Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

all 9 Clones are doing great!
when they hatch roots next week, Vlad is going to settle down into a nice new soil-less grow !
I sold all my compressors at profit and decided to go with flood and drain for now
I will keep tinkering on this hydro stuff and flower the mothers but I need a little change in the meantime :thumb:
I like the idea of automated feeding via drip lines in the next grow.

Hey there V, I 've been absent for a while, but back now and all caught up.
Be careful not changing out the res for 2 weeks, even if all appears well. The one thing I learned from my under current grow was, whilst ppms can be adjusted and all seems good, how do we know what they're eating ? And they gotta poo... Yuk !!
I don't know about you, but I avoid kiddy pools :cheesygrinsmiley::rofl:
Every grow I witness that is drain to waste, has less problems, full stop.
The importance of res changes is paramount to a successful grow, and yields will increase as a result.
My current experiment is a living example
I will post some side by side photo's soon to show the difference. All my current girls, well the Train wrecks, are the same age, and the difference is becoming apparent now. I'm quite surprised myself, as I didn't expect to see that much difference.
Keep going man, and have a great christmas !!:high-five:
The photo above was taken a while back, this girl has only 3 weeks left, I will update some photo's in coming days.:Namaste:
Thanks Chenzi
Merry Christmas Comrade!

Vlad cannot let the hydro carnage stop now, thanks for the tips!
I like your grow system setup, your plant show that it's dialed in properly.

Female No.2 : Before the roots would not want to drop down from the protection of their coco. It was too wet in the root zone. So I fixed that very recently and things are looking better.
At least the parameters may not be perfect, but Vlad is in ballpark range now!

Vlad's experiment is starting to work????
stay tuned...


Well done !! Don't stop the carnage, because, it's the carnage that we learn from.
"You can't stop the carnage, nobody can stop the carnage ":rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thanks Chenzi.
I'm on a quest alright...
I don't want to be a perfectionist, I'm actually building an automated system all the way down to the automatic pH titrator.
This is a mission I want to finish with 5 stars 1st class results, even if it took 3 months of ranting and making a mess out of a simple affair of getting some bud :lot-o-toke:
Vlad does it for the science though, one day I will be growing more than just cannabis.
Finally the root IS growing, this shot was taken just 2 hours from the 1st.
I hope they grow fast!!!
This experiment of mine required so much patience, and now I just want to see them grow and not fiddle with anything!


I new it would happen!!!
the country where I am staying and enjoying cannabis has finally opened a regulated market for medical and scientific research!
they need legal growers!!!

Thank you NH,
you came at the right moment.
After Christmas is finished I am going to setup the tent and do 12/12.
It's time for these women to do some work :lot-o-toke:
I am very excited to get these new roots growing in the new hydro system

::yawn and sigh:: :nomo:
Another resurgence in confidence and optimism has invaded Vlad's journal.
Female No.2 is hitting it off finally

Res Temp 26C 440 PPM PH 5.6


and Vlad's lamp, it's off now but the photo is misleading. That is the Death Cap in Vlad's home made power supply holding 160 VDC charge when off. 60 watt COBs


Purpley was retired to mother status. I put her in coco and just decided to let her be and take clones from her!

New res change today. :lot-o-toke:

PPM 650, PH 5.5, 18 liters, 25C. "flower feed"

Added plenty of sulfur, calcium and mag, boosted phosphorous, lots of Potassium, ph down sulfuric acid. Additives : humic/fulvic acid 0.5 ml

Some of the clones are almost 9 days old. Hope to see the roots soon! When the clones are done rooting, I will put the Female No.2 to flower

Vlad's booze is becoming mighty delicious. I'm enjoying it during this special time of the year!


edit: the booze thread is currently believed to be deleted. so please , use your google
Funny we both decided to do a drip system at the same time.! Yah very automated and should yield very well!!!
Keep up the good work bro!


Hey my friend,
Yes, after dealing with overwatering issues in the DWC, I started running drip feed a couple weeks and was finishing working the kinks out. Now I am watering 30 seconds ON and 30 minutes OFF and it seems to be legit.

Also I found some bad nutrients that I had to take off the shelf. 3 different bottles! I must have been dreaming when I bought them because last night I found out they have way too much zinc in them.
Marijuana doesn't like a lot of zinc, around 1 ppm, but the crap nutrients for hydro that I bought had 14 ppm of zinc per liter of solution!

Experimentation has been a bane to my grow, but it will become a boon now. 12/12 is scheduled for next week because by then the clones will have rooted. I want to veg out the clones while Female No.2 goes into flower, and Mama Purpley will continue to veg with the clones.

For Female No.2 I have mounted a "300W MH killer", a 150 watt real draw COB array 5000k white. I hope to pull a half pound then I will be stoked to start a new journal with the clones :bongrip::bongrip:

Visual updates incoming...

I just seem pretty excited by the flexibility and simplicity of drip systems.. Bubble buckets are nice but yes I have also had overwater issue's and believe i still am having those issue's in flower now. I run alot of Air power but I just feel it is the thing holding me back the most at this point. I am not saying I could not improve on the DWC air etc. I am sure I can correct it. More air... But i like the idea of one Res to mess with for flower and one for veg. If I use what I am doing now I check 10 totes worth of PH and PPM daily. (when max in flower) I certainly would prefer easier.. and eventually some blue labs meters to leave in buckets ;)

Plus this is my first winter grow and I really like the idea of not killing my crop if I ever lose power. There just seems to be a lot more flexibility as well. Any how...

You use coco? Yah water times are totally different. With hydroton I am running 15min/15min but thought of switching to 15 on 30 off.. still thinking on it... Hydroton I don't think I can over water and they arent in a true flood they just get flow and 2 inches in the bottom of res.

Time to go check on things.. we'll see how they look today!


I use hydroton also and do four 15 minute waters per day.

This is my problem :lot-o-toke:

Where I live there is NO hydroton and that's the stuff I've been waiting to use!!!

I cannot flood and drain coco, so the roots are just hanging out in a bucket, they are so fragile and I just wish I had a substrate to let them live in.

Oh well comrades.

As you see here on my journal, it has everything EXCEPT buds.
A back up plan has been laid down. I will be starting the clones in some 3 gallon buckets filled with coco and just let it grow. I can't keep this journal alive unless I get some BUD!!!

Surely enough I will keep tinkering with hydro on the side.
I am about to order from my chinese friends some ultrasonic humidifier modules and have a go with fine mist for the new year. I think that will be bad ass and solve all my problems with overwatering and lack of hydroton.

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