Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Hello Vlad, I´ve grown three plants in a single DWC 5 gal bucket; it is important they all remain healthy, if one of them gets sick it will affect the other two, specially after the roots tangle. In my opinion DWC plants shouldnt share reservoirs.
Hello Comrades, thanks for stopping by.

Thanks for the kudos mr spitz and Bam
High T.R.

I am looking at an RDWC system and thinking about buying it. Did I say buy? I mean DIY.
I have no plans to let all the plants be together, I have found it to be very convenient to let each one have its own for the flower stage.
The big air pump has made a massive improvement to the root structure of Female #2 and she has outgrown Purpley already, so I'm confident to go ahead with RDWC then.

I'm getting ready to take clones of both. 2 and 2 should be a fun endeavor

The new growth looks great.



PPM : It's over 1000

I'm itching to send them to flower, but going to wait a little longer :thumb:

I'm going to build another DIY led that is identical to this one in the pics.
Then we're going to separate the plants when the new RDWC is ready.

The CMH is canceled. 150 watt bulbs are too weak in comparison to the LED. It's all about the light emiting diodes now!

Female #2 really blew up and her stem is now wider than a pencil

Hydroponics is great once you get the hang of it, and hold on tight until harvest!


They are looking better everyday now.
2 Females 1 bucket. But don't worry, I will separate them by this weekend.
I put my 5 grams of bud and 99.9 iso in the freezer, sorry I haven't had time to do it because I've been a tad busy this week.
Vlad has high hopes for flower time :bongrip::bongrip::bongrip:


Alright. RDWC is out.
Purpley does not like 1000 PPM yet on account of her roots still being in recovery.
Female #2 is skyrocketing on 1100 so, they will just have to keep going as plain vanilla DWC for this journal.

Tonight I separated the plants. I dumped Female #2 's reservoir and started my new very special flowering mix. 1100 PPM for this phase.
I hope to see a lot of buds and really blow my last grow out of the water.

Vlad just wants to see buds before the year finishes. Even if they are not ready to smoke, satisfaction will be had just knowing they will be done soon.

Tonight is starting 18/6 and then in a few days hitting 12/12.
Purpley will not be going to flower yet.


Hello Comrades,

About Vlad's RDWC, in the words of Monica Lewinsky : "It's coming" :lot-o-toke:

Yea, regular old DWC is starting to piss me off. I can't get the root zone dialed in properly... so that's why DWC is dead to me.

I also bought enzymes and amino acids for the plants, the product is called "zero stress".

I guess it's like marijuana for your marijuana :thumb:


Thank you Comrades for all the kind words and bud porn.

I just want to grow a plant worthy of running in the Plant of the Month in Feb 2016 :ban:

Bought all the RDWC shit today. It's time to take over the hydro scene. 12/12 is right around the corner so...

This is Vlad's Armageddon garden. :lot-o-toke::bongrip::bongrip::bongrip::bongrip:

I will see my spherical earth dwelling comrades at switch to 12-12. I have to return to the flat earth for a while and bring back to this hurtling spinning and wobbling desolate ball planet some secret russian technology.

May the swelling buds of the elite be with you.

Cheers Spitzz!

Well, I couldn't keep quiet after being stoked about my new rDWC kit.
There was something about using 150 watts of air for only 2 plants that bothered me. DWC was becoming too inefficient..

I'm going out to pick up some more things for the plant so, photo updates later.

I like rdwc :D I hope it will make the results I demand.

I'll have to let the new roots do the talking.
My plants are all still healthy despite the 3rd root pruning :lot-o-toke:
I think the extra potassium helps.
Reduced PPM again to 600 on Female #2 and 400 on Purpley
12/12 is not here yet, still 18/6

I'm still waiting for Vlad's DIY chiller. I'm envisioning utilizing a cooler for a 2 plant DWC reservoir and another smaller cooler for my control. Hell, they even come with built in drains and some even have small access lids. I may just break down and buy a chiller. With all the root temp issues I see out there, I can't believe I haven't seen an insulated system yet. Looking great sir!
I'm still waiting for Vlad's DIY chiller. I'm envisioning utilizing a cooler for a 2 plant DWC reservoir and another smaller cooler for my control. Hell, they even come with built in drains and some even have small access lids. I may just break down and buy a chiller. With all the root temp issues I see out there, I can't believe I haven't seen an insulated system yet. Looking great sir!
Hey Spitz, Search for Dr fish waterfarm pimp, you will see insulated systems. Pretty awesome set up, detailed instructions and great grower !!:goodluck:
New updates are looking favorable.

I set a cycle timer on the rdwc and now the root zone is not a swimming pool of root rot.

Now I know why they call Hygrozyme "igrowslime" because having a living reservoir is much different than a totally sterile inorganic one. Oh well, I believe it's worth the effort.

They've held up very well considering the constant root loss :nomo:

I predict that next week the roots will be great and the Purpley will be in the rdwc sharing nutes with Female #2.


High T.R! :thanks:

The PPM has been set to 500 during re-rooting...

This is the moment, it's grow or die. No more setbacks, the grow is dialed in. rdwc all the way.

Purpley is still in her old DWC, getting ready to move her to the new rdwc environment.

Female #2 finally is sprouting roots in the rdwc. very happy :)

I think I am done the plant abuse chapter of my grow. I have everything dialed in so It's time to look forward to the next phase, 12/12 ! I want to switch within a week. I have planned a wooden cabinet for the flower time


:nomo: Vlad are we there yet? :rollingeyes:

Well this journal has not yielded awesome bud bearing plants yet but it's coming.

Purpley took well to the new rdwc and is finally beginning to grow again. Her stem is a beautiful purple and red. I am going to let her veg another week before 12/12. White roots and no airpump.
Had to put PPM down to 500 while she gets strong again.
Female #2 became root bound so I had to transplant her. She will be back in the show shortly.


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