VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

I'm looking at the European site.
Do they not ship to the US?
Good Afternoon Melville :ciao:
Hope your doing well my friend. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Customs in Chicago can be a bitch. They got $160 shipment of mine from TrueNorth a few months ago, and like a cheap bastard I didn't get the insurance... won't make that mistake again.
Hey Bill how it going? Ever been to Homestead island on the french river. South of you
Neighbor just went on holidays there. Says his friend's grandpa won it in a poker game
抗ļø congratulations on the harvest
Hey Bill how it going? Ever been to Homestead island on the french river. South of you
Neighbor just went on holidays there. Says his friend's grandpa won it in a poker game
抗ļø congratulations on the harvest
Good Morning Joe :ciao:
Its a couple hrs south of us. Homestead island.
Did he do any fishing ?
Poker game. :nerd-with-glasses:
I don't know if I believe that story. ;)
Thanks, the harvest was a nice bonus to a bit of sweat and tears.
Long way from my old grow rooms but worth the work. :thumb:
Hope your doing well my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Customs in Chicago can be a bitch. They got $160 shipment of mine from TrueNorth a few months ago, and like a cheap bastard I didn't get the insurance... won't make that mistake again.
Hey Rhino.:high-five:
Those customs officers can ruin everything for no reason.
There is no need to take the seeds / hard earned money from regular folk just growing their medication.
They should be doing more important things than giving us grief, :oops:buggers.
I got a notice on more than one occasion they confiscated a package at the boarder. šŸ¤¬
The time wasted is a pain too.
Waiting weeks to get a notification saying sorry the boarder guard needs some new genetics you loose. :rolleyes:
Always get the insurance. :thumb:
Hope you received some seeds.
Take care my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž


@Herbies Seeds Mango Mousse

Week 6 of Flower










#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Hey Rhino.:high-five:
Those customs officers can ruin everything for no reason.
There is no need to take the seeds / hard earned money from regular folk just growing their medication.
They should be doing more important things than giving us grief, :oops:buggers.
I got a notice on more than one occasion they confiscated a package at the boarder. šŸ¤¬
The time wasted is a pain too.
Waiting weeks to get a notification saying sorry the boarder guard needs some new genetics you loose. :rolleyes:
Always get the insurance. :thumb:
Hope you received some seeds.
Take care my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Yeah they got some of mine coming from Spain. I think they checked my Criminal Records and caught the shipment because when I used my Motherā€™s name for the same address it got thru. CLšŸ€. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Yeah they got some of mine coming from Spain. I think they checked my Criminal Records and caught the shipment because when I used my Motherā€™s name for the same address it got thru. CLšŸ€. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Buggers have nothing better to do?
:sorry: my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Morning Bill :)

Howā€™s the claw? It shoukd be almost healed by now.
The wound has healed very well.
Just a little spot.
It's the dexterity and strength that are worrying me.
But no tetanus or infection :thanks:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
hiya big guy! How those nutes working out? I see some good looking sativas (very jealous, I really like the high they give but haven't grown any this epoch). You guys hanging in over there? I've not been around the forum as much, I have some other phys issues cropping up, my esophagus has almost entirely closed up, I cant even get apple sauce or a McD milkshake through to my stomach. Health system has ground to a halt as you likely have experienced too, which, when you pair with the fact that our entire military is rated non-combat effective, it really takes the bloom off Canada's rose. Anyway, unless its a tumour they're gonna stuff a balloon down there to try and open it again. I'm struggling to get enough calories every day and that's really complicating other stuff. Been 8 weeks now of barely able to get water to trickle through, and still no specialist or proper scope/biopsy. My daughter had to parachute in from Montreal to help me and I feel awful about that. Anyway, I do have some plants started and I hope to start posting about them over on the group SIP thread again. If you're using the MC ferts, what's your usage like? How often, how much? Coco right? Those sativas look prime. Maybe not quite a 12 foot Jack Sherer, but there's time and they look fantastic. Awesome to have both greenhouse and grow-shed. Hopefully harvests can be much more staggered for you this way, spreading out the workload. Problem is that means you often have to trim AND water many days....
hiya big guy! How those nutes working out? I see some good looking sativas (very jealous, I really like the high they give but haven't grown any this epoch). You guys hanging in over there? I've not been around the forum as much, I have some other phys issues cropping up, my esophagus has almost entirely closed up, I cant even get apple sauce or a McD milkshake through to my stomach. Health system has ground to a halt as you likely have experienced too, which, when you pair with the fact that our entire military is rated non-combat effective, it really takes the bloom off Canada's rose. Anyway, unless its a tumour they're gonna stuff a balloon down there to try and open it again. I'm struggling to get enough calories every day and that's really complicating other stuff. Been 8 weeks now of barely able to get water to trickle through, and still no specialist or proper scope/biopsy. My daughter had to parachute in from Montreal to help me and I feel awful about that. Anyway, I do have some plants started and I hope to start posting about them over on the group SIP thread again. If you're using the MC ferts, what's your usage like? How often, how much? Coco right? Those sativas look prime. Maybe not quite a 12 foot Jack Sherer, but there's time and they look fantastic. Awesome to have both greenhouse and grow-shed. Hopefully harvests can be much more staggered for you this way, spreading out the workload. Problem is that means you often have to trim AND water many days....
Makes my issue sound minor.
I feel like a whiner having complained a bit.
Your daughter is there now! Hopefully she can get you to take it easy.
Garden isn't as important as you.
Relax and get your strength back.
Your doctor knows everything going on and hasn't come up with a plan?
Or even a diagnosis??
We need to advocate for our health better by we I mean you. :rolleyes:!!!
Mc has been great.
I add cm to the plain water first, river water. 34 ppm to start.
Then follow the mixing instructions.
Ph usually ends up around 5.8.
Flower room I'm adding terpinater 004 I think.
Seems a little high in N in the flower room though.
I feed every day sometimes 3 times in flower room 2 x in greenhouse.
Solos 3x a day, need uppotting.
Rexer is on his way for a visit.:yahoo:
I've got to tidy before he gets here.
Bringing his puppy too.
Got to run talk soon my friend.
Take it easy.

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
It's the dexterity and strength that are worrying me.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Then focus on physio, several times, every day.

Strength and dexterity doesnā€™t just fix itself. Iā€™ll ask the physio what she recommends.

Where exactly is the weakness?
Then focus on physio, several times, every day.

Strength and dexterity doesnā€™t just fix itself. Iā€™ll ask the physio what she recommends.

Where exactly is the weakness?
My arm is improving fairly well.
It's my outside 2 fingers and thumb.
I'm unable to control the fingers and can I move my thumb but can't grip anything heavier the my bowl.
Which I dropped. šŸ¤¬
My good Hoss one.:rolleyes:
I have a hacky sack I squeeze until I can't take the pain anymore.
Several times a day.
Other than that I just try to use it as much as possible.
Keep it moving.
Thanks T.:ciao::thanks:
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Squash balls - do you guys call it racquetball/racketball ? Are good, Iā€™ve had some pretty bad hand cuts. Because theyā€™re a bit smaller you can squeeze them with different bits of your hand/fingers and squish against your other hand.

Actually just writing that Iā€™m jonesing for one to fidget with now!

Squash balls - do you guys call it racquetball/racketball ? Are good, Iā€™ve had some pretty bad hand cuts. Because theyā€™re a bit smaller you can squeeze them with different bits of your hand/fingers and squish against your other hand.

Actually just writing that Iā€™m jonesing for one to fidget with now!

Thanks Amigo. :thanks:
I just picked up a big bag of perlite $70.00 I'm pissed.
Had to wait till noon for the guy to get out of bed to boot.:rofl:
Joys of living in the great white Nort. Hehe.
Hope your weekend is going well. :ciao:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Thanks Amigo. :thanks:
I just picked up a big bag of perlite $70.00 I'm pissed.
Had to wait till noon for the guy to get out of bed to boot.:rofl:
Joys of living in the great white Nort. Hehe.
Hope your weekend is going well. :ciao:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Bill let me know next time and Iā€™ll check out the hydro shop and ship them up to you probably be cheaper Iā€™d offer to drive them up there but I donā€™t think the kids would last the journey haha
hiya big guy! How those nutes working out? I see some good looking sativas (very jealous, I really like the high they give but haven't grown any this epoch). You guys hanging in over there? I've not been around the forum as much, I have some other phys issues cropping up, my esophagus has almost entirely closed up, I cant even get apple sauce or a McD milkshake through to my stomach. Health system has ground to a halt as you likely have experienced too, which, when you pair with the fact that our entire military is rated non-combat effective, it really takes the bloom off Canada's rose. Anyway, unless its a tumour they're gonna stuff a balloon down there to try and open it again. I'm struggling to get enough calories every day and that's really complicating other stuff. Been 8 weeks now of barely able to get water to trickle through, and still no specialist or proper scope/biopsy. My daughter had to parachute in from Montreal to help me and I feel awful about that. Anyway, I do have some plants started and I hope to start posting about them over on the group SIP thread again. If you're using the MC ferts, what's your usage like? How often, how much? Coco right? Those sativas look prime. Maybe not quite a 12 foot Jack Sherer, but there's time and they look fantastic. Awesome to have both greenhouse and grow-shed. Hopefully harvests can be much more staggered for you this way, spreading out the workload. Problem is that means you often have to trim AND water many days....
Hey RD I recommend that you get a diagnosis asap! My Stepfather had esophageal cancer and he was always having his esophagus closing up.They ended up removing it and making one from something that closed up even more. But his first symptoms were the hiccups when he tried to eat plus he had something that resembled a hernia on his chest. Hope you get a clean bill of health and are feeling better soon. CLšŸ€. :thumb: :cheer:
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