Ravenplume Cannabis Grow Journal - 2024:0 - RPCNGJ-2024:0

Still no pictures ready. Too many other things on the plate.

Birthday Spanking and Bubblegum Lite were pulled, a few pollen heavy sticks saved, and their main stalks trimmed and set aside to cure into more of what I call Feywood.

We went ahead and shook some of the Birthday Spanking pollen over the @SeedsMan Purple Ghost Candy, just in case a pollination had not already happened, so she will be making Purple Ghost Candy Lite if the knock up takes.

The Bubblegum Lite pollen will be used on the Bitter Sweet Pie Lite gal that will be going in hopefully this evening to finish growing up and budding.
One of the bucketed primaries, Feyleaf Lite S:0 is very nicely budded.
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And not only that, she is with seed again.
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I have been hand pollinating her with her brother, Blue, but I suspect, that with so very few seed pods showing, and these looking fairly well along; that she did the "emergency self pollinate" thing. If so, these should be feminized even. Like with the knocked up Purple Ghost Candy, if I get 5 girls in a row (if I get that many seeds at least off her), I will presume them to be feminized.

Either way though, whether self pollinated or hand pollinated by her brother, that makes the resulting seeds what I call a breedback; going from pure to lite (half breed) and back to pure via lite siblings. In my standards and protocols I am developing, that warrants a new name, as they are still half breeds, but are now "noble bred" from sibling seeds.

For a breedback, I like to try to have the name be something related to the original in some way. In this case, the parent seeds were Feyleaf Lite:2023, and the grandparent that got pollinated by the Birthday Cake Lite that made the Feyleaf Lite was Feyleaf Generation:00/2022.

Keeping with the Fey theme, I am invoking the stuff my grandpa used to pull out of thin air to sprinkle on his magic tricks, Woofle Dust... (Woofles, I am decreeing to be little fairy winged critters of assorted species, but that is more than enough on that shit no one wants to hear.)

So anyway, if these seeds prove viable, and the first will be started as soon as it is ready, I will have Woofle Dust Generation:00/2024.

May have a second breedback coming as well with the Bubblegum Lites. Haven't settled on or even been able to come up with a good name for these yet...
2024-09-05 / 10:00

Going to attempt a general update on the entire main journal now, both the caged primaries and the bucketed / plantered primaries. Let's see how long it takes to put it together. :)
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Not much to look at at the moment, but they still have a couple months to continue to grow. Starting top right and running clockwise...

Honeymane : Bitter Sweet Pie Lite:2023 (replaced the Birthday Spanking-Pair:01 boy that was there previously)
Bethany : Guttersnipe:09 / Mutt:05 - 2024 (replaced the Bubblegum Lite boy at that spot)
Blinky : Purple Ghost Candy from @SeedsMan
Feyleaf : Feyleaf-G:00/2022

I have to say that Honeymane and Bethany's transplants was the smoothest operation ever. In fact, this is what their respective planters looked like at the end...
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-0-50 - BSP-Lite and Bethany Buckets-0.jpg

We actually achieved it without either of them having a drama queen phase, though it is a 2 person job, highly unlikely to be able to do solo. So after making their planting holes, which then got half filled with water, , what my partner did was loosen up the dirt in the bucket/planter with the spade all around the edge. Then he held the planter upside down while I kept a firm grip on the plant's trunk. He "spanked" the plant with a couple good hard whacks on the underside of the planter, and the entire contents came out in a single big tight mass of soil, with the roots still safely hidden deep within. Should have snapped a pic of at least one of them. It was a beautiful sight. This technique is good for up-potting plants as well from small planters to larger ones or 5 gallon buckets with no drama queen downtime.

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Here is the newly named Honeymane, aka Bitter Sweet Pie Lite-2023 She got purposely knocked up by Ivy, my Bubblegum Lite S:1 boy and is with seed, making a new Wildling. What it gets designated as depends on which other new Wildlings I have and which are collected first when it comes time to process. Due to the morning lighting and shade, I was not able to get any good pics of her developing seed pods, but they are there.

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And next is Bethany, Guttersnipe:09 / Mutt:05 - 2024
I initially wanted to maintain her as an indoor plant over the Winter and just see what experiments I could do with her, but plans change and I felt she was the best choice to replace the Bubblegum Lite boy.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-0-53 - Bethany With Seed.jpg

She is also heavily with seed from Wildling:01-S:3 (Blue), and her offspring will be a Wildling as well, with the designation based on what gets collected first come harvest.

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Blinky - Purple Ghost Candy-S:0 from @SeedsMan is making some nice thick buds, as well as plenty of seeds (making Purple Ghost Candy Lite) due to us purposely pollinating her with the Birthday Spanking-Pair:01 boy that was pulled previously.
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I am no longer concerned about the quality of the bud from seeded weed. Perhaps I just don't know better and haven't had exposure to the really good stuff, but ever since I got my Imperial buttload of Wildling:00/2019 seeds and the plants they came off of had decent bud, I have come to the conclusion that weed with seed is not cause for sad.
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And lastly for the cage brats, we have Feyleaf - Feyleaf-G:00/2022
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She was also hand pollinated with the same Birthday Spanking pollen Blinky was knocked up with, and will be producing another lineage of Feyleaf Lite. For these, I am going to go with my standard I used for the Birthday Spankings (two different breeding pairs) these seeds will be called Feyleaf Lite-Pair:01/2024 and last year's will be redesignated as Feyleaf Lite-Pair:00/2023.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-0-55 - Feyleaf With Seed.jpg

So, there is part 1 of the update, the Cage Brats. Part 2 will follow in a little while, which is the other S:0 plants in buckets and planters.

And now, back to the show...

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For Birthday Spanking-Pair:00/2023, this little lass has been promoted to S:00, due to the previous S:00 candidate becoming S:03 (aka male)...along with S:01, S:05, and S:07 for that matter. Only other BSPD Pair:0 plants are among the Eggheads (meh. They are hanging in there) and the Tokens, and none of them are even close to being sexed yet.

I'm really not expecting very much smokable bud off her. But that is fine. My primary objective now for Birthday Spanking Pair:00-G:00/2023 is simply to create Birthday Spanking Pair:00-G:01/2024 seeds. And she has her work cut out for her. To make it easier, instead of pairing her up with only one of her brothers, I am pollinating her in what I am boldly going to call Gang Bang technique (It's good to be da king...)
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-0-60 - BDSP-PR0-S0 and Brothers.jpg

Also known as S:01, S:03, S:05, and S:07. All four of her brothers will be claiming responsibility for the next generation. (I know, I shouldn't anthropomorphize them. They hate that.)

I currently do not have an S:00 Pair:01 Birthday Spanking. Former S:00 was the one that was out in the cage, and technically became S:03, and only other sexed Pair:01 is S:01, a boy out on the front porch in a 5 gallon bucket. Really need to collect his pollen sacs before they are all popped. I have a Pair:01 in the Midseason Backups, as well as among the Solo Cup Tokens, but they are still juveniles and unsexed.

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We then also have Reneen, the new Bubblegum Lite:2023 S:00, who is being "attended to" by her S:01 brother, Ivy. The offspring will meet the basic requirements for a new "pure" with its own new name. I am calling this type of "noble breeding" a Breedback (2 Lite siblings bred back together). However, with them still being only half breed due to whatever made the lites from the previous pures still being half their makeup, they need a new name. For a breedback, I like having the name related somehow to the original. I haven't settled on a name for the upcoming offspring; but there's plenty time. No rush, I'll think of something suitable when the time comes.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-0-62-S0-Feyleaf Lite and Wildling-01.jpg

Out on the back deck, we have Feyleaf Lite - Pair:00/2023, heavy with seed from her brother Blue - S:03). Her seeds will be another breedback, and will be called Woofle Dust (thematically related to Feyleaf for reasons I may or may not have naddered on about earlier). Sadly, I couldn't get any real good shots of her seed pods, but they are there and there are plenty.

And last, we have Wildling:01/2023 - S:00
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-0-63-S0-Wildling-01-2023-Virgin.jpg

Thus far, she is looking unmolested with no sign of any seed pods yet (did not hand pollinate and took some measures to avoid a knock up, and so far it is looking good. She has a sister out on the front porch that is getting regularly pollinated by their three brothers (S:01, S:03, and S:05), so I should get seeds from her. And these, being straight up Wildling siblings, get a full name and claim, like I did in 2022 with Feyleaf. I'm leaning toward Muskflower for the offspring, but we will see.

I have no surviving female Wildling:00/2019 subjects, so no S:00 at this time. That could change once Token:00 shows, or one of the Eggheads. Guess I should secure the pollen off all the WD:00 boys soon though. Never know when it may come in handy.

That's all I have for now. Perhaps tomorrow I can consider getting the individual perpetual journals updated.
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