Cr8grow’s CMXL Auto Grow #7

Just returning from another unplanned trip. I did have help with water/feed this week. I expect to see some ugly bushes tomorrow that will produce some potent buds. I think humidity in my dry unfinished basement might be a variable I can control going forward. Bud quality has been consistent with my grow style but ugly plants equal lower yields. I also fed 50% veg nutes since autos. Good learning, should have gone full strength and let the leaf tips tell me when to back off. Plants are N starved but guano oumped buds should be excellent. Cheers
I understand my friend.

Autos can have nutrients no problem.
I think there is too many myths about them.

Stay safe
Not sure what happened on the latent post above, assume it was Corleone Kush. Day 56, end of Week 8. Conditions are dry and the plants are showing stress. I went half veg nutes to avoid burning the tips. Next auto I will go full strength organic veg nutes and then back off if the plants tell me too much. In this grow clearly 3 plants could have been fed full strength nutes and the one plant right front took well to the half strength dose. Three are pulling the last of the portable N to finish flowering. I’m just back from another trip and haven’t seen them in 6 days. They were watered/fed when pots were light in my absence. Ugly, yes. I have two weeks left to finish. I never had a chance to trim low going into flower or proper LST to fill the cabinet. The good news is the buds will continue to swell and ripen and will be just fine. When I switch to organic flower nutes I go full strength and double up on Budswel guano tea. These are unbelievably stinky already. I tried a different carbon filter and its already blown. I had to spray all over downstairs for the annual furnace maintenance. I could use opinions on a Rock Solid 4” carbon filter, been so disappointed. I will get in this weekend to trim all ugly leaves before they start sticking to the buds. Pics from today, not happy but trichomes should be plentiful. Cheers
I didn’t realize until seeing the pics above the purple tinged lime green plant is a nice sativa forward bush with fat flowers. There is a little tip burn, full strength nutes would have burned the tips. The other three are N starved, but no need to add now…they will just almost ready to smoke at chop with little chlorophyl remaining in my experience. I have my dry/cure tuned in and CMXL auto terpenes vary by plant from fruit to garlic. Very potent and even.
Hey cr8, of course i had to stop by..... Good job bro.. Great colors,
Day 64, yesterday was end of week 9. Mostly cloudy, a bit of amber. Despite the ugly leaves the last 2 weeks and losing one main bud, the buds are fat and super frosty. They also really stink. There are 3 phenos…purple, sativa limey purple and the two scruffy plants. They will probably be chopped in the next few days and may or may not be watered and fed again. The quality will be solid, the yield may be compromised. That’s on me with travel taking me away from most of this grow. I like the @ViparSpectra lights and may run the twins another grow. Pics from today. Cheers.
Hey cr8, of course i had to stop by..... Good job bro.. Great colors,
Mayne, this has truly been an autopilot auto grow. I had help on water/feed when away, but never got to attend to them properly. I love @Sweet Seeds Apolo CMXL Auto…these are S1. Of course they just grew into frosty sticky stinky bushes with some variety. The new LEDs seemed to do a nice job and my daytime temps are almost 10F lower than my usual CMH315w. Colors still ripening…guessing chop right before Christmas Eve. Cheers
Day 64, yesterday was end of week 9. Mostly cloudy, a bit of amber. Despite the ugly leaves the last 2 weeks and losing one main bud, the buds are fat and super frosty. They also really stink. There are 3 phenos…purple, sativa limey purple and the two scruffy plants. They will probably be chopped in the next few days and may or may not be watered and fed again. The quality will be solid, the yield may be compromised. That’s on me with travel taking me away from most of this grow. I like the @ViparSpectra lights and may run the twins another grow. Pics from today. Cheers.
Welcome to join our Christmas Giveaway:
Those buds look dense! I hope mine can get like that with slightly less light
I will check out your soil grow, mostly genetics and light, but I do pump organic flower nutes until the end. Need to scope again, I think they will be chopped tomorrow before the next wave of family hangs for a few days. Thinking I will change initial dry to small indirect fan only in my cabinet for 4 days, intake fan off. My carbon filter blew 3 weeks ago with this stinky grow and the smell will get more pronounced after chop. A good problem, but not all cool. That part of the basement is locked off but people wander. I need to stealth in some final fan trimming before chop and hang. Cheers
Day 69 from sprout, all four had fans and dead leaves trimmed late yesterday. More houseguests arriving today so chopped all four this morning. The scope showed mostly cloudy with some amber almost a week ago, so they were ready anyway. The buds are firm and frosty despite some ugly leaves late. I turned off my 4” fan/filter to abate the smell since my filter blew a few weeks ago. These are incredibly smelly plants, which will cure well I’m sure. They are now hanging in my grow cabinet with only a small fan circulating air. They will remain in the initial dry until guests depart early next week. Then trim, which shouldn’t be too bad based on bud appearance. These S1 plants never did stretch, but the buds bulked up nicely. I lost one main bud site early LST, regrettable. I like the performance of the @ViparSpectra XS1000 twins this grow. I may try them again with a photo fem to test yield impact. Quality wise these will be some tasty organic medicine. I was so busy this grow I couldn’t spend anytime caring for the plants. I did some hasty LST and never trimmed out the small stuff below. I will update cure and final weights over the next few weeks. Cheers
Day 69 from sprout, all four had fans and dead leaves trimmed late yesterday. More houseguests arriving today so chopped all four this morning. The scope showed mostly cloudy with some amber almost a week ago, so they were ready anyway. The buds are firm and frosty despite some ugly leaves late. I turned off my 4” fan/filter to abate the smell since my filter blew a few weeks ago. These are incredibly smelly plants, which will cure well I’m sure. They are now hanging in my grow cabinet with only a small fan circulating air. They will remain in the initial dry until guests depart early next week. Then trim, which shouldn’t be too bad based on bud appearance. These S1 plants never did stretch, but the buds bulked up nicely. I lost one main bud site early LST, regrettable. I like the performance of the @ViparSpectra XS1000 twins this grow. I may try them again with a photo fem to test yield impact. Quality wise these will be some tasty organic medicine. I was so busy this grow I couldn’t spend anytime caring for the plants. I did some hasty LST and never trimmed out the small stuff below. I will update cure and final weights over the next few weeks. Cheers
Absolutely beautiful. :thumb:

Stay safe
Trimmed buds on all 4 plants New Year’s Day (day 78 from sprout) after an 8-day slow dry at 64F and 64-62% RH. All were jarred separately for final burp/cure over the next week or so until all are at 58-60 RH. I calibrated 4 mini hygrometers overnight in a sealed container with a couple Boveda packs. I’m happy to report the bud quality is excellent, frosty, sticky and firm, even the popcorn buds. The smell is citrus, fruit and skunk, very smelly and all completely covered in long red hairs. These were S1 CMXL Auto seeds from a prior grow, not sure if that contributed to these being so squat, but they are also very chunky. I’m estimating final yield will be 4 to 5 ounces cured. Hygrometers in 3 jars at 64% RH after overnight in the jars, one at 79%. All will be opened up for about an hour a day until ready to jar down into half ozs. for storage. Final weights update when ready.
Final weight, initial impressions and jar down update. Day 1 seedling sprouts was back on October 16th. A quick good stash of primo organic buds fully cured and ready to smoke 3 months from start to finish. That’s the Auto upside. I prefer better control over a photo fem grow, tough to react to issues when your auto grow is more like dog weeks. This was the absolute smelliest stinkiest grow of all so far. I pumped guano tea and flower nutes…these super frosty plants obliged. Houseguests and a blown carbon filter forced a new dry approach, which meant I shut down my exhaust fan for the initial dry. I only kept on one small fan to move air around the whole plants hung upside down for the 8 day slow dry. All four plants were trimmed on New Year’s day. Most fans were trimmed before the plants were hung to dry. Big glass jar burp took two weeks to slow cure to 59-61% RH morning read across all four large jars. Dry yield was a bit under 5 ozs as anticipated. Bud quality is exceptional with three leaning to cheese…all are citrus and some pine. CMXL Auto has a nice hybrid high upfront with a indica stone back if you overindulge. All buds are covered in red hairs and are very frosty. I added the frozen trim to other bags I had in the freezer and made some nice bubble hash in the garage to close out the grow. These were my s1 seeds and all decided to be short stout with fat buds. I lost two main buds during LST…probably would have added another 14 grams. The @ViparSpectra XS1000 twins did a nice job with cooler daytime temps and the ability to gain flowering headspace if I need it. Pics are from Saturday. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers
Final weight, initial impressions and jar down update. Day 1 seedling sprouts was back on October 16th. A quick good stash of primo organic buds fully cured and ready to smoke 3 months from start to finish. That’s the Auto upside. I prefer better control over a photo fem grow, tough to react to issues when your auto grow is more like dog weeks. This was the absolute smelliest stinkiest grow of all so far. I pumped guano tea and flower nutes…these super frosty plants obliged. Houseguests and a blown carbon filter forced a new dry approach, which meant I shut down my exhaust fan for the initial dry. I only kept on one small fan to move air around the whole plants hung upside down for the 8 day slow dry. All four plants were trimmed on New Year’s day. Most fans were trimmed before the plants were hung to dry. Big glass jar burp took two weeks to slow cure to 59-61% RH morning read across all four large jars. Dry yield was a bit under 5 ozs as anticipated. Bud quality is exceptional with three leaning to cheese…all are citrus and some pine. CMXL Auto has a nice hybrid high upfront with a indica stone back if you overindulge. All buds are covered in red hairs and are very frosty. I added the frozen trim to other bags I had in the freezer and made some nice bubble hash in the garage to close out the grow. These were my s1 seeds and all decided to be short stout with fat buds. I lost two main buds during LST…probably would have added another 14 grams. The @ViparSpectra XS1000 twins did a nice job with cooler daytime temps and the ability to gain flowering headspace if I need it. Pics are from Saturday. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers
Great work my friend. :thumb: @cr8grow
Nice haul.

Stay safe
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