I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

Not sure really...I started the seeds( Blue Dream x Gastro Pop) before the grow.build out which could be over month away....have them.under flouros for now ....will research some.LEDs , have a big ass barn that I may make a make shift grow room with 3 rooms, not finalized, as I have been considering just some tents and plug and play kits, thinking 2 6 plant rooms with a clone/veg space, most likely 3 gallon fabric pots soil mix with bottled nutes....thats as far as I've gotten
Well sounds like you’re on the right track. I would go with 5 gallon pots though.

For LEDs make sure to check out the Sponsors here!! And ask questions before you buy to make sure that you have enough light for your needs. Can never have too much lighting but all too often, I did the same, new growers skimp out on their lights. This is the single most important part of your grow.

I also would suggest setting up 1 grow space at a time. No sense in building out and spending a bunch of cash on something that it turns out you don’t enjoy doing :)
Well sounds like you’re on the right track. I would go with 5 gallon pots though.

For LEDs make sure to check out the Sponsors here!! And ask questions before you buy to make sure that you have enough light for your needs. Can never have too much lighting but all too often, I did the same, new growers skimp out on their lights. This is the single most important part of your grow.

I also would suggest setting up 1 grow space at a time. No sense in building out and spending a bunch of cash on something that it turns out you don’t enjoy doing :)
Yes this ....and it will be 1 at a time.....and with all the new stuff lights will be my investment
Day 97 - Vegged for 56 - Day 12 of flower

Still stretching!! Though it seems to be slowing a bit. Will still keep an eye on how close they get to the lights in case I need to raise them up a bit more.

Looking good and smelling great! Though the smell has not really become really strong yet. I’m expecting that in the next 2-3 weeks :)



WOWSA! From two plants! Egads they are going to be monsters! This is a wonderful ScroG.

Great grow! Got my :popcorn: And am dialed in. I have no ScroG experience, but this looks like a great show to watch here! And front row seats instead of lurking! LOL:high-five::passitleft:
Day 98 - Vegged for 56 - Day 13 of flower:

Well they are still stretching and I just raised the lights again after I took these pics. I also went in and trimmed off some larf that popped up under the net, no sense in letting that stuff grow :)

Weather is great here now so the windows are open and a box fan in the window sucking air out of the grow room has helped keep my humidity levels down and VPD in line with where is should be averaging 1.3. My overnight VPD is still low at .96 with the temp at 72.5 - 75 and RH at its highest hits 56.6% and that is just before lights on and then it quickly declines. I think I have an honest shot at no bud rot this grow!!

Here are todays pics:

Cruising full steam ahead!
NO doubt about that!!!
WOWSA! From two plants! Egads they are going to be monsters! This is a wonderful ScroG.

Great grow! Got my :popcorn: And am dialed in. I have no ScroG experience, but this looks like a great show to watch here! And front row seats instead of lurking! LOL:high-five::passitleft:
Thanks! I am really happy with how they turned out, especially how bad they looked mid veg!
Hello you :)

Still growing like a grow god I see.

Good job bruv 🤩
Thanks Tra! I struggle with these two plants, I don't know how in the world you keep up with all of the great looking ladies you have going on at any given point in time! And how in the hell do you remember each of their names!!! :lot-o-toke:
Looks amazing for 13 days post flip/flower (can't remember which it is but either way...)!
I am not complaining 1 bit :)

Now when it comes for the trim jail….

Ahh nah won’t be complaining then either! I take it to a buddies house and we take over his basement. He helps me trim it up and gets a bunch of free weed and I’m not stuck doing it all myself :)
I am not complaining 1 bit :)

Now when it comes for the trim jail….

Ahh nah won’t be complaining then either! I take it to a buddies house and we take over his basement. He helps me trim it up and gets a bunch of free weed and I’m not stuck doing it all myself :)
I have a deal with my friends and family that I share clones with that I get to have 1/2 of the main top colas and they keep the rest. Works out very well for all of us :)
I once grew out a clone someone gave me and he demanded half my harvest! I told him to take a hike.
I never demand anything, I’ve been given at least half by some out of appreciation for the help and guidance but we always share anyhow so none of us ever go without anymore :)
Sounds like you probably didn’t take any more clones from him LOL
He got out of growing the harvest after he gave me the clone, so he probably wanted to restock the jars with no effort.
I never demand anything, I’ve been given at least half by some out of appreciation for the help and guidance but we always share anyhow so none of us ever go without anymore
Everyone grateful gets some, everyone who claims they deserve it gets the side eye.

That was on July 4th about 4 years ago, and this past July 4th (I only see him at holiday parties) he asked for something for sleep, and I gladly gave him some capsules I made and a baggie filled with Bedroom Cookies.

He got out of growing the harvest after he gave me the clone, so he probably wanted to restock the jars with no effort.

Everyone grateful gets some, everyone who claims they deserve it gets the side eye.

That was on July 4th about 4 years ago, and this past July 4th (I only see him at holiday parties) he asked for something for sleep, and I gladly gave him some capsules I made and a baggie filled with Bedroom Cookies.

I'm the same way. I've given away way more herb than I've ever smoked. But for those who act entitled. Two words: Fuck Off!! The people who are helpful/grateful are more than welcome to my herb. Never been stingy with it. But over the years I've definitely seen more than a few fake people. Eh.... You'll have that.
Day 99 - Vegged for 56 - Day 14 of flower:

Well here they are 2 weeks into flower and looking and smelling pretty good! Had to get in and clean up some dead stuff under the canopy that just plain is not getting enough light LOL. I also raised the canopy fans a bit and bumped up the power on them as well. And I raised one of the lower fans and bumped the power up on it a bit as well to ensure that Im getting good air flow across all parts of the plants.

Today marks day 1 of making 5 gallon batches of nutes. I should have started this a few weeks back and did not for some reason. Now I will only have to make nutes up every other day, unless I make up 10 gallons at a time, which there is a good chance that might happen come next week.

Temps rose a bit today and might get rain tonight so had a bit of a struggle with VPD , though it averaged at 1.36 for the last 24 hours so thats not horrible and at my target, over night extreme was a VPD of 1.05 temp of 73.3 and RH of 54.7 so still not too shabby :)

Ok I have to go get the kiddos so here are todays pics :)

Starting to get some fronst on the leaves now :)

You should support the contests K.

You take some exceptional pics :)
Thanks Tra!

Was was thinking of entering in one this month.

Can’t do plant of the month, well because it’s hard to tell one from the other :)

Might try and get one in for pic of the month at some point :)
Thanks Tra!

Was was thinking of entering in one this month.

Can’t do plant of the month, well because it’s hard to tell one from the other :)

Might try and get one in for pic of the month at some point :)

Rob once said to me, when we support the contests, we support the mag.

I never enter to win, which is lucky coz I never do lol. I think my top number of votes for any plant or bud is 2 pity votes lolling! I enter every single month, and I only enter to support Rob.
Day 100 - Vegged for 56 - Day 15 of flower:

Well I will call it tomorrow for sure but it looks like stretch might be over or damn near it. I’ve made a few visual indicators to verify on that tomorrow. Once that happens I will be bumping up the MC and additions a tad. Though I might hold on that as they are not looking like they need any additional MC and I might just increase the K and find something to add in for P. But it would only put me at 5g/gal of MC so I think I will be fine :) that puts me at 28.7 PPM of P and 180 PPM of K

DLI average of the last 24 hours was 1.28 to a target of 1.30 with an extreme humidity of 62.3, temp of 78.5 and the DLI was at 1.01 just before lights on. It was a warm night last night and tonight is calling for lows in the lower 50°. We are still rocking late summer windows open and hope to be for the next month hopefully! Maybe even longer. Once it gets to 72° in the tent the heater will kick in :)

Ok here are today’s picks. They are starting to stack a little more. Im really hoping that they can fill in those gaps!!




Sorry side tangent…

I love my Michael Crouch glass that I got so much I ordered another!! And it’s fucking sick!!

Going to save its first smoke for my first some of this grow :)




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