Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Monday UPdates:

The 3 plants stopped dying, but still no roots out the pot holes. Hmmmmmmm...

Decided to upend the plants and see what is going on in the coco.

All of the plants have little white roots growing inside but, the coco was hard compressed at the bottom, like a wet hockey puck.

Fixed that...

Re-potted them loose and fluffy.

The smallest plant topped itself ! The highest growing tip dehydrated and snapped off :whoa:

Diluted the feed down to 350 ppm.

Again, I could pop new seeds but I've decided to make this a personal mission to "resuscitate" them. Healing a sick plant in hydro has merit, it's the noob proving grounds. I will give them until Sunday, waiting for roots to pop down, then it's back to the DWC!


Thanks Comrades,
for sure one smells dank, so I know I have at least one female so far.

I am thinking of going the big plant route again, vegging for another 3 weeks at least.

Here is a new LED I am working on. 1 module has 18 x 1 watt smd chips @ 100 lumen x watt 5000k.

I am thinking of welding together 6 of these to get 110 watts of concentrated white light @ 11000 lumens.

So if I get to use the CMH this grow, we will have some LEDs feeding the blue spectrum as well.


Thanks Chron, SciGuy and Bam!

Well this is their week to show a strong recovery.
I thought I could help them along by giving them a weaker light in the night rather than a dark period.
I hope they bounce back and rage with big buds.

I have been keeping the soil moist but not wet, by weighing the cups and watering only when they feel light.
I am going to give one foliar feed tonight, 300 ppm



i want that little Purple People Eater you have growing in there. Box it up and air mail it to me and I will throw it my miracle cannabis growing space. Once fully grown in said space I will chop it down into little clones and send them back to you. Minus the ones I keep of course. :) Purple is just so pretty! :)

We can call it "Labrat's Cannabis Reeducation and Rehabilitation Center" for a more proper eastern feel. Just think of me as your Siberian neighbor. :) lol
Thanks Bama and FE :lot-o-toke:
recovery sure is a boring and tedious time where nothing seems to happen for quite a while!

well if I save old purpley then I guess the endeavor would pay off. The purple one is already showing signs of re-establishment.
The other two are behind and need more time...

I would be happy if just the purple one makes it, already has a smell of young dank.


Yes they look a little beat down. Perhaps you should let up on the beatings? :)

Now they pics of those sprouts are all well and good, but I want to know what happened to the 5 bottles of Hooch you were making? Maybe some pics (they looked really yummy last time). :)
Thank you SG

Bama's light hearted banter caused me to wake up this morning seriously ready to go pop 3 more beans.
but first I made sure to dig up the roots of these 3 struggling plants to get the real story.

ChronicHempHog was right... they are going to make it!!!


I am so happy to see that my homebrewed nutrition plan is working! The weak pathetic roots are growing back in mass!!!

The show will definitely be back on the road for next Monday, hopefully I will be filling the reservoir again and ready to go!

The nute mix for veg is 3-1-3 . I didn't want to mess around with lucas any more because that is not an elite cannabis formula, but convenient starting point for people using the standard 3 bottle formula of grow micro and bloom.

Another Vlad Update :

Yes I can see they are growing again finally...

Get ready for the Vlad DWC tsunami of green


And here's a new LED for my journal. Another DIY, the mini Sun Version 1.0.
I stick it at close as possible and then cool the canopy with a fan. Enjoy ;)


Yes Chenzi they are coming around! They are still on schedule to back to DWC next week, hopefully by Monday, maybe Sunday!


Nice solid stocks
Looking good!


Thanks for the good vibes F.E.
well today purpley plant was dropping tap roots out the bottom of the net pots.
They are back in the DWC reservoir as of now, a little earlier than I expected!
Bucket is filled half way with 9 liters, 600 ppm, pH 5.5, air pump one stone and aquarium heater to bring temps up to 18 C. Feeding 3-1-3 for Veg.
I will continue "hand watering" for a little while and don't let them get damp again.
I hope they will enjoy their stay in Vlad's water bucket. I just want to see them take off now!

Happy Happy Happy! :yahoo:

"go little plants go"

I increased the total light by adding one more LED on a horizontal plane thinking that this will help avoid the little plants from staying wet for long.

it seems like the leaves that have already deformed will not be perking up much,
looking at the new foliage at the bottom seems healthy, plus the stalks are plumping

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