Hey! Not sure how I hadn't seen this one. Stoked on the cabinet still. Just a nice clean grow space.
There we go! I have a bunch of their seeds I recently ordered. Their freebies were insane. a little concerned that I cannot get in consistent communications with them though. Crossing my fingers. Planning on running a 2-3 varieties in my outdoor garden if I can squeeze them in.
I want to try that soon. A seed the harvest mix with no amendments. Even with Rev's recipes, he recommends nutrient spikes.
You know, me too. I had a few pop-up with last year's GSC plants. A couple on the indoor and 1 or 2 on the outdoor. I see that as vigorous genetics trying to continue its survival. Definitely not a pro to most growers though.
I saw you were adding some during every watering. This time around, I tried something new (to me), and used a powdered concoction of minerals (Kel-Zyme). I used it mostly as a precautionary addition to my soil. Anyway, thought I would share in case you wanted to get rid of an item off your drench routine.
Damn deer! Then again...growing it in their garden?!
haaa haaa...old school outlaw grows are where the history and foundation of information we all share in this community. Unsung heroes in my book!
Excellent idea! I've been using craft aluminum wire. It's pliable but stiff enough to hold some branches back. I'm close to week 2, post flip, and need to keep an out on the wire and stress from stretching. Great idea I'm going to implement in my grows. Your idea or someone else here? I likely will forget either way, but I'm curious if we need to come up with a fancy name like
Cr8SHookers or something. Then a fancy symbol thingy at the end.
Oooooo!!! Exciting! Well deserved Cr8! Good luck with the agreement and future grow with it.
Sounds like a wonderful start or end to any day! I need to do that more.
Well shit! That's better than anything I could offer. I'm lucky if I remember to login nowadays! Don't get hung up on meeting deadlines. Unless that's your type of personality for your own positive mental health. If it is, then snap out of it and get on track!
Have you had your well water tested? Get a complete analysis done. Possibly could get a local extension office to
donate lab time for their students and maybe get a discounted deep look into your well. Worth it for your overall health too.
Hell yeah! Love this stage of transition and their overall transformation. It's a beautiful site indeed.
Another thing I need to remember to keep on hand. I have a fireplace and smoker. I usually dump all my ashes into my compost bin. But I smoke hardwoods and should keep that set aside for feeding my soils directly. Good reminder! Thanks.
All caught up! I guess I'll wait until next Tuesday for an update...