Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Thank you FE!
Welcome to my journal Rhetorrikz and thanks for the sub

So comrades,
Since I started the hydro reservoir 6 days ago, it was filled high to almost the bottom of the net pots
It's a standard 5 gallon bucket that had 14-15 liters of solution in there.

So the net pots were a excessively damp for an extended of period and that is a NOOB mistake on my part.

Needless to say, my plants got a *little* stressed from that :cough:

I decided to mix up a fresh batch of nutrients and dumped and cleaned the res.

I filled it back up to only 9 liters, to give the net pots their precious breathing room.

They should bounce back, I started to notice the situation going out of hand 48 hours ago and just acted on it today before the plants could start dying.

Oh well, hydro is one hell of a growing method! Going to have to keep a better eye on the environment so I get some big buds for Christmas.


Good info bro! so you try to run 2/3rds full on the res? Just to the bottom of the net pots? I wonder if that is what almost killed my TW plant in Veg is why i ask. I damaged the plant but it is possible I didnt actually hurt the roots but drowned it rather. Yes the water is much higher than that. About to go make sure it is low enough...

High FE,

The growth on my plants was spectacular for 4 days, roots in the water getting bigger and bigger,
but as the net pot became wetter and heavier over time from the high water level, the plants began to drown.

I blame overconfidence for allowing this major over site to take place...

I hadn't detected the problem before the damage was already done

I should have dropped the water level significantly as the roots began touching the water, to 9 liters total, or about half the bucket

Anyway, as of today I moved 2 plants into the infirmary bucket which has heat and no nutrient solution.
....and the biggest plant is in the reservoir doing its thing. It received less damage overall and still has roots extending down into the res.
1 plant, the smallest, was already sent off to the big toilet in the sky.

Tomorrow I will upload some pics of the collateral damage Vlad has caused. But I'm not scared, I have no deadline set in stone to make a harvest, and I may extend veg time to make some monsters.

I have a decent stash of acapulco gold so ... may the games continue :lot-o-toke:

And there's a new DIY LED to show off once the plants recover.

Also I'm working on the next DIY LED featuring 3528 SMD 1 watt chips! Lots of light from such a small square.

:thanks: Thanks for never letting me down :420:

Vlad :bongrip:
High FE,

The growth on my plants was spectacular for 4 days, roots in the water getting bigger and bigger,
but as the net pot became wetter and heavier over time from the high water level, the plants began to drown.

I blame overconfidence for allowing this major over site to take place...

I hadn't detected the problem before the damage was already done

I should have dropped the water level significantly as the roots began touching the water, to 9 liters total, or about half the bucket

Anyway, as of today I moved 2 plants into the infirmary bucket which has heat and no nutrient solution.
....and the biggest plant is in the reservoir doing its thing. It received less damage overall and still has roots extending down into the res.
1 plant, the smallest, was already sent off to the big toilet in the sky.

Tomorrow I will upload some pics of the collateral damage Vlad has caused. But I'm not scared, I have no deadline set in stone to make a harvest, and I may extend veg time to make some monsters.

I have a decent stash of acapulco gold so ... may the games continue :lot-o-toke:

And there's a new DIY LED to show off once the plants recover.

Also I'm working on the next DIY LED featuring 3528 SMD 1 watt chips! Lots of light from such a small square.

:thanks: Thanks for never letting me down :420:

Vlad :bongrip:

Damn sounds worse than I thought Comrade...:rip: Condolences...

Keep your chin up I know you will get this right... I blamed mine on noobism/ old no memory.

You do try some pretty extreme stuff so it kinda comes with the turf...lol


No worries Vlad. Shake that off like a boss! Stupid clones should held their breathe longer! :) Actually you could have some monsters on your hands in three weeks. Give them another week after that and they will be huge. That was what happened to me. Look forward to seeing the new lights. Also how is the brew batch coming along. I am really curious about that. They looked colorful and yummy last time, like daiquiris. :)
Onwards and upwards Mr. Putin! Ok maybe not upwards because we should definitely make efforts to dodge the 'big toilet in the sky' but definitely onwards! Onwards to the Christmas bud! :high-five:
All caught up and starving for more Vlad, love your DIY way of growing!
Hope you'll just brush off the last shortcomings and come with a massive harvest in the end :)
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds..."
Teddy Roosevelt's "Man in the arena"
Hello Dear Comrades,

so the 3 plants are in recovery mode like I said.
I know pictures are overdue so... tomorrow I may have the time to give an update on that little fiasco.

I decided to revive them and let them root again, as if they were clones.
I only have about 13 seeds left so I am not about to get thrifty by popping more until the system is dialed in.

Today I bought a snoop dogg G pen and a triple percolator water filter for enjoying some nice hash.

Tomorrow I plan on doing a QWISO tek with 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. I would profoundly enjoy to share the details of how I make it right here in my journal while we wait for the plants to get back on the road again.

I will go to the agricultural store tomorrow and buy some new Potassium fert. I was using Caustic Potash with Fulvic acids, but I want to cut that crap out of my reservoir. It makes the water murky as hell and then dark goop sticks to the roots. So... yea, no more "organics" in the reservoir please!

Going to feed the recovering plants a 1/4 strength mix tomorrow.

I am happy with my new toys, the vape pen and the perc. They are for extracts only though.

I bought the Snoop Dogg pen from Grenco science because the coil is rebuildable. The original coil glows orange it's so hot, I am thinking about making my own coil with higher Ohms so it will be a little cooler and easier on the battery.

I have no plans of abandoning my journal. Russia, Forward!



Didn't want to double post so here is an addendum :
the snoop dogg pen blows Vlad right off of the map and into the uncharted outer atmosphere of our tiny blue ball planet.
My little 0.05 gram rocks of hash are like cerebral charges of C4 inside of this vape pen. Super happy. Fuck puffing all day on herbs, hash is the way to go for people that don't have time to sneak a toke.

And another update :

As I had mentioned some new glass percolator, well here it is :
Ground glass on glass interconnects.
Mmmmm, sorry herb, this is only for the full melt concentrates.
This thing makes monday night fee like saturday night.

hows that new pipe hitting?

I just take a normal lighter and hold it under that globe after dropping some nice big chunks of full melt in there.
I like this glass piece because it's for the desk and you can easily put 1/4 gram or more of hash in there for huge milky hits.
The taste really shines through with this one.

I wanted to share with my comrades this delicious "Vlad's Nuclear Shatter" tek using Isopropyl 999 but I fear the recipe is a little too explodey in nature for the 420 mod's tastes. So, check out the result! Very efficient, produces hard windowpane shatter amber. This was the first wash. 2nd wash is still drying


Wow that stuff looks like the bomb! Iso much want to know how to make that too. Might explode from anticipation. The suspense is killing me. I'm dying to know.
Yes of course. It's the least I could do while my grow journal is kind of stalled out right now.

Having visitors from Russia coming tomorrow, so I have been busy preparing.

I will put it up when I do my next run, around Sunday I think, because without pictures it wouldn't be as transparent of a tut as I'd like

I'm back !
And so are the plants.

I had esteemed visitors in my company for a few days and just let the plants be outside of their grow area and in the sun room. They were only watered once with regular pH'd water.

During those days, the plants began to show deficiency as they were not being fed any nutrient.

Well today things are back on schedule. I put the plants back under the LED 24/0 and fed them 400 ppm of a new nutrient regimen.
Things that should not be in DWC like, leonardite, and sodium based compounds were eliminated.
The feed water is much clearer now and I like that.


So, I am going to see how these plants do for a week since I have started feeding them again. No rush to pop new beans...I want to make this grow fly high and not worry about it

Meanwhile in the Vlad's toys section :
I got this during the visit. A new vape.
Heh, those chinese are quite clever at improving upon existing innovations when they really want to.

Check out this clone of a certain "box" portable vaporizer.



In this version, the form takes on a different shape but the screen concept is retained. I really like the ceramic chamber that the heater is place on. Surprisingly the welds on this screen to the conducting rods was excellent.


To be honest, it's like winning at the casino. This was a lucky buy,
I have seen others that had bunk screens. Stay away from AliBaba clones like these. But I repeat, this one was a keeper and I will wait until I'm ready to buy a Pinnacle Pro when this one bites the dust.

The clone carries some positive traits such as efficiency and great taste.
No negatives to report, other than that the negative polarity ring is a tad lose and may need to be doctored.

I like to shake it and the herb vapes thoroughly without combustion.


I have high hopes for the 3 little ganja plants. They should be back in the DWC for Sunday.

And Vlad's hash will be coming up by then as well.

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