VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Squash balls - do you guys call it racquetball/racketball ? Are good, I’ve had some pretty bad hand cuts. Because they’re a bit smaller you can squeeze them with different bits of your hand/fingers and squish against your other hand.

Actually just writing that I’m jonesing for one to fidget with now!

Is squash balls man code for testicles, or are we talking racket squash balls?
Yeah, I think the MC has too much N for flower, at least the last 2/3rds of flower anyway. I also run their two-part product made for hydroponics it's 5-12-27 (same as Jacks but from different sources, and has more Mag and Silica) and then a Cal-Nit 15-0-0 part 2. That makes for a good flower nute, but it doesn't have all of the organic elements the original 1-part does, the Aminos, Seaweed, Fulvic, and Vitamin B complex, however these are less important the later you go.

I am interested to see how it will go running MC all the way to the end myself so I think I will try with at least some of the current batch I have coming on. So far so good, I'll share some pics here real soon. I had a good germ rate with the beans you posted. Cheers mate, really, it still makes my day, every day.

I'm on it with the docs, and I'm red flagged too, but its just taking so long for specialists and testing, meanwhile it's closing up real fast and if it keeps up at this pace I'll have to take IV real soon, and that's a ridiculous expense. I don't pay it out of my pocket, we all do, but you know what I mean. I'm a damn handy tech myself and can do emerg IV's no problem. Maybe I'll try to hassle my doc to get a port put in now while I'm still ambulatory. Because its the rate of change (for the worse) that has me concerned, how quickly the esophagus is closing, and that doesn't show up on the tests, its anecdotal data that I'm not sure is being heard as clearly as it oughta be.
Yeah, I think the MC has too much N for flower, at least the last 2/3rds of flower anyway. I also run their two-part product made for hydroponics it's 5-12-27 (same as Jacks but from different sources, and has more Mag and Silica) and then a Cal-Nit 15-0-0 part 2. That makes for a good flower nute, but it doesn't have all of the organic elements the original 1-part does, the Aminos, Seaweed, Fulvic, and Vitamin B complex, however these are less important the later you go.

I am interested to see how it will go running MC all the way to the end myself so I think I will try with at least some of the current batch I have coming on. So far so good, I'll share some pics here real soon. I had a good germ rate with the beans you posted. Cheers mate, really, it still makes my day, every day.

I'm on it with the docs, and I'm red flagged too, but its just taking so long for specialists and testing, meanwhile it's closing up real fast and if it keeps up at this pace I'll have to take IV real soon, and that's a ridiculous expense. I don't pay it out of my pocket, we all do, but you know what I mean. I'm a damn handy tech myself and can do emerg IV's no problem. Maybe I'll try to hassle my doc to get a port put in now while I'm still ambulatory. Because its the rate of change (for the worse) that has me concerned, how quickly the esophagus is closing, and that doesn't show up on the tests, its anecdotal data that I'm not sure is being heard as clearly as it oughta be.
Funny how large scale operations been using Jacks 3-2-1 ratio with great results for decades on end? I've done more than 10 cycles with Jacks or MC without any problems. The organic additives doesn't add much positive to the mix since they're to low in concentration and I think its better to add chelators and other additives on the side to get the effective dosage in different stages of growth. You could just add some Epsom to the one part and it's practically the same ratios as the two part.

I don't think the main problem is the mineral ratios but overfeeding? People don't monitor their inputs and leachates and some nutrient brands get away with more misuse and overfeeding than others. Overfeeding is a widespread problem, especially in the US.

I've seen people recommend going by weight running MC and I can only shake my head to all the bad info repeatedly given.

Hope you feel better soon bud! All the best!
Bill let me know next time and I’ll check out the hydro shop and ship them up to you probably be cheaper I’d offer to drive them up there but I don’t think the kids would last the journey haha
If you come all the way up here it better be to go tubing and have fun. :lot-o-toke:
Not deliver perlite.
Besides you would need to bring 10 bags to make it worth the gas money.
Just let me know when, I'll have the cowboys ready. :thumb:
Hope your enjoying your weekend my friend.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Hey RD I recommend that you get a diagnosis asap! My Stepfather had esophageal cancer and he was always having his esophagus closing up.They ended up removing it and making one from something that closed up even more. But his first symptoms were the hiccups when he tried to eat plus he had something that resembled a hernia on his chest. Hope you get a clean bill of health and are feeling better soon. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
How is he doing now?
All better I hope. :hug:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Yeah, I think the MC has too much N for flower, at least the last 2/3rds of flower anyway. I also run their two-part product made for hydroponics it's 5-12-27 (same as Jacks but from different sources, and has more Mag and Silica) and then a Cal-Nit 15-0-0 part 2. That makes for a good flower nute, but it doesn't have all of the organic elements the original 1-part does, the Aminos, Seaweed, Fulvic, and Vitamin B complex, however these are less important the later you go.
I've been using Plagron green sensation 0-9-10 to bring up the p&k.
Also terpinater, alternating between the 2.
Trying to keep th N down.
I am interested to see how it will go running MC all the way to the end myself so I think I will try with at least some of the current batch I have coming on. So far so good, I'll share some pics here real soon. I had a good germ rate with the beans you posted. Cheers mate, really, it still makes my day, every day.
I'll do a full run of mc in the greenhouse and of course I'm using it in the flower room aswell.
She had Plagron in veg though.
But I'll probably still play with the formula until I'm happy.
I'm on it with the docs, and I'm red flagged too, but its just taking so long for specialists and testing, meanwhile it's closing up real fast and if it keeps up at this pace I'll have to take IV real soon, and that's a ridiculous expense. I don't pay it out of my pocket, we all do, but you know what I mean. I'm a damn handy tech myself and can do emerg IV's no problem. Maybe I'll try to hassle my doc to get a port put in now while I'm still ambulatory. Because its the rate of change (for the worse) that has me concerned, how quickly the esophagus is closing, and that doesn't show up on the tests, its anecdotal data that I'm not sure is being heard as clearly as it oughta be.
Sounds very serious.
Don't they try and admit you for treatment?
It worries me something could go wrong and you will be at home without medical assistance. :rolleyes:
And your probably fading away so you should be on an IV for now.
Camp out in emergency until they take you seriously.
Advocate for yourself please.
Don't let anything happen.
Talk soon my friend. :hug:

#VIVOSUN Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Funny how large scale operations been using Jacks 3-2-1 ratio with great results for decades on end? I've done more than 10 cycles with Jacks or MC without any problems. The organic additives doesn't add much positive to the mix since they're to low in concentration and I think its better to add chelators and other additives on the side to get the effective dosage in different stages of growth. You could just add some Epsom to the one part and it's practically the same ratios as the two part.

I don't think the main problem is the mineral ratios but overfeeding? People don't monitor their inputs and leachates and some nutrient brands get away with more misuse and overfeeding than others. Overfeeding is a widespread problem, especially in the US.

I've seen people recommend going by weight running MC and I can only shake my head to all the bad info repeatedly given.

Hope you feel better soon bud! All the best!
Good morning @Wastei :ciao:
I'm not 100 % sure what you mean " going by weight "?
Mc recommends weighing the mixture before adding to water gm/l.
850 PPMs I believe is recommended for flower.
Which I bump up with a couple things, p&k.
It's my first run with this nutrient and don't want to fek it up.
Thanks for dropping in with your advice, I appreciate it.
Take care.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎


Start of week 7 of Flower

Mango Mousse @Herbies Seeds











#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow

Bill284 😎
Nice formation on those colas as always Bill looking great 👌🏽
Still here sitting on the fence staring that that green house like :thedoubletake::popcorn: lol
Morning Gv. :ciao: :thanks:
I'm running a new nutrient in there.
Still trying to get it right.
Co2 coming Monday.
Hopefully in time to make a difference.
Hope your weekend is going well my friend. :passitleft:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎

Green House Girls

@Herbies Seeds

Dessert Mix - Apple Betty / Mango Mousse / Banana Pudding








Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yum yum love the green house my friend!

If you come all the way up here it better be to go tubing and have fun. :lot-o-toke:
Not deliver perlite.
Besides you would need to bring 10 bags to make it worth the gas money.
Just let me know when, I'll have the cowboys ready. :thumb:
Hope your enjoying your weekend my friend.
Talk soon.
Haha sounds good think VIA would find it suspicious if I had four suit cases filled with perlite? Lmao imagine trying to explain that lmao
Morning Gv. :ciao: :thanks:
I'm running a new nutrient in there.
Still trying to get it right.
Co2 coming Monday.
Hopefully in time to make a difference.
Hope your weekend is going well my friend. :passitleft:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Never fun dialing in new brands of nutrients, just hope once your settled they are a reliable source too! I got quiet lucky with mine and think I'll stick with them for a bit.
You should run the same clones twice for a comparison with or without CO². I have enough juice to run the stuff too so maybe give it a whirl if you get on with it 😎
Much love Bill I'm almost recuperated ready for another week 😂 hope your well & took some time off too ✌🏽
Never fun dialing in new brands of nutrients, just hope once your settled they are a reliable source too! I got quiet lucky with mine and think I'll stick with them for a bit.
You should run the same clones twice for a comparison with or without CO². I have enough juice to run the stuff too so maybe give it a whirl if you get on with it 😎
Much love Bill I'm almost recuperated ready for another week 😂 hope your well & took some time off too ✌🏽
Thank you so much :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Yum yum love the green house my friend!

Haha sounds good think VIA would find it suspicious if I had four suit cases filled with perlite? Lmao imagine trying to explain that lmao
Smuggling Perlite :rofl::rofl:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I'm on it with the docs, and I'm red flagged too, but its just taking so long for specialists and testing, meanwhile it's closing up real fast and if it keeps up at this pace I'll have to take IV real soon, and that's a ridiculous expense. I don't pay it out of my pocket, we all do, but you know what I mean. I'm a damn handy tech myself and can do emerg IV's no problem. Maybe I'll try to hassle my doc to get a port put in now while I'm still ambulatory. Because its the rate of change (for the worse) that has me concerned, how quickly the esophagus is closing, and that doesn't show up on the tests, its anecdotal data that I'm not sure is being heard as clearly as it oughta be.
I think you mean Enteral feeding. In your situation, IV often relates to fluid, I mean you can get parenteral nutrition (TPN) which is usually used when the stomach is missing or temporarily/permanently redundant. For example when my grandson was 6 weeks old he was TPN fed due to having 26cm of his bowel removed and they needed healing time and at 6 weeks he couldn’t afford to lose weight so he was IV fed. I think it costs the hospital something like $1000 a bag to administer.

And in my understanding oesophageal issues will show up with the right testing.
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