Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Thank you Comrade Chenzi,
I just snapped another photo of her under the LED lamp. It's only 80 watts full spectrum but the plant looks like she really enjoys the light. I went back to 24/0 because I have a lot of catching up to do. Just one week ago this plant was floppy and sad looking.


I too am looking forward to even better buds this time. And clones.

It was another beautiful day in Nowheristan
Got some free direct sunlight and took a few photos.
I am pleased with the purple nature of this one
The pH is finally slowly rising,
that means the plant is eating



Thank you Comrades,
if things keep developing this fast, I might be ready to go to 12 / 12 sooner than I thought.
I learned the hard way that dropping acid into the res causes nutrients to precipitate out of solution, so tomorrow is a great day to start a new nutrient solution to keep her happy.

There are still two other plants growing, but I am very suspicious that one of them is a male.

I want to go to flower in a week but I'm really waiting for a ripe moment to take some clones, I found some targets but they still are too small for me to take yet. I want 3 cuttings to make sure she gets to live on and toke for generations more

For the next journal, I would like to feature clones of clones going directly into 12/12 from the cloner bin

High Bama and FE,
I hope everyone is having a great weekend :hookah:

Today I cleaned out the reservoirs and started the plants on 850 ppm pH 6.0 water temp 23 C
Roots and stem are looking strong indeed. When should I go to flower? 2 weeks then flip to 1212?


And the other "ladies". They have not confirmed their sex yet but I see preflowers are on the way to identify which is which.



I have some deficiency slowly coming in, tiny brown spots on a few older leaves. You can't see it from the latest photo. Let's not allow this to get out of hand


I did change the nutrient recipe 24 hours ago to add extra micro nutrients and more calcium / mag.

no tip burn yet so 800 seems fine for now

If it is some random brown/rust spots on older leaves, then I would suggest that it is a cal/mag def. First I would check the pH and make sure you are at about 6 - 6.2 pH. If you are add cal/mag. If you are not then raise the pH and add some cal/mag. Just a splash. I currently run almost 4 mL/gallon. It is a little lite on the recommended dosage but I will add it twice a week and it seems to be working like a champ for me.

If they are not random spots then that would be a different kind of def. and would require some more pics and research. Hope this helps. :)
It was the roots, comrades.

Apparently Vlad had crappy DO levels in his reservoir.

I was using a 5 watt dual outlet pump and only one outlet was working.

I don't think anything was wrong with the nutrients, they are as complete as can be.

DWC needs good air so I hooked up my 120 watt air pump.

I trimmed the roots with some scissors.

No more recoveries for this grow. If it bombs again, DWC will have to GTFO !

It was another beautiful day in Nowheristan
Got some free direct sunlight and took a few photos.
I am pleased with the purple nature of this one
The pH is finally slowly rising,
that means the plant is eating



Good morning Vlad,
Firstly I'm sorry I did'nt say any thing at the time, but if you look closely at the bottom of the root picture, you can see a little browning of the roots ? I didn't want to seem negative at the time and mostly they are white but,that is you're first indication that somethings not quite right.
I have confidence in you Vlad, please don't give up. You can do it !!!:high-five:
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