Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Looking good Vlad! Remind them that they are expected to get big fast. If they fail I suggest lowering the "sun" for a few minutes to remind them. :) Carrot and the stick for more intense training. :)


Well one of the sun's diodes blew out today! I had to send it in to the "shop" and get that fixed right away. I later discovered I would be the one replacing the diode so a 12 hour turn around time for warranty work and logistics is pretty epic so far.

I am stoked to be back in the game again! I see roots lengthening down into my res at a few millimeters per hour, it's crazy!
I think I have all indica dominant plants. They are stockier than I would have ever expected. I do have high expectations now, with roots hitting the nutrient bath, the vigor should pick up a lot as well.

Glad things are coming around Vlad.

I would leave the light higher than normal for a week or two let them stretch to the "sun". Eventually top growth and that lower stuff for me would go bye bye.. but I didn't like my first grow branching 2 inches from the net pot so i wanted more stretch on my future stuff.

Still way a noob but I am truly believing strain and light height are the most important factors in whether it gets bushy or stretchy. I want them to get some height then ill keep it close and try to bush them ;)

Just throwing an idea at you... you know your stuff better than me ;)


I love that light is that the cmh light? and nice pump I am going to harvest my autos in the morning and the auto seeds yesterday already broke soil

Glad things are coming around Vlad.

I would leave the light higher than normal for a week or two let them stretch to the "sun". Eventually top growth and that lower stuff for me would go bye bye.. but I didn't like my first grow branching 2 inches from the net pot so i wanted more stretch on my future stuff.

Still way a noob but I am truly believing strain and light height are the most important factors in whether it gets bushy or stretchy. I want them to get some height then ill keep it close and try to bush them ;)

Just throwing an idea at you... you know your stuff better than me ;)



Looks good vlad, now they should really start taking off. If it is indica dominant it may not show as tall growth as those sativas you have been growing lately. Looks great man can't wait to see them go to harvest!

Hello Comrades, usually the Vlad is out doing stuff on Sunday but not this week. Relaxing at the compound is what it is.

The new light height is around 12" to 15" now... keeping the heat around 29 C

The sun is not a CMH, it is a LED array I threw together from old parts. I decided to use it because it's very bright and has lots of blue. It originally had 21 x 1 watt diodes, I took those away and soldered in 21 x 5 watt quad diodes, which means each die is loaded with 4 diodes. A cooling fan was added to handle the new 5x power increase.

I found out the failure was caused by one of the LED units not being in contact with the cooling surface and subsequently burned out.

As you can see, a burn out at 130 Volts is much more dramatic than at lower voltages you see in standard consumer grade lamps.


After replacing that, I decided to do a final upgrade with lenses that focus the light to 60, 45, 30, and 10 degrees. Yup, I have all different kinds of lenses on there to make sure the light is still potent but not a flood light. I know, lenses do suck away almost %10 of the light, but the advantage comes with higher PAR and penetration depths.


I will be taking the CMH out for a debut in less than 3 weeks when we flip the timer to 12/12. I decided it's pointless to employ them during veg. Depending on how big these get, I have the option of using just 150 watt CMH or using dual bulbs and ballasts for 300 W.

Roots are growing so fast!


And the purple one is my favorite! I hope to get purple buds for Christmas!!!!!






As for these being indicas, well I'm not upset about that. If they are short and bushy, I was thinking about letting them grow without topping them, so as to get one big fat cola.

Thats a crazy coloration, do you think that pheno will produce colored buds?
By the way, are you familiar with the girdling technique used to produce colombian gold?
Hello friend,
I just wiki'd that girdling and seems pretty crazy! If done wrong it would surely kill a plant :thedoubletake:
Well I hope this pheno is actually a female, my instincts say she is! Has some stank, has an aura of effeminate energy around her too ;)


I would be cloning the purple one top priority.

From what I was researching on the wild wild google random search, there is potential for purple buds.

How do you think they are coming along for only 13 days since seed, TR?

I have used elevated temperatures to aide the growth... as high as 28 C while it was still a seed

Whoops almost forgot.
Happy day off from work day everybody!


EDIT. well I had a funny Christopher Columbus picture to put up, but I posted it in the wrong gallery again and it has the 420 watermark so... Vlad's in trouble again :straightface:
thank you sciguy and t.r.

well it looks like you were right because now I see them getting bigger each day. maybe "blast-off" is still an over-statement at this point, but I am excited for when I finally get to say it, around flower time :D
DAY 14 from germination :

The Sun is working full capacity again, but I took away the optics because the beam was too narrow to be useful on a bushy plant.

It's almost time to get more buckets ! these 4 are getting hard-pressed for free space!


They are nice and short, I like that about Indica. I think only 2 of my plants are Indica Dom however.



Did some modding to the Sun´s heatsink and got temperatures cool enough that I could drop it very low :tokin:
Temps are 28 C


Things are smoothing out Vlad i am happy for you.. small set backs but you are a trooper and just keep on going!
Looking forward to future excellence ;)



Hey vlad i just caught up on your journal, youve had a bit of a roller coaster ride.. your doing well mate love the humor and positive vibes here .. subbed!

Thank you FE!
Welcome to my journal Rhetorrikz and thanks for the sub

So comrades,
Since I started the hydro reservoir 6 days ago, it was filled high to almost the bottom of the net pots
It's a standard 5 gallon bucket that had 14-15 liters of solution in there.

So the net pots were a excessively damp for an extended of period and that is a NOOB mistake on my part.

Needless to say, my plants got a *little* stressed from that :cough:

I decided to mix up a fresh batch of nutrients and dumped and cleaned the res.

I filled it back up to only 9 liters, to give the net pots their precious breathing room.

They should bounce back, I started to notice the situation going out of hand 48 hours ago and just acted on it today before the plants could start dying.

Oh well, hydro is one hell of a growing method! Going to have to keep a better eye on the environment so I get some big buds for Christmas.

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