Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Hi Chenzi,


Thank you comrade for trying not to spoil my fun, but I've been a glutton for punishment by continuing with DWC. So without setting the grow back too much, I just decided to make a little snip-snip on the roots, plugged in the big pump and it's bubbling like mad now.

50 PSI 4,4 cubic feet per minute. I left the connections a little leaky or else there's too many bubbles in the bucket

Someone once said 5 watts of air per gallon is good.

I am happy that she is still a perky plant though :cool:

I think Vlad has enough enthusiasm left to give this another go


I love the eastern approach to problem solving! When faced with a suffocating plant (by the way are you SURE that the plant needed more oxygen, or is the oxygen kinda like a pythium outbreak blocker as well?(more oxygenated water slows the development of bacteria)) you hook them up to a tube attached to a wind tunnel for jets! When faced with a shortage of light, build a DIY super nova led and then set it 2 inches from the canopy. Now they will be well lit up as well as warm. :) I dare her to start to complain of being "hungry for nitrogen", Vlad will put a chicken coop over the bucket and rain nitrogen down upon it! I love it!

"When faced with a problem plant, animal, or person, come up with solutions designed to correct the problem and discourage future complaints from said plant, animal, or person." quote Bamalabrat 2015.

Part of the ambition to keep pressing forward against all odds is to show to any other hydro Noob that being part of the 420 team can guarantee any plant related issue can be overcome. Cheers to Bama and all my ganja comrades!

And now back to the business. :lot-o-toke:
My smallest aquarium pump that was in place before had left me with stagnant buckets. I could see nutrient build up on the roots, hence the eventual suffocation.

The bigger pump can handle 8 buckets I believe. I would like to keep 25 watts per bucket, then I can guarantee myself the protection against pythium.

The pump normally pulls 220 watts at the wall socket but I put it on a power transformer that I pulled from an exploded pro audio amplifier, So now it gets about 120 watts on 90 V AC for in the meantime while only running a few buckets.

They still have a big chance, comrades. Today I added an extra air line to each bucket with extra stone.

The buckets are "boiling" with just 4 air stones so, I will need to add a couple more buckets to tone down the air pressure without actually wasting it.

The plant didn't seem to miss a beat, still perky and actually growing. Plus I can smell her when the door is closed.

The other two plants are doing swell and getting equally big.

And I have a new LED coming again. More buckets more LEDs right?

I guess a photo update wouldn't hurt, stay tuned.

HAHA double post!

Vlad has to go on a trip this weekend.

Get ready for the 99.9% ISO wash technique that you asked for.

I already put my bottle in the freezer. And I think I will put 7 grams of bud into this project. I only need it for a couple of days comrades so no use in making a lot of hash :partyboy:

I promise to make it non-flammable, I.E. no heating or flames involved.
It would help my reputation on 420 as being a responsible mentor. Safety first!
Not to mention that explosions usually mean the police may arrive to see what you were cooking.
However commonsense is still required. You will need to ventilate the alcohol from your dish by using a small fan and an open window. If you heat it, you will risk blowing yourself up as the fumes exponentially increase.

I can see Chenzi winning the plant of the month very soon
Thanks for bringing something cheery to look at M9

Thank you for the confidence Vlad:high-five:
I wish I shared your optimism, hopefully my experiment will give me the "goods".
There are soooo many great growers here and it really would be an achievement to attain, what I consider the ultimate compliment of plant of the month !!:Namaste:
Vlad I would like to cheer you up with a little bud porn as well. It is not as impressive as Mr. Chenzi's, but this is a bud shot from the Tut seed that I popped 4 days before you popped Lil' Scortchy if you remember. So yes, it does take a while to grow great medicine, it is worth it IMO. Do not get down by minor setbacks and enjoy the experience (also enjoy the hash you will make, I am very much interested in seeing what you do. I saw the videos on how to do it on you tube, but would love to see your "recipe"). Hope you enjoy the pic
Wow you really know how to cheer up a comrade down on his luck hmmm?

Awesome sauce :thumb:

How about a little new DIY to lift the spirits on this journal?

And the pics of the plant don't look that bad.


And look over here! These two are pretty healthy. Time to move the old lamp that was over Purpley to these two.


The plants look awesome. Purps leaves look great. Thick and dark green. Very nice Vlad. They will make for a great harvest in the new year. That is how to start a year off right! How about a Holiday brew to go with them? :)
High Comrade Bama,
Tomorrow I will be starting a fresh 7 gallon home brew , will be ready before Christmas :thumb:
2 new flavors, Pineapple and Strawberry

Something funny about Purple plant, she took a hard blow to the roots, showed some deficiency, but really didn't seem to be impacted too much. I mean, no droopy leaves for example and about 1/3 of the roots were left intact.

I think it was the extra Potassium. Marijuana loves the K. Gives them some resistance to plant abuse.

I will be getting my new people mover SUV in the beginning of 2016, so I'm down to be your green tour guide in Colombia. It's not that scary. It's nothing like Syria where democracy is supposedly raining down from the sky in the form of 2 ton bombs.

thank you for taking notice of the healthy green coming back on Purple plant, mr bama.

Go vlad ! Nice new light.! keep those cobs cool and they will reward u :goodjob:

Thank you rhetorrikz,

I just connected the cobs a few hours ago, going to leave them off at night so the roots can regenerate better.
But I leave a small 40 watt LED on during the night so they don't flower yet.

This new kit is running 148V DC @ 0.80 amps. They are 5000k full spectrum. DIY, home made power supply.
I want to run something a lot bigger in the next grow :bongrip:

Like maybe 400 watt real LED, the HPS 400 W killer...

Thanks for watching my journal Comrades
Some more Updates, this time about the other two mystery plants that have not been featured since Purpley took the stage in my journal.

Well I have some good news :thumb:

One of the plants is a female, the other is a banana machine.

Kinda cool right? Guess which is the male? I will be culling that guy tomorrow :lot-o-toke:

Sorry, no time for that. Only the clones of females ;)

Vlad has a monster project planned for 2016... DWC 1 liter bucket clones straight into 12/12.



In case you were wondering,
Yes, I had already kicked that male's ass while I was checking for "flowers".

yes, the vodka power is flowing strong tonight.

more LED DIY porn for you people that don't buy consumer-quality goods.



It is in sleep mode right now. As you can see there is the fan power supply and the cooling unit of the LEDs.

Whoops! I guess I forgot to ground the beast hmm?
High Comrade Bama,
Tomorrow I will be starting a fresh 7 gallon home brew , will be ready before Christmas :thumb:
2 new flavors, Pineapple and Strawberry
Something funny about Purple plant, she took a hard blow to the roots, showed some deficiency, but really didn't seem to be impacted too much. I mean, no droopy leaves for example and about 1/3 of the roots were left intact.
I think it was the extra Potassium. Marijuana loves the K. Gives them some resistance to plant abuse.
I will be getting my new people mover SUV in the beginning of 2016, so I'm down to be your green tour guide in Colombia. It's not that scary. It's nothing like Syria where democracy is supposedly raining down from the sky in the form of 2 ton bombs.

That sounds awesome! God I have to try this. There is a new adult beverage store in town that also has the equipment to do home brews. They are also trying to promote that buisness by forming a brew club. So I really really may start this next year!
Sounds like you caught it before it could get out of hand. I am really pulling for the purp as I am very interested to see her grown out and such.
ROFL...Raining democracy! Oh Vlad, you crack me up. I might point out that your namesake is also raining down democracy and has been for a little bit now. I might also mention that no Russian troops were used last year in Ukraine, and we will not even think about what was going on in Georgia about 8 years ago (the nation not the state just north of Florida) :)

All seriousness, one day I would love to come and see Columbia. If I do get to make that trip I would love for you to be my tour guide! That would be awesome!! Thanks for the posts and for keeping the journal so interesting and fun! :)
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