Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Yeaaaa Buddy.

Okay I know this is going to sound crazy but remember, this is Vlad's journal so it's fairly normal.

I've decided to build an ebb and flow table because buckets are dead to me for hydro.

I don't understand it . But the only solution to the problem is AIR. Then the problem is the cost to supply it.

Vlad wants to spend very little energy on automating this thing, the max energy is reserved for lights.

I might pick up a shallow pan today and get to work on building it. Flood and drain is the key to quieter hydro I believe. The problem is tweaking the environment. A shallow pan gives roots support when there is no substrate, like in Vlad's case.

Good luck with your new plans FE

yah lego's just might if you watered enough...lol How bout a heavy perelite mix with the coco?

I am brand new to top feed OG so I was guessing on watering to begin with. The plants have seemed to like it but If there is no need then I will dial it back. But I'll do it in increments so I can see if it effects them. Thanks for the info...

Hehe , I was thinking about the LEGOs for a minute,

I went ahead and bought the flood table today and the plumbing to go with it. Tomorrow I am going to lay out a piece of plywood, place 1 hole for 1 plant and then cover it in 2 coats of lacquer from my spray gun. That will be the cover to the new root zone habitat. Then I will cut the drain and pump holes and epoxy the plumbing into place and have it ready to roll for next week.

This will in no way effect my plans of hitting 12/12 soon on one of my plants :lot-o-toke:

I like failing at hydro, it just leads to a new adventure each time!

hiya vlad,

long time no speak on your journal.

way back when I was playing with hydroponics, I tried a top fed recirculating system. I used a product called grodan for my medium. it is basically 1/4 inch cubes of Rockwell. I would top feed four times a day at 15 minute runs.
mind, I always had some issues with something or other, but the grodan worked great for this type of feeding.

happy new year guys!
Hehe , I was thinking about the LEGOs for a minute,

I went ahead and bought the flood table today and the plumbing to go with it. Tomorrow I am going to lay out a piece of plywood, place 1 hole for 1 plant and then cover it in 2 coats of lacquer from my spray gun. That will be the cover to the new root zone habitat. Then I will cut the drain and pump holes and epoxy the plumbing into place and have it ready to roll for next week.

This will in no way effect my plans of hitting 12/12 soon on one of my plants :lot-o-toke:

I like failing at hydro, it just leads to a new adventure each time!


Yah rockwool blocks are what my Hydro shop recommend i use. I guess I just didnt want to have to keep buying them. But at $1 per 4x4 inch block I probably could. This way I would not even need a cover on the flood table.

I would use a big sheet of styrofoam for the cover if you can get it easy enough. Easier to manage than the ply wood. and no need to seal it. But plywood would work as well...just seal it well!

Good luck Vlad If you get this working you will just get bored and want to make or try something else anyway!


grodan is 1/4 ich cubes that are similar to, but not Rockwell.

here is a picture of a clone in grodan

oh yes my apologies different stuff... I was thinking the pre-done rock wool blocks wrapped.
Have yet to try that stuff...

Who knows next ...lol

no apology needed friend!

just wanted to share a photo so it wasn't confused with the larger Rockwell cubes.
Happy New Year comrades!

New things are happening on Vlad's Journal...

The RDWC was officially decommissioned and Female No.2 was transferred into coco.

Both Mothers were prepared for flux and they are coming out of shock to go straight into 12/12.

Here is my new Flood and Drain kit I'm building...


I am taking a break for 1 week from hydro ... going to build the new kit and then keep running this journal.

The clones are taking well, beginning to form roots.

The clones are the future of this journal :bongrip::bongrip:

The mothers have moved to a new journal, as they are switching from hydro to soil style in coco.

Click Me : Vlad's Flux in Coco


:bongrip: Bump :bongrip:

I hope my comrades are still subscribed to this hydro wasteland of a journal.
The clones are 10 in number now and some of the oldest are showing root protrusions.
I brought the clones out of the shadow land and placed them closer to the light so that they can root up faster. It has been 2 weeks for %50 of them.
I have not been in a rush to assemble the new flood and drain table because the clones are not ready yet, but I feel that next week it will be time to play again!
Woohoo Hydro :bongrip::bongrip::bongrip:

In the meantime I made a new journal to showcase the progression of Purpley and Female No.2. They are growing soil style now and have no need to clutter up my hydro hang-out.

Definitely still unstoppably subbed to the so called hydroponic wasteland. Just been a little busy. I peacefully ended my first journal, wherein I answered your concerns re the levels of squirrel dung at my place, and reminisced a bit. Hopefully will have a little more time to spare now. Going to go check the coco plants now. :thumb:
Vlad's Coco thread deleted

Must.... Conform..... Or be destroyed

Thanks for hanging tough with me Weasel :bongrip:

High Spart,
Clones are hanging in there, updates coming soon :bongrip:

Be careful everybody, you never know who is next to get out of line.

Sure is tough being a keyboard warrior these days :bongrip::bongrip:

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