Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

I posted on it last night. Didn't notice anything that was crying out to be deleted. ?????


Vlad pushes too many buttons maybe?

If my grow wasn't always collapsing I would be busy posting my fat bud pics instead of breaking down "sacred" political boundaries.



Going to use this journal from now on for all my stuff. No need to make another again, for my own peace of mind and maybe the owner's elite squad of mods as well.
:rofl::rofl:If no one got offended then it wouldn't be the truth I get reported every week on Facebook hahaha :rofl::rofl:

I whittled it down to following: the Big Team hated my new "watermark", it threatened them, though it wasn't intended to be that way. It was just my head and the words "Vlad", not meant as a trademark? LOL...
Hmmmmmm... I guess I am just supposed to upload stuff directly out of my Crapple Icrap 5 and not do anything risky with them in my "trial" copy of Photoshop :bongrip::bongrip:

And I am casually discussing this because no real explanation was made out to me, not that they needed to, but all I got in turn was just a canned speech that gets passed to anyone for some infraction.

I read the rules of the site. I like them. But it's not really clear what is and what is not a watermark I guess.
I thought a watermark was from a legal entity taking ownership. Vlad is not real. Or is he? :bongrip::bongrip:
Oh internet...

Phew ... Well now that my own drama is behind me,
started brainstorming.

The 5000K led may not be good enough to deliver the buds I want from this long arduous learning curve.
12 12 is expected to begin in a couple of weeks. I keep delaying because I want "perfect leaves" before going into flower. No trimming anything after the flip.
I am looking into a 150 W HPS bulb to supplement the reds for good Trich development
But I am worried about the heat. I may have to make a new LED lamp that has only red chips and run it with my main full spectrum lamp.

Happy Monday Comrades :lot-o-toke:

Started today placing clones into net pots, 7 in total. 3 more are still waiting in the wings.

Standard regimen for substrate, coco, well rinsed and drained.

The next grow is going to be a big step forward for me... 8 clones going into the ebb and flow table

The mothers are still loafing like lazy old sows. Pictures coming soon!

Here is a tiny update and then there will be more radio silence until Vlad is ready for "the unveiling" of the new ebb and flow plus the mothers finally vegging out more.

Yes the mothers are looking slim in the leaf area, but the goal here was have them cleaned up from all leaf damag for the 12/12 phase.

They were sick mothers, used to be runners in Vlad's hydroponic trials of darkness and despair. They will be ready some day.

The deal with sick plants is this... either don't make the plants sick in the first place, or prepare to chuck them to the corner and start something else meanwhile the arduous task of recovery can take place.

I will never wait around for sickos again, that means no more plant abuse right?

Well anyway, continued to notice leaf damage... was not sure if still developing or if the damage is finished.

I checked the runoff 3 days ago, 1400 ppm. I thought my PPM meter was crappy but no...it was a sign I needed to drench the coco with an emergency flush.

Checked runoff again and got back 650 PPM and 6.4 pH.

I think it will be smooth from here on out... :surf::surf:

Here they are, fluxed and ready to veg.


Here are 2 of the clones... kinda busy today, drinking my home brew and having a good time with the family.

Cheers Comrades, and thanks for sticking around my journal as the Noob growing pains worked themselves out.


Coco won't clog pumps in an E&F? I'm loving coco and drain to waste. Good luck Vlad!

Hmmmm :scratchinghead:

That's valuable insight right there sir, well played and thank you!
I will be doing a drain to waste top feed system then.
The system still has not been built, but maybe tomorrow.
Vlad already keeps a res of nutrients and the PH stays rock solid stable.
Recirculating systems are dead to me :lot-o-toke:

:rofl::rofl::rofl:what's with the labels hahaha

my new phone that was gifted to me makes picture files that are 3 megabytes, so I shrink them in the "trial version" of Photoshop for uploading. But while I'm there I always want to mess around. I kinda realized that I may be under the microscope now by my exemplary Comrade, mr. 420 administrator. He has been quietly looking the other way as I uploaded these "modified" photos which now belong to 420magazine and I did lose a whole thread because of this :thumb:

Vlad's many talents include feigned conformism for when direly needed to appease the powers that be wherever he is merely a guest.

So yeaaa... I will try to keep it classy for the next upload. Thanks for staying tuned in!

Yes, drain 2 waste system is in the works.
I am a little jealous of others that get excellent DWC results, but Vlad must move on.
There are plenty of systems out there to try :bongrip:
I was going to be quiet but decided to continue daily updates. It's a journal, maybe helpful to someone who is watching to know the day to day progress of this plant. So abused, yet still has the will to live. Weed sure is amazing!

Watered plants, drain to waste - 450 ppm.
Checked Runoff - 650 ppm pH 6.4

Feeding flower nutrients, all hydro soluble stuff.
Right now they are being watered 1 time everyday. I am not allowing the coco to come to dryness, only about %70 there.
I don't see any more leaf damage progression.


Hey there Vlad,
You could ebb n flow with coco if you used fabric pots, cause nothing escapes, it just filters thru.
From my experiment's , (single cola trainwrecks, perlite vermiculite mix )
Drain to waste, presents no problems. The health and vitality is second to none, full stop.
My other experiment, with the expanded clay,
is recirculating, but still exhibits no problems when the reservoir is changed weekly.
I havn't tried coco yet, but looking at others here,(Mono) the growth and vigor of drain to waste in coco is amazing, food for thought perhaps ?
Chenzi is on par with my local hydro shop.. they all say drain to waste in coco as well... But i wanted to do recirculate in hydroton for now.
i like Chenzi's idea on the fabric pots... Kudo's Chenzi!
I do have to say i like the idea of drain to waste. When it gets low just refill it... But I am too crazy to figure out how often and how much. I would always be trying to be most efficient and most certainly would kill plants trying to do so... lol
That being said maybe.....
Vlad and far east,
My hydroton and geo pot experiment is being conducted in really hot temps, so it surprises me that I'm having no issues with pythium , no chiller is being used at all.
My thoughts were, under irrigation with a fan moving air around, it would somewhat work like air con for the rootzone ?
Due to the current health of the experiment, I believe my thought's have been confirmed, even validated ? Making this a great way to grow through a hot summer without issues. What do you guy's think ?
Vlad and far east,
My hydroton and geo pot experiment is being conducted in really hot temps, so it surprises me that I'm having no issues with pythium , no chiller is being used at all.
My thoughts were, under irrigation with a fan moving air around, it would somewhat work like air con for the rootzone ?
Due to the current health of the experiment, I believe my thought's have been confirmed, even validated ? Making this a great way to grow through a hot summer without issues. What do you guy's think ?

I was running pretty high res temps at one point and started using DMZ. I had super clean (squeakey literally) Res. Even switching nutes all over to another brand I had such good results that this is the only product "out of brand" I will still buy and use. Sounds like a damn commercial...
I like your idea but need to check it out more... Kudos for the testing chenzi ;) Im getting there ..lol

No H2o2, no res cleaning products. Just lots of oxygen to the roots, without air pumps and without chillers.
I feel I'm onto something, and I can't wait to see how the yield compares to my "canna terra" girls, as they are all identical in age.
What the future holds is exciting !!
Vlad, I wish you were around the corner and had access to hydroton ,I would luv to see that purple beauty grown this way.:cheesygrinsmiley:
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