Ravenplume Cannabis Grow Journal - 2024:0 - RPCNGJ-2024:0


Well-Known Member
2024-02-26 / 08:30

Finally opening the journal for the main grow, which is "officially" only the 4 plants that will be going out in the cage, plus a pair in giant planters, and 3 in 5 gallon buckets. It was only going to be 2 5 gallon bucket grows; a Feyleaf Lite, and most likely a Wildling-00:2019 and Birthday Spanking (Pair:0 or 1, depends one which gives a girl first, as first gets dibs on the cage spot.) Effectively though, this particular journal will focus on just the growing of the mains, the S:00 plant for each type.

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The lineup I have for the cage come June (or late May) now will be one of Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy, as I got selected to participate in the comparative grow; so the PGC when I get it will get the primary spot, which is the front left corner. Behind it will be a Feyleaf Generation:00. Front right will be Bubblegum Lite, and behind that Birthday Spanking Generation:00 (from whichever pair is NOT getting the 5 gallon bucket.)

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Then in the 2 giant planters that my neighbor left behind (these are what a couple of the 2022 Birthday Cakes he gave me before he moved were in), there will be a Bitter Sweet Pie Lite and a Wildling-01:2023. The BSP Lite would normally take the front left spot in the cage like its Bitter Sweet Pie mother last year, but the Purple Ghost Candy from Seedsman has bumped it out to a planter.

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So to kick things off, Feyleaf Lite is the first subject of the grow, having been the first girl of any of them to show. For now, she just holds steady under normal house lighting as we wait out the rest of the Winter. She is also still revegging. A better spot will be set up for her soon though, still need to retrieve the blurple lights from the old grow room in the basement and get them hung up in a more useful spot. And of course, on good days, she will get to go out on the front porch for some nice natural sunlight.

In my derpiness, I failed to take note of when her seed got started, when it sprouted, and when it got potted. Oops. I will try to make an effort to pay better attention to those details next time. From memory though...

Started: Sometime November 2023
Sprouted: Sometime November 2023
Jiffy Pot Planted: Sometime December 2023
Potted: 2024-02-23 / 14:00

Name: Feyleaf Lite:2023 - S:00/2024 (Naming her for 2024 as she is for the 2024 grow despite being sprouted right at the tail end of 2023)
Subclass: Sativa Dominant
Mother Plant: Feyleaf-G:00/2022
Mother Plant SC: Sativa Dominant
Father Plant: Birthday Cake Lite:2022
Father Plant SC: Hybrid : Indica/Sativa Balanced

TtS (Time to Sprout): Unknown

Current Status: In Early Flower and Revegging

Now hopefully, I will get my S:00 subjects for the others soon.

And while I am thinking about it, I just might need to see what happens if I sprinkle a bit of Bitter Sweet Pie Lite pollen on S:00's crown as she does the reveg. Would it make a seed or two, and then would she be back to perfectly normal when she flowers again later in the year? I figure that flower that is her crown isn't going to go away just after her reveg, so why not experiment with it, eh? Or would that pretty much ruin her?
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prety confident it’s not a reveg Raven,

The early sexing (sexing in 33ish days deal) depends upon 12/12 schedule for first 10 days of popping a bean, then we pull back to normal 18/6 veg light schedule. All that does is ramp up hormones to force show of gender. Typically the plant is not in flower yet so there’s no reveg to be had.

Now if you stay on a flower light schedule for all 33 days that’s different story. Could be wrong here but think what you’ve got is a young chick showing her pubes… a display that she’s single & ready to mingle.

A reveg will first stall the plant out, then after much time elapses it will pop single bladed fan leafs on top, often they are non serrated. After more time passes it will pop 3 bladed fans, still more time is needed to get to 5 bladed fans, after that it will resume growing normally.

either way let’s get this 2024 garden started!
I didn't do the 33 day thingie with this one. This one spent 10 days or so under 14 hours dark and 10 light to cause flowering. Since then, I have been keeping her on what I call my wake up to bedtime lighting, which is definitely more than 12 hours light. I figure the reveg process is pretty slow, as one I had last year proved to be. I just figure on veg lighting, the reveg process has already started, just no indicators of it yet.
No pics yet, though there will be when I do my first weekly update for all journals Saturday, but I am pleased to announce that Feyleaf Lite S:00 (which is going to get redesignated S:02 soon) is in fact knocked up with what will be declared Wildling-02:2024 seeds. And chances are, before June rolls around, I will have a Wildling-02 journal up and running. Still hoping she manages to reveg and then grow up normal, though will likely pollinate her again, but with a brother flower to make a new pure and a name and claim, which will Faeriecake (what with the Lite being a Feyleaf and a Birthday Cake Lite.)
2024-04-11 / 16:20

Here's what we have so far as our confirmed primary subjects for the main grow...

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Sadly, we only have two confirmed S:00 subjects thus far, and one of those is about to be demoted. Fortunately, still 2 months until big planting, so should get the others identified soon.

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First is the one I have nicknamed Blinky, also known as Subject:00 of the Seedsman Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow project. She was put into this 1 gallon planter, Jiffy Pot and all, back on 04-02, and will remain planted thus until it is time for her to assume her position in the most prime spot on the cannabis cage withe r 1st of June or last week of May. Her spot will be the southwest corner of the cage, which seems to be the best spot (Bitter Sweet Pie, my biggest plant last year had the spot then.)

The other S:00 is a Feyleaf Lite, which is one of at least 3 relegated to just a 5 gallon bucket.

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I am very likely going to demote her to S:05 though, as a secondary breeding girl. Previously, I decided to see if I could pollinate her with saved pollen from Wildling-01:2023 - S:01's pollen while getting her through reveg, and, well...she is knocked up now with what should hopefully be demmed Wildling-02:2024, and hopefully in time for the new Wildlings to even get to be a part of this year's grow. The reason for S:05 is due to some standards I am establishing for many of my projects. For most, S:00 is the primary which will mostly hopefully be able to grow up normally to a nice harvest. S:01 is the first male and the pollen provider for the first breeding pair with S:02 being the second girl, and the one to get pollinated by her S:01 brother. S:03 is reserved for a second male, and S:04 is simply his breeding partner. After that, whatever keeper I get gets to be S:05, and in this case, she is a side breeding subject making a new Wildling. I'll make that "official" when I finally do a Feyleaf / Feyleaf Lite journal update. Until I get a seed to actually sprout and get its crown and first layer of fan leaves (what I call Level:0), I am just going to declare these Feyleaf Ultralite. Once I have one to L:0, then I will give it its Wildling sequence number, and will also give her some good tender care once the weather is good enough outside to help her along in revegging and then when she flowers again, pollinate her some more with her Wildling mate for more seeds.

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So, with her demoted to S:05, I have some potential candidates to become the new S:00 primary. And I am hoping it ends up being this one, which came off of flowering lighting a short while back and should be showing its sex any time now.

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Next up is what I feel will be the most likely S:0 candidate for Feyleaf Generation:00. I already have an S:01 standing by to breed an S:02 sister and make Feyleaf Generation:01. Anyway, I am hoping this one gets to be my S:00.

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I honestly can't recall whether or not this one has had its 14/10 period. I think I am seeing some preflowers at the nodes, but can't be 100% positive yet. I will address that further when the next Feyleaf journal update happens.

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Birthday Spanking Pair:0's candidate for S:0 will be getting a 5 gallon bucket to grow in, as the Birthday Spanking Spot out in the cage is reserved for Pair:1's S:0.

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No idea yet what either are, but I do believe I spotted preflowers on both. Like with Feyleaf, these will be addressed further in the appropriate journal.

Next on the list are the Bitter Sweet Pie Lites. I currently have at least two potential candidates for S:00, though thanks to Purple Ghost Candy, BSP Lite's primary will be getting one of the Bigass Planters instead of going in the cage. I am predicting the one already marked S:00 will remain S:00.

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The Bubblegum Lite candidates are also in about the same state as the BSP Lites, no definitive S:00 yet, though I do have two potential ones under consideration.

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For a brief while, I thought I might need to get another seed or two started, since it looked like the current S:00 was on its way out. But an hour after a proper watering, it sprang back to life, or as I like to say, reinflated and is in the running to remain S:00...

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And all that leaves now are the S:00 candidates for my two extant Wildlings: W:00/2019 and W:01 2023.

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I currently have only this one W:00, so it is naturally the one and only S:00 candidate at this time. However, Starting from 4/15 and going through 4/19, I will be starting one per day for my annual 4/20 420 Challenge, and those can be part of the Wildling:00 grow as well.

And this is my best W:01 candidate, though I think I still have a couple other possibilities. This one is the best looking of them.

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I think I am going to go ahead and put all candidates, whether they show preflowers or not; back on the 14/10 flowering lighting cycle until 4/20 starting 22:00 tonight just for good measure. Shouldn't harm them. Right?
2024-05-24 - 19:30

Sad no one else has chimed in at all in the sexing thread, now that we are getting really close to planting time, and still can't quite tell if any of these are girls. At least after all this time, there have been no pollen sacs, so I guess that is a good sign, but all of them? No way could I be that lucky.

Anyway, since we are out of time, I have to just go ahead and pick the four that are going in the cage. And these two are the first. I am actually planting them Sunday, a week early. Shouldn't hurt them... RIGHT?

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These are the primaries for Bitter Sweet Pie Lite and Birthday Spanking from Breeding Pair:1

First Bubblegum Lite...

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I really have no idea if these pictures are useful or not.

And here is the Birthday Spanking.

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Bubblegum Lite will be going in the front right (SE) corner of the cage out back, and Birthday Spanking will assume her position in the rear behind BSP Lite (NE corner). Feyleaf and Purple Ghost Candy wait until the 1st.
Not certain what you meant by training hack or Christmas tree style actually.

As for them not showing definitive sex after all this time, not a big deal. Is it likely that since none of them showed anything other than preflowers after all this time that they will all be girls, considering the 6 boys I do have showed within perhaps a couple weeks tops after coming off flowering lighting, meaning if you don't have a boy by now, it is a girl?

Whatever though, I just have to pick the three going in today (not counting the Purple Ghost Candy of course), since we are out of time and June 1st is coming up. Not going to wait until half way through the Summer before planting, since it would likely take most of June for any to actually show their sex it seems.
2024-05-30 - 09:45

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Back on 05-26, the cannabis cage out back got thoroughly weeded in preparation for June 1st planting. But, we are planning on putting them in later today, 2 days early, just to get it over and done with so I can get on to other projects finally.

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Room for 4 (though 3 is probably ideal).

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Purple Ghost Candy S:00 - Blinky - She gets the most prime spot, which is the SW corner of the cage. I'm figuring only 2 days early into the ground won't harm her or cause her to suddenly flower early.

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Feyleaf Generation:00 - 2022 - This goes in the spot directly behind Blinky, NW corner.

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Bubblegum Lite:2023 - She gets the other front spot (SE corner).

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Birthday Spanking Pair:01/Generation:00/2023 - This one gets the NE corner. The Pair:00 primary will get a 5 gallon bucket this time, and next year PR:0 will get the cage and PR:1 will get a bucket. Actually though, I may very well have a Pair:2 line by next season from the Birthday Cake Lites that are being grown as another little side project. If that happens, then the as yet unborn Pair:2 will get that spot next year.

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Before planting though, we are going to put some of this stuff in the planting holes (not bad at $2.79 a bag). We will also spread some on the surface around the individual plants in the cage as well. Figure after 7 years, that space probably needs some fresh nutrients by now.

Next update will either be the plantings themselves, or the bucket plantings for the 4 not going in the cage (Birthday Spanking-Pair:0/Generation:00/2023, Bitter Sweet Pie Lite:2023, Wildling-00:2019, and Wildling-01:2023.
Time - 14:00

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All four primary primaries are now planted, and I am not expecting any of these to go drama queen from the "stress" of planting, due to Feyleaf (Rear-Left) and Birthday Spanking (Rear Right) being in Jiffy pots, and Purple Ghost Candy (Front-Left), and Bubblegum Lite (Front-Right) being extracted from their planters in a way that didn't even expose the roots (used tin snips to cut away the Not a Pringles canister BG Lite was in and the 1 gallon plastic planter on PGC's). Hated having to destroy a perfectly good plastic 1 gallon planter, but that was really the best way to ensure Blinky didn't get harmed.

From here on out though, all cannabis plants that are slated to go in the ground or a 5 gallon get only a J-Pot, no additional planter. Seeing how several of the Jiffy plants fared these past few months, up-potting really was not needed.

Boys selected for keeping as indoor plants though, will get put, J-Pot and all, into one of the small Dollar Tree planters.
Oh, Christmas Tree style is my technique. I think the only plants I have ever topped were potted boys that I kept for breeding. In fact, I need to check and see if any of my boys I have out on the porch revegging can use a cropping.
Not certain what you meant by training hack or Christmas tree style actually.

As for them not showing definitive sex after all this time, not a big deal. Is it likely that since none of them showed anything other than preflowers after all this time that they will all be girls, considering the 6 boys I do have showed within perhaps a couple weeks tops after coming off flowering lighting, meaning if you don't have a boy by now, it is a girl?

Whatever though, I just have to pick the three going in today (not counting the Purple Ghost Candy of course), since we are out of time and June 1st is coming up. Not going to wait until half way through the Summer before planting, since it would likely take most of June for any to actually show their sex it seems.
Just thought I'd throw in my .02¢
Zooming on the pics, they all look very female.
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