Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

I've got a wild card player that just showed up on the deck . You may remember her ...


I did a brutal job of pruning all her roots off except the tap root and put her back into a coco pot with just water and low light for 2 weeks.
Today she finally popped a root for us to see!
Time to arm another root reservoir for this bad girl. Tomorrow I will be buying the turbines for injecting air into the root zones. And a new digital timer. The minimum flood time on analog is 15 min, that's too much for my tastes. I can almost smell the buds of the future.

Vlad :lot-o-toke:
Good Day Comrades,

welcome back ...
I did some final modification this weekend to "the system".
DIY heavy duty flood timer = 3 minutes on 6 minutes off
Root ventilation, and top feed system :lot-o-toke:
I think that's it, I'm tired. I am ready to lay back on the recliner and watch the buds grow.
Purpley is dialed in and now the last thing I will build for her is a wooden cabinet where she will flower starting sometime this week.

Let's just get on with this show shall we??

18 / 6 Schedule


Last things, Build cabinet for 12/12, add Female Number 2 to the RDWC system

PH meter is dead. :bitingnails:
It got wet! I should have made that piece of crap waterproof while I still had the chance. I am waiting for a new one to arrive in the mail.
The IC is damaged and won't display information properly on the LCD.

I bought another one identical. it served me well and was fairly accurate. This time I will take it apart and waterproof it.

Thanks Comrade Bam...
I'm glad to see that I have not scared off all my followers :thumb:

This grow is special for me as I discover and do research on my own. I plan on going commercial one day, so why not muck about right now while there is nothing to lose?
I was busy dialing in flood and drain ratios and res temps.
Today I took 5 clones, 4 from Purpley and 1 from Female no. 2.

The next journal will feature the clone wars grow.

I feel like vegging more
I put them back on 24/0. they were on 18/6
I see new roots activity since the final system revision, I think this is Vlad's Version 7.0 now
I want to get as much bud as possible with bigger roots.
Old Foliage shows watering errors from the past. I am waiting for that to be replaced before flipping to 12/12:lot-o-toke:

Res temps are 25C
Air temps 21C

Haven't changed the res in 2 weeks. Water is clear as a bell
Vlad Lamps, consuming 220 real watts total in this picture.


Alright, I think I'm going to do it.
I saw a TDS pen for ... $14 .
I was thinking about how I'm going to change my res. Then I thought that monitoring the PPM would be a better idea and not change the res :thumb:

Re: Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LE

Great idea to waterproof the pen. I wish I had thought of that, I've got a little graveyard of those crappy yellow things. They cost me almost $80 each where I got them from, amazingly enough. They easily could make them waterproof too if they spent the extra 5 minutes- it's planned obsolescence I suppose.
Anyway- looking good :thumb:
LoL mr Weasel,
well, this is my 2nd ph pen. I suppose one day I will have to buy a real waterproof one from a known company.
Until then, it's time for the monstrous modification to begin with the new $15 special.
It's still incomplete. I am searching for a proper switch to install. The original switch is garbage. The internal circuit is rather nice though for a meat and potatoes PH pen.
When it's done, I plan on having it at least "splash proof". My first one died because water spilled on it, not because it got dunked in the res.

After a lot of patience, I was able to convert a standard 24 hour timer into a 60 minute timer, giving 1 minute switches. cool diy, but a little tricky first time. Modifying the mechanical clock gears can affect life span. ymmv

Most of my ph pens died from neglect, and letting the probes dry out. A couple did fall into watery graves though. I'm surprised it wasn't more, considering how easy it is to do. Mine were made by Milwaukee but I imagine they all share the same Chinese guts. One thing that drove me crazy about those pens was that the calibration adjustment was on the back of the pen. Kind of just screams 'up yours, customer, we don't give a f&@$ about you ha ha ha'.
Glad things are still going Vlad Keep it up comrade!
Neat testing! I didn't like the inaccuracy of the cheap PH pens that was why i went with the blue labs and it is waterproof. I don't regret it a bit. It even tells you when it needs to calibrate and temp compensates... The big mysterious web retailer that makes magic items appear at your house runs sales on them a lot...

Hello Comrades,
Today the new ph meter got splashed pretty good :(
But it still works! The monstrous mod paid for itself 15X
My timer mod version 1.0 kicked the bucket a few days ago and I suffered over watering conditions.
That set my grow back another week, made the plants look haggard :lot-o-toke:
They are still cupping for the light though
Timer V. 2.0 is ticking like a champ. 1 minute on, 13 minutes off continuous cycle
TDS meter is coming tomorrow.
The clones are doing alright



Hello Comrades,
Today the new ph meter got splashed pretty good :(
But it still works! The monstrous mod paid for itself 15X
My timer mod version 1.0 kicked the bucket a few days ago and I suffered over watering conditions.
That set my grow back another week, made the plants look haggard :lot-o-toke:
They are still cupping for the light though
Timer V. 2.0 is ticking like a champ. 1 minute on, 13 minutes off continuous cycle
TDS meter is coming tomorrow.
The clones are doing alright




That is some serious old school cloning right there!
High Fe.

last week I bought some fresh "yerba buena" and I put a sprig in a cup of water in a low light area and within 4 days had roots!
That little exercise convinced me not to over complicate this easy step in my grow :lot-o-toke:

the cloning fever has set in.
I now have 9 cuttings.
I hope to get a 100 percent pass rate on this.
5 from purpley and 4 from Female No.2
The larger cuttings have the survival advantage.

I will let the mothers regenerate a little bit then it's off to the flowering!


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