Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Sounds good vlad hopefully they take off any minute now!
Also :thumb: your brews sound great! Where can i find some more info on them ?

Thanks R, check out this link, if you have not already. Let me know if you need any further info to get started. It's fun, it's cheap, it tastes great, and it does the job.

It looks like the illuminati erased some of Vlad's fine art.

I guess I have to get back to you on that...


edit: don't let my candid reaction to my stuff being erased let you believe I am being sarcastic. I just have to let things be the way they are. It's not my agenda around here because I am not the founder. So you know... ;)
Maybe my sharing of the brewing secret was too far off topic for it to even qualify as off topic.
I should have linked it in my sig a long time ago when I made the thread, but I digress...

heliocentric dwellers do weird things.

Vlad hails from the flat plain called Earth:lot-o-toke:
I thank you for the make your own alcohol thread. Using your technique I have made several batches successfully.
I have even started making beer now too (just made second batch of 23L). Thanks for the inspiration to stop paying government for overpriced alcohol taxes :cool:
Cheers O.G. :high-five:

Okay so all the plant abuse cases have been settled in court and Vlad was ordered to pay 50,000 donuts to the county sheriff's office.

Anyway, the grow has commenced again. the transplant went through and the roots of the purple female are great.

I think it's dialed in now.

See you in a couple days when I update the progress

Cheers O.G. :high-five:

Okay so all the plant abuse cases have been settled in court and Vlad was ordered to pay 50,000 donuts to the county sheriff's office.

Anyway, the grow has commenced again. the transplant went through and the roots of the purple female are great.

I think it's dialed in now.

See you in a couple days when I update the progress


Donuts? oh you mean PowerRings! Police power! that's their fuel.. I think you over paid...
So today is the first tranquil day where I did not molest my plants in anyway.
I culled one, it wasn't stinky or special, like a male plant
Now we are down to 2 from seed.
Tomorrow is the day to go pick up a mystery cannabis plant from the florist shop :)

DWC Temps are dialed in, 18-20C
Plant is not over watered, just a 20 cc top feed once in the morning each day
pH 6.0
500 PPM nutrient 3 - 1 - 3 NPK, boosted with soluble Cal and Mg, no additives.
LST began on the purple plant. no topping


More updates from the yawn corner :nomo:

The plant shop did not have any ganja plants today, maybe next week
I just gave the plant a drink before taking photos. Tap root = good
Increased temps a bit today @ 22 C max for the DWC
Equatorial cannabis likes warm I think. I won't let it go any higher than that.
I still have the culled plant, I decided there was no sense in throwing away a possible female.


The 2 stragglers were installed into a 18 liter reservoir today
3 plant show.
This grow is go for success! Thanks for being supportive 420MAGAZINE, the Vlad has learned a lot.
And now that the plant torture phase is over, let's veg for 2 weeks then flip the switch :bongrip::bongrip:

Cheers Mr. SG

Here's a zoom-out on Vlad's grow area. Not very stealth, not very organized. But it works for Vlad's experiment


And here's a new DIY in the works...
Each LED diode is 0.5 watts 55 lumens


The 2 stragglers were installed into a 18 liter reservoir today
3 plant show.
This grow is go for success! Thanks for being supportive 420MAGAZINE, the Vlad has learned a lot.
And now that the plant torture phase is over, let's veg for 2 weeks then flip the switch :bongrip::bongrip:


If they make it through Vlad torture those Momma's are tough and ready ;)


oh and I see a PH pen, Sure helps a lot ;)
high F.E. and Bama

The pH pen sure is handy. I only need to calibrate it once every 4 weeks believe it or not, only drifts by 0.2.
Now if only I could get a truncheon ppm meter. But that's okay, Vlad has enough toys to soldier on and complete this journal.

They are growing. The purple plant looks beautiful, despite her scars from the punishment of Vlad's cannabis gulags :rofl:

Vlad has started the clock again for launching 12/12 in 2 weeks. I think they can do it. Vlad wants presidential buds for January 2016

Changing Res every 10 days or so... running NPK 3 -1 -4 , 700 ppm with cal and mag


High Comrade Chenzi, Bam and Weezel

I already saw the preflowers on purple plant so it will be cloned by Vlad himself in 2 weeks. I will have to veg even longer but oh well, I want quality from this grow, plus future purple mother plant wouldn't be too shabby. I might as well take a cutting from the other plants and have 6 cuttings total in my propagator.

I'm going to use fresh aloe as the rooting hormone.

Can't wait to bring out the Ceramic Metal Halide soon! It will be a side by side grow of LED vs CMH

Now that my grow is coming around, I don't think I will be bringing any strange mature plants in here... I have a full house for now. They are going to get big!

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