Brandon's 2024 Grow Season

Mycelium Farmer

Commercial Cultivator
Hey everyone!
Posting a fresh journal for the 2024 grow season.
Want to be able to navigate each grow seasons online journal without getting too lost.
I hope to keep up with everyone’s conversation and keep photos and talks about the farm life coming to y’all!

Anyways, this year I’m looking forward to growing 4000 sq ft canopy twice using black out tarp for light deprivation, and be doing another 4-6000 sq ft outdoor

This years another big change for me, as I have gone true solo. Getting back to my ‘roots’
There’s a lot of reasons for this, but most easiest put… simplicity.

I’ll be struggling to keep up but I’ll have a smile 😊

Thanks for having me!

Here’s a few pics of the last week to start off. As some time passes, I’ll get together photos of the early year and add them.

Sprayed the nursery with Doctor Zymes this morning. First spray in 4 weeks. Doctor zymes is great organic safe spray, fantastic for pm and decent for soft bodied bugs (aphids, mites, etc)

And following the morning spray, I took a video in Garden A. I discussed briefly the strains in each bed, some of the beneficial plants surrounding the garden, a little on cucumber beetles, and uncovering the deps with me.

Appreciate this community and wishing all your grows the best
Citric acid. Interesting that it kills eggs as well. :thumb:
It can definitely be considered a mild approach. It works well, but it wouldn’t be my first resort if there was a heavy infestation.
In this case, just used as a preventative before releasing predatory bugs

Lol. Initially i thought that was  your clone inventory. But then I figured no grower would keep thousands of clones around just in case they wanted to grow them out next round.

How many different varieties would you typically run at any one time?
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