Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

How do roots grow? I mean.. You cut them. Are they growing back from the spots you cut or are they growing more like hair? I'm pretty sure if I ever do a DWC, they'll spend more time out of water than in. I guess I'm just looking for some feedback on how your root mass is growing back. Good luck Vlad! Can't wait to see some flowers!!,
I can hardly contain my excitement for the future buds that await this journal!!!

so, there is a lot of taboo around messing with the roots, I will share my 2 rubles on the dark topic.

I have a secret coco compartment that leaves part of the root dry and in good state at all times, so if below totally fails, usually the plant could be salvaged.. The tap root is responsible for growing new feeder roots that descend in to the res. If one gets root rot, the damaged root should be taken away with discretion. No need to let it sit around and putrify in your tank. But anyway, if you are not doing it my way, with a coco buffer protecting the plant's upper rootzone, then you would be in some trouble.


Some people have luck with water loving plants in their DWC. But you need lots of air power. Air power is pretty noisy, hot, and costs electricity. And even with plenty of air, pythium is a constant threat. That's why I said f**k the traditional system. It cost me a lot of time not growing buds, but I learned a lot as well and notes have been made.


EDIT: I give the stunted plants about 6 hours of darkness each night. I believe it helps the plant focus activity on the roots.

The yield on the plant will not be hurt as long as the avoidable mistakes don't happen during 12/12 flowering phase.
I can hardly contain my excitement for the future buds that await this journal!!!

so, there is a lot of taboo around messing with the roots, I will share my 2 rubles on the dark topic.

I have a secret coco compartment that leaves part of the root dry and in good state at all times, so if below totally fails, usually the plant could be salvaged.. The tap root is responsible for growing new feeder roots that descend in to the res. If one gets root rot, the damaged root should be taken away with discretion. No need to let it sit around and putrify in your tank. But anyway, if you are not doing it my way, with a coco buffer protecting the plant's upper rootzone, then you would be in some trouble.


Some people have luck with water loving plants in their DWC. But you need lots of air power. Air power is pretty noisy, hot, and costs electricity. And even with plenty of air, pythium is a constant threat. That's why I said f**k the traditional system. It cost me a lot of time not growing buds, but I learned a lot as well and notes have been made.


EDIT: I give the stunted plants about 6 hours of darkness each night. I believe it helps the plant focus activity on the roots.

The yield on the plant will not be hurt as long as the avoidable mistakes don't happen during 12/12 flowering phase.
I have a friend who is contemplating the same system as your own V, with the coco as a buffer.
I can't wait to see you kill it flowering this baby ,"GO VLAD GO" !!
Thank you Chenzi !

Today I am picking up the Sulfuric acid . Had to fill out a bunch of papers and get a background check just to obtain this precious liquid.

Good thing I am using it for constructive purposes rather than harming our friendly world-governing mafia.
What do you think taxes are for if not "improving the infrastructure"?
Extortion for protection, my friends. That's what the government does.
But what exactly are they protecting us from?
From Our own common sense, no doubt.
Take the Red Pill instead of the Blue one a la The Matrix and realize that not all that we are told by the elite talking heads is truth. It's a heaping mountain of bullshit and one day soon humanity will realize what is going on.
We are living in the days of the false pope so no need to worry. Just a few more years of oppression and then freedom rings for everybody when Zionism falls forever.

So, if you want good roots and flowers, better make sure you have the S.
Many fertilizers have inadequate amounts for our special plant friend, mrs. cannabis marijuana.

Hi Comrades Happy Frydhey

Definitely my last nutrient recipe was deficient in Sulfur, now I'm running about 30 ppm just to keep it above borderline and about 5 ppm of Iron which was also a tad low.

New PPM is 900. Purpley was looking a little comatose for a few days while she was missing proper nutrition. I was busy with my real job so I kinda let things slide. now I'm back in the grow room dialing everything in. I am digging the new rdwc a lot. There's only about a 0.911 % chance that I will get root rot again. I have all the water pipes blacked out and temps are nice and cool at the res. I am thinking about getting that PPM meter...


I built the new rdwc shelf so the plant is above the main res.

:nomo: Noobing it up and learning seems to take a long time. How about tomorrow I get onto the 99.9 Qwiso hash technique for some shiggles while we await Purpley's glorious return?

Purpley is moving again. Her leaves finally are reaching up towards the light.

Even though it's not 12/12 yet, I have already began buffering the "flower nutes".
The new Feed is loaded with K, it's 4-3-14 1000 ppm pH 5.6


And the new growing station is great! Still have more room for 2 more plants. Female 2 will be around shortly and added to the rdwc system.


Here's one for my comrades that I promised from a while back..

99.9% iso alcohol
pyrex dish
PC fan
I am running low on buds, I can't smoke them, and I don't want vaporizer poo that still has THC and CBD in it.
For me, QWISO using 99.9 has been the most efficient method. From 5 grams of grade A bud, 1.5 grams of hash oil came out.
The quality is amber gold, no green. The method requires ZERO HEAT.
You need a PC fan of the 4 inch variety to place on your small pyrex dish. The fan is usually powered by a small power adapter of 12V. Bear in mind this is DIY, but you can change parameters as you like.


Break up big buds with your hands into small buds. Do not grind them. Dry the bud in a dark place until crispy.
Put the bud in a closed jar and place that in the freezer. Put your ISO 99.9 in the freezer as well.
We want to avoid removing as much of the water soluble stuff in the bud as possible.
Set up your strainer and 2nd glass jar to capture the golden THC fluid

Take the stuff out of the freezer and add the very cold 99.9 to your buds until they are just covered. Don't over do it or you will have more alcohol to evaporate off in the end.
Immediately start swirling your container, or shake it if you want. The alcohol and buds are together in the jar for 45 seconds at this stage. Time yourself.
At 45 seconds, pour the contents into the strainer and pick the buds out of the strainer and put them back in the jar you used to agitate.
Add more cold alcohol to the buds like before then repeat step 5 and then strain.

At this point I usually stop the alcohol wash. Pick up a bud from the strainer and squeeze it. IF you did it right, the bud will crumble as if dried and resin free. You did not grind the bud because you wanted a GOLDEN liquid, not a green liquid.

Pour your collected golden THC fluid and pour it into your pyrex dish and setup the fan.
Put this dish in a room that does not have people, animals, or machinery that may cause a spark or any open flames.
Turn on the fan and GTFO!!!!

The fumes will be strong, don't do this if you have nosy neighbors.
You can still cause an explosion if your ventilation is poor. Don't explode anything, if you do, the pigs will come and pop a cap in your ass.

Without heat, the 99.9 will evaporate quite well and within 1 hour the majority will be gone.

At this stage, you want to let the fan do its job for 24 hours.
I do this overnight to avoid the hash from being exposed to the light for extended periods of time.
Notice I used no heat. Heat will "activate" your ganja and make the final product degrade rapidly in psychoactivity.
The final result is a little goopy but free of ISO and it's golden


Enjoy it !

I try not to make large quantities of this stuff.

If long time storage is required, bubble hash is the way to go.

I bought a vape pen which uses a heater coil, I dab some of this goop on and fly up , up and up!
I used to cough from previous extractions, but that's because I was impatient and didn't leave the goop 24 hours under a fan.

It's a little sedative, best for night applications before bed.

This is about the only thing a vape pen is good for, concentrates. Very effective!

Thanks Chron, glad to have your approval !

Going from no roots to roots for the 3rd time. Purpley's vigor is exponentially rising from zero after being very patient and refining the old hydroponic gear.

It seems I had added the much need Sulfur at just the last minute, her roots definitely needed it.

The new roots are bone white and expanding faster and faster. Mmmm... I can feel 12/12 is very close.

Even if I have to wait 2 more weeks before sending Purpley to flower, I will do it. All the time lost from not making buds will be recuperated if a great finale with Purpley is allowed to happen.


Thanks my friend, and thank you Mr MMG, welcome to my grow!
My goal is to fill that 3 gallon bucket with roots.
For me to be satisfied this round, I plan 1 gram per watt of light or at least 150 grams from Purpley, plus a couple of clones.
150 grams is plenty to last me through to the next harvest. I'm not into perpetual stuff yet.

My next grow will feature Purpley's clones. I plan on pulling clones after 12/12, just 1 or 2 from the bottom. Then those clones will be the mothers for my next great project, Vlad's sea of green


Thank you Comrade Chronic

I decided to a do a mini update, Purpley is not back in full force yet but it's been another week of yawn and recovery for the abused plant!!!

The roots are establishing well


The overall stature of the canopy leaves is healthy and cupping their leaves in the direction of the light, good sign indeed.


The nutrient solution is complete, she is not at a high PPM, remember, 3rd time lost roots, they are just coming back. There was a lot of yawn and bleak moments after the plant drowned again in DWC. This is a new rdwc bucket and so far so good :)

She is a little tip burnt but new growth is A+. This is the final countdown gentlemen. We are on course for 12/12 again, but going to let her veg out. I am thinking of doing a final LED DIY for this plant and go out with a huge bang. A "600w MH killer" :bongrip::bongrip::bongrip:




Hello Comrades,

The overall health of the plant is fair, she is exuding more and more white roots, the crappy stunted canopy growth is starting to expand and the green color is becoming bold. I've reduced my flood times to 2 hours off / 10 minutes on but I'm not happy with how wet the roots stay.
I've decided to buy a turbine and install it to the roots reservoir. They want o2? Well let's see how they like a 24 hour whirlwind. This way I can increase flood times and get more food into the plant.
Happy roots ensure excellent buds.
Whoops did I say "buy", I mean DIY!


edit: for me "learning" is also an art form. I don't need this harvest more than I need to learn how to do it the best way scientifically possible. Sadly, Vlad is some kind of psycho perfectionist...But only in his lab :D
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