Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

I took a brief minute to snap some more pictures that may help alleviate concerns that they won't make it.

There are new roots to look at, and the new foliage is coming in at the base of all the plants.

Tear up a root system on a plant that already has leaves and you will start to see lots of deficiencies of all kinds.

They are getting plenty of magnesium :lot-o-toke:


Ok Vlad. No offense I hope. And I am no expert so just fishing around. It seems like they are off color a tad. It's just cause we care, ok?

sorry my friend, I didn't mean to come off that way.
I am just being cool about it while I let them recompose.
I feel no need to be overly attentive to them at this moment and maybe that's why I sounded defensive.

I always value your feedback mr. WC and anyone else such as Chron, Roach, F.E., SciG, RSO or Bama.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the nutes Vlad is using this time around.

I have everything down to the Sulphur and I add just a dash of silica. Calcium and Magnesium are included in the feed at a 3 to 1 ratio.

Stay tuned comrades!!



They have very thick stems. Are you growing the same seeds as last time?

The comrade that gave me the seeds said they came from acapulco gold and white rhino.

every pound has at least a 3 or 4 seeds inside. I have never gotten males from those seeds.
these are nothing like the seeds that I planted in my previous grow. these seeds seem very indica, fat leaves, and the purple tones are new for me.

there is a small florest shop on the street corner that sells a few marijuana plants once in a while. I may pick one up next week and take clones from it, as the likely hood of it being a landrace sativa is high.
they are usually almost 3 feet high and getting ready to go into flower, or in my case, take clones and then flower it.

The comrade that gave me the seeds said they came from acapulco gold and white rhino.

every pound has at least a 3 or 4 seeds inside. I have never gotten males from those seeds.
these are nothing like the seeds that I planted in my previous grow. these seeds seem very indica, fat leaves, and the purple tones are new for me.

there is a small florest shop on the street corner that sells a few marijuana plants once in a while. I may pick one up next week and take clones from it, as the likely hood of it being a landrace sativa is high.
they are usually almost 3 feet high and getting ready to go into flower, or in my case, take clones and then flower it.


Make sure you clean the shit out of it before it comes into contact with your stuff... Sounds like you could bring some new adventures with it... Not a bad idea to get it just clean it good ;)

Yes that's the spirit F.E.!

so here are new updates.
The plant that has its roots into the res is already increasing vigor.
the other two plants are moving along slower but I am sure that will change in a couple of days.
right now they have a lot of light on them, but also a strong blower fan.

old foliage is wrecked. the new foliage is excellent. The smallest plant which was topped unintentionally now has dual leaf sets that look green and nice.

remember these are "recovery" plants, so have patience and watch them soar when they are ready!
they could have died so I am grateful to still have them around even if they look the way they do!
it was my own challenge to keep them alive. A good grower should be able to overcome mistakes right?


The brew, this one has quite a while in the "cellar", so over time the solid matter fell to the bottom of the container so I could siphon off the clear alcoholic liquid.
Mmmmm, vintage!


A salute to everyone watching my journal :thumb:


Thank you Mr. PsyGuy

we are still growing. these things are like clones. they had roots, then had no roots.
These crappy looking plants will look great some day :cheer:

the plant on the left has established res roots, but the other two are lagging behind.


A salute to you Mr. B

I thought I'd share my experience with 24/0 veg. I believe it works out for a healthy and vigorous plant but...
for sick plant people like me :confused:
I've noticed that the plants don't like full light for 24 hour periods unless they are really healthy :)
For sick plants, Cutting the lights at bed time by 90% is just as good as lights out plus gives the plants some lumens to suckle on.
when I go to sleep I shut off the big LEDs and turn on a 7 watt job.
When I wake up, the roots seem to have grown a lot.

Again, anecdotal evidence targeted for people that suffered some kind of set back in their grow like I did.

I just want to help them anyway possible to recover their vigor. It seems patience is working, everyday is better than the previous one.

That's my 2 rubles on root recovery strategy

Yup, a good recovery takes time or so it seems...

I feel redundant doing 2 updates but hey, it's not like the journal police are watching or something.

This shows the 7 watt led during night time when Vlad sleeps. It gives them some grow energy but helps accelerate their weak roots.


and in just 2 hours I could see new protrusions along the tap root


and old purpley seems to be doing fine


is it possible the coco could be staying too moist and not doing a full wet dry cycle like usual coco grows?

Yea T. Roach said that a couple days ago. he mentioned that coco doesn't drain well as traditional hydro media. It's true.
However let it be known that since I dropped the 18 liter res capacity to only half, or 9 liters, the splashing and humidity inside no longer saturates the whole coco net pot.
I have been hand watering each plant about 20 ml of water top feed each day and they have been doing o.k. in my opinion.
Fans are running top side, constantly blowing the substrate and plus the measured RH around the top of my bucket is %36, further helping keep that tricky coco dry.

I just wanted to say that this morning when I woke up to put the high power LEDs back up, I checked the res and finally the smallest plant has pushed roots out into the res!

I would like to have hydroton some day, but i am afraid I will have to wait until next year.

I already completed a satisfactory grow with coco so... Coco forward!

Photo updates later,
Peace comrades


EDIT: I found out online that the chinese are selling hydroton (clay pellets) shipping prices are the thing that blows the most, but I think I will make an order for the next grow :thumb:
Maybe a PPM meter as well ??
Yup, a good recovery takes time or so it seems...

I feel redundant doing 2 updates but hey, it's not like the journal police are watching or something.

This shows the 7 watt led during night time when Vlad sleeps. It gives them some grow energy but helps accelerate their weak roots.


and in just 2 hours I could see new protrusions along the tap root


and old purpley seems to be doing fine



Thatll be 1 citation for double posting sir! LOL GO VLAD!

thank you for all the great advice comrades.

it has been suggested that coco was giving me problems. So I decided to do one more transplant to taller net pots.

Look at the roots, this is the Purp plant and I know she's going to make it ;)

The other 2 plants are being transplanted as well, but from their roots I see they are far behind.

This Purp plant is going into it's own 10 liter res tonight to be by itself.




the new 10 liter res for Purple plant


the aluminium patch on the right top side is a port hole into the underworld, so I can check pH and temps without bothering the plant.
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