12 plants mixed strains, remo nutrients, 2xse7000 spiderfarmer leds


Well-Known Member
Here we go, I finally got all 12 seeds to hatch in the 1 gallon pots.

I am growing some freebies seeds along with some Super Lemon Haze by GreenHouse and my Barney’s Farm favourite Blue Gelato 41.

Let’s name this Day 1.


I am running 2 x spiderfarmer se7000 lights. For now only 1 is ON at a distance from the pots of 65cm and 20% power @ 190 ppfd measured with my quantum reader.

18/6 light schedule.

This gives me a DLI of 12, which according to the diagram below i am on point.

For the DLI I am using the calculator from: DLI Calculator No Intro | CALCONIC_ Calculator

For this grow I will be using @Asesino85 training technique called quadlining because I was blown away when I read his thread for this technique.
You can find the details here: The Quadsquad Thread: A Community For Quadlining

I am running canna professional soilless medium.


I used the paper method for germination then I put the sprouted seeds in the 1 gallon pots. The pots where fully watered until runoff, with RO water plus 0.2/L of Terra Aquatica pro roots activator.


First time user of Remo Nutrients and I am going with the full line.

My environmental settings are:
-Room temp @ 27c
-RH @ 60%
-Soil surface temp @ 24c

I am feeding or watering with a solution temperature of 21c and that requires couple of frozen water bottles to bring down the temps from 25c to 21c, to keep the root soil matrix in the optimal environment for element uptake and root growth.

I am going to transplant these girls in 5g fabric pots once I see root development under the 1g pot they are currently in.
For the transplant I am going to use xtreme Mykos and Azos.


If I missed something or anyone wants to ask me anything feel free to do so.

I am going to tag some members who helped me through my years in this community to help me with this grow as I am still learning and had problems on my previous grows.
@Emilya Green

So here we are day 1, 12 plants of mixed strains using the quadlining training 🍀🌞
Wow, nice start to your grow journal @Known

Your are going to be very busy with all those 5 gallon fabric pot.
I will tag along if you don't mind.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Welcome along T!

I really wanted 4gallons and i will save up to get them for the next run.

These 5's take more days to dry but this time i will run them on 28c room temp. Hopefully this will give me a 4 day cycle.
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