormous. I don't think I can use these. Grove say that the bags must be 75 % full for optimal cure as I understand it. Damn that means I wasted an afternoon and a ton of petrol. I think I have to return them and hope they have the correct size. Grrr
So if I understand you correctly, I bag them when I'd usually jar my bud? Only now I just zip and leave instead of burping?
Yes on how to use them. :) I have found the 1/4 pound and the one ounce size to be the most useful. 🤠 They keep the smell inside too.:love: I just store the buds that way too. I do throw in a few 62% moisture packs in the 1/4lb bags for long term storage. My Golden Tiger buds from last year are still moist today.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Yes on how to use them. :) I have found the 1/4 pound and the one ounce size to be the most useful. 🤠 They keep the smell inside too.:love: I just store the buds that way too. I do throw in a few 62% moisture packs in the 1/4lb bags for long term storage. My Golden Tiger buds from last year are still moist today.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Thank you :) I have decided that the bags I bought must go back. I hope they have them in the 226g size I ordered. Why do you add moisture packs if the bags are intended to maintain the optimal moisture content on their own? :passitleft:
Weekly Update: Week 12

Screenshot (106).png

The MAC slowed drinking a while ago and I simply stopped giving it water a week ago. It's fading and losing leaves fast but the trichomes are still not quite there yet. What am I going to lose if I harvest today / tomorrow? I am so pressed for time, even with Grove Bags. If I've got to get them snap dry in time for the bags, they must come down now as I now literally have two weeks until I leave on my trip.

I guess I am hoping someone will say to me it's ready 😅

They are ready whenever you want them to be, I myself prefer 30 - 50 % amber but I’ve chopped at cloudy no amber and been just fine with it. Just follow your gut always! If impatient just chop a couple branches!
Highya Carmen,

I concur. Take them down. It's worth not stressing over. I know you want the best, and she looks like her best to me! I leave mine in the drying room (with dehumidifier) for a week, and put them in storage after that. Never had a problem with mold in the stash. Happy Smokin'
They are ready whenever you want them to be, I myself prefer 30 - 50 % amber but I’ve chopped at cloudy no amber and been just fine with it. Just follow your gut always! If impatient just chop a couple branches!
Today my chopped Red Mimosa XL came off stalks and went into an open jar, laying on its side. The weed is jar ready after a week, which is what I am used to. That puts me at ease for another day. I just had a tester too. It comes on slowly and it's a nice head high. I won't comment on flavor yet, other than to say it will be tasty after a cure. This is a nice daytime med.
The MAC #1 Auto will go another day 🙂

I returned the Grove Bags and now waiting for stock of the right size.


58g or 2 oz of trichome coated bud is what it delivered 🥰
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