I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

OK I have a random question regarding SCROG. My thought process has been that the net, or string, or wire, or whatever it is that one uses to make their SCROG is used to help lay the branches back down sideways over and over and over again using whatever means it takes to make this happen outside of "too much" physical damage to the plants. And that in doing this the plant sends the hormones, or nutes or what ever it is that makes the top of the plant know it is at the top to the "new" tops as the old top is now horizontal. and by doing this is creates much more main cola sites throughout the plant rather than just a couple.

This is the method I used with the above described though process. The reason I am asking is I have seen far too many other SCROGs that appear to have just a net, or other means of making a SCROG with the plant just growing through it and that is it. Am I missing something here? It is a Friday night and I am having one so maybe I am on a tangent but I want to make sure that I went about this the right way LOL
I appreciate your rant cuz I just learned what a net and sea of green are and how to obtain an apply the methods. 🙏
To clarify, I thought it was a net on top to just give support to colas and a visual cutting point of where to lollipop the lower section.
I appreciate your rant cuz I just learned what a net and sea of green are and how to obtain an apply the methods. 🙏
To clarify, I thought it was a net on top to just give support to colas and a visual cutting point of where to lollipop the lower section.
The way that I understand it is the way that @Ke0ncp described it. Plants growing into the net as a way to make lots of similar sized colas, even canopy and reducing the stretch. These are typically smaller sized net holes. Plants growing through the nets are usually for support/trellising and use larger sized net holes. You may get a decent stretch after flip even with the scrog depending on the strain but its easier to control.
Day 124 - Vegged for 56 - Day 20 of flower

Buds are still growing and plants are looking good.

Lots of little larf started popping back up under the net……

In plucking some of that my fingers now smell of candy again! With a little spice to it.

Everything is just sort of cruising along as it should I guess, kind of feels odd not chasing a problem! Relaxing really :)

At this current stage in the grow this is looking to be my best looking grow to date so I am really happy with that!

Here is to making it to the finish line with no more issues :nervous-guy: :nervous-guy: :Rasta:



That's a beautiful sight!
Thanks Stone!
I appreciate your rant cuz I just learned what a net and sea of green are and how to obtain an apply the methods. 🙏
To clarify, I thought it was a net on top to just give support to colas and a visual cutting point of where to lollipop the lower section.
I’m glad it helped someone :)
The way that I understand it is the way that @Ke0ncp described it. Plants growing into the net as a way to make lots of similar sized colas, even canopy and reducing the stretch. These are typically smaller sized net holes. Plants growing through the nets are usually for support/trellising and use larger sized net holes. You may get a decent stretch after flip even with the scrog depending on the strain but it’s easier to control.

My net has 3” square holes in it, which I found to work really well. I just kept tucking the tips back under the net as best I could! I didn’t really go about it in any type of systematic way other than dividing the net up into 2 rectangles, one for each plant :)
Many scrog growers use two nets. One to weave stems through to make an even canopy and therefore equal light distance, and the second a little bit above the first to help support the buds when they get big and start to lean.
Many scrog growers use two nets. One to weave stems through to make an even canopy and therefore equal light distance, and the second a little bit above the first to help support the buds when they get big and start to lean.
I have a second net on standby just in case I need of for exactly that same reason.

A net just seems easier to me than the random strings I had going all over the place last grow to support the big colas :)
Day 125 - Vegged for 56 - Day 21 of flower:

These girls are basically on auto pilot now! I feed them and they keep building buds, it is a great trade off :ganjamon:

Not too much to report on today. All the numbers are in line and things are just cruising :)

I’ll try to be brief as possible :) I will not go in depth to cover why bending produces more colas other than to say there are hormones that promote branching and others that promote reaching just as there are for tap roots vs feeder roots. There are many that promote training and fans to improve branch strength and others that add potassium silicate as well ( but I haven’t personally ) which can negate second net or support requirement. For me the ideal is to have all colas same distance from light and proper airflow in scrog.
Day 126 - Vegged for 56 - Day 22 of flower:

Well I went in and chopped out all kinds of larf from under their skirts! Still lots of it in there but I feel good about the amount I got rid of!

Did a top feeding today as the media was looking a little parched! I'm also taking off camping tomorrow and I want to hydrate them as much as possible between now and then. I ended up giving them each about 1.25 gallons with no spillover out of the drain holes, though it did make it to just under them. I will likely to another top watering tomorrow just before I leave and they will be good until I return :)

I also did a quick little DLI Check on these top colas and man they are getting some RAYS!!! Coming in at a DLI of 67.02 to my goal of 40, following the charts! I guess it just goes to show that the chart/numbers aren't end all be all :) But they are a great guide for noobs like myself.

There is some obvious what I will call "light resistance" on some of those tallest colas, but I am not making any changes to my lights as I still need to get to the stuff that's right at net height.

Other than that, not much else to report on. They are truckin' like to doo dah man!

Day 129 - Vegged for 56 - Day 25 of flower:

Well we took off for the weekend and went camping! Had a blast!

Back home now and the ladies didn’t skip a beat!

I’m exhausted so short and sweet today :)




Day 130 - Vegged for 56 - Day 26 of flower:

Man smell smacked me in the face when I opened the tent today. And the only thing I could think of was puppy breath!!! They smelled like puppy breath!! That went away after a moment but it put a smile on my face.

Anyway, guess what I noticed today??? Can you guess another LEAKING BUCKET!!!!!!! WTF!!!

Well I will get more liquid flex seal as that seamed to do the trick on the other bucket…

Not much else to report on. Numbers are a little low actually in the VPD and high in the RH due to the LEAKING FUCKING BUCKET hahaha. Damn bucket!

Anyway how about some weed pics :)


This grow is going to be spooktacular when it finishes. Going to be trapped in the trim purgatory for a minute lol.
Spooktacular it will be!!! Luckily I have friends who help me trim and I fill their jars :)
It's nice to get away! It's awesome to see the garden in great shape when you get home! They look great!
It was great to get away! We really had a great time!
Looking good...those buds are really stacking. Puppy breath huh??
Yeah they are starting to fill the gaps a bit. I was worried that the bud production wasn’t going to match the stretch, but looks like I got luck on that one!

And yeah puppy breath! Odd isn’t it!
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