White Fire OG, Growers Choice, 60x60cm 2x2ft, DWC, 150w LED, T.A. GH, ScrOG

It was getting too humid in here, so I gave her a much needed haircut. I'd love to have more space for her, but it is what it is, and I will have to improvise a bit. I think the end result is looking much better. Lets see how she responds.

I'm also declaring it the first day of flowering over here, just a little ahead of the Jack Herer. I added water and flowering nutes, but will change res tomorrow, as its now 11w old.

I'm glad I did the defoliation here, but I fear she will be giving me loads of smaller nugs due to the training. This is my first time with WiFi, I will definitely grow her different next time. Less dense in branches, topping more often, only keeping the upper 3 to 4 nodes or so, or else she does crazy shit like this here ..

Every time I do things that I'm sure I will regret, they love it. Every time I do things I'm sure they will appreciate, they scold me .. these are weird plants.

She is doing awesome here, still concerned about bud-size. This will not be a heavy yield I fear.
Just a quick before-lights-on-update, I plan to change the res here later today.

In the early pictures your stem is already a chunker. What does it mean if my stems stay rather skinny for a while? They only get real thick and sturdy somewhere around flowering time.
I believe thats the combination of root mass and having a constant supply of water, oxygen and nutrients in hydro.
When I had my soil grows, the stems didnt get this thick early on. Bit then, my pots where 1/3 the size size of my current reservoir.

I think root mass is key, but Im not that experienced in soil.
T.A.'s mix is for bloom is more acidic, and as a result I start having to use pH+ in flower. Added water and nutes and pH+ here to get to EC 1.5 and pH 6.35 to allow it to drop during water uptake and be at 5.7 or so tomorrow when I check.

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