Unstoppable Vlad Goes Into Space - Journal 4.0 - Colombian Gold - DWC - LED

Cheers to all of you! Thanks for the feedback about the booze :tokin:

It is a novel skill that can turn a working class man into a king in short time if the conditions are right ;)

I will get the PPM meter sooooooooon... hopefully before CERN opens up the black hole.

I will buy a cheap-o one just because it will come with the calibration solution.

Yea no more compressors around my plants. I don't know why but the human instinct to have more and more power took over for a while but I'm back to my senses.

So tonight I am rigging up 2 more net pots for two more seeds getting long in the tooth. Paper towels have served me well.


Here are the other sprouts, 4 days strong now...


And now it's time to bong it up with some of Vlad's home grown. :bongrip:


I need this grow to reach high speed, like Warp 9 wouldn't be too bad.

Whew, went back and read the whole journal from the start. I had to do it, though I hate going backwards! + reps for your full speed unstoppability Vlad!
Whew, went back and read the whole journal from the start. I had to do it, though I hate going backwards! + reps for your full speed unstoppability Vlad!

The Vlad cannot be stopped... He will break you... Just like Ivan Drago said....
:rofl: Thanks for all the swell comments comrades! This is my favorite place on the internet, it's just so encouraging on many levels.

Well it's Friday again, right on time too.

Plant update. All the seedlings are in the nursery bucket now. No fluids in there, just air and heat.


In about a week, should be lots of roots popping out through the bottom, and at the time I will add the nutrient soup.


Upgraded the light today for the little tiny plants.
0.80 Amps @ 129 Volts DC = 105 watts LED


I am content with the latest developments. 2 sprouts are showing purple tones.
This one on the 2nd true leaves


And the dicotyledons are purple underneath


Stay tuned Comrades, have a nice Saturday and sending positive vibes to your grows.

Thank you my friend. As an added safety measure, I put a timer on the lamp of 20/4, keeps the lamp cooler and hopefully will protect the plants too.

Jury is still out about if 24/0 is really so much better. I agree with the theory that plant processes at lights out have some biological benefit.

Yeah I have noticed that a dark period is essential especially if your trying to get root development. I have noticed that the main benefit of giving it a night cycle is that the roots develop a lot faster and you tend to get some more vigorous growth giving it the 6 hours of darkness. your roots will love you for it. Also if you want some explosive roots, pick up the rockwool cube and once you see a tiny root coming out the bottom, punch it a couple of times, give your roots a good beating and they will do everything they can to make you happy. I tried this with these clones I am growing once they showed roots, I gave the roots a few good punches and the next day I was shocked at what I saw under the rockwool cube. You should try it. I know it sounds hilarious, but it works, the hydro store guy taught me this neat trick to get explosive root growth. They respond to the trauma with explosive root growth and overall plant vigor. The roots grew a half inch during the 6 hour dark period. I punched them right before lights out for 6 hours, after the lights came back on the roots coming out the bottom were atleast a half inch longer than they were when the lights were turned off, that's some pretty explosive growth if you ask me, do that everyday for a couple weeks and you will have a beast to deal with!
Great! Vlad definitely needs good roots ... they have not came out of the bottom of the net pots yet. I am hoping they will get to 4th set of true leaves before hitting the reservoir and getting serious with real hydroponics.

4 little plants, 3 look great, only 1 is a little crispy around the borders because it was planted in coco that was not rinsed properly... I think it will pull through without any intervention.


Just wetting them with the spray bottle of pH'd water for now. Should be getting more interesting in another week :)

Yeah I have noticed that a dark period is essential especially if your trying to get root development. I have noticed that the main benefit of giving it a night cycle is that the roots develop a lot faster and you tend to get some more vigorous growth giving it the 6 hours of darkness. your roots will love you for it. Also if you want some explosive roots, pick up the rockwool cube and once you see a tiny root coming out the bottom, punch it a couple of times, give your roots a good beating and they will do everything they can to make you happy. I tried this with these clones I am growing once they showed roots, I gave the roots a few good punches and the next day I was shocked at what I saw under the rockwool cube. You should try it. I know it sounds hilarious, but it works, the hydro store guy taught me this neat trick to get explosive root growth. They respond to the trauma with explosive root growth and overall plant vigor. The roots grew a half inch during the 6 hour dark period. I punched them right before lights out for 6 hours, after the lights came back on the roots coming out the bottom were atleast a half inch longer than they were when the lights were turned off, that's some pretty explosive growth if you ask me, do that everyday for a couple weeks and you will have a beast to deal with!

I don't think this was meant to be funny but sure as shit laughed pretty hard. I'm just imagining you punching tiny cuttings. Please explain in better detail. Are you punching the rw?
Yeah those girls put up with so much abuse already. Watch out- they grow up big and mean and then one night you're in there and...the door locks behind you and....
they all start slowly coming at you..
Great journal, mate!

Welcome aboard Pepp, thanks for enjoying my humble show!

Inside the green reactor system we have the tiny alien specimens slowly building up their cellular structure...

Yes I know some are crispy ... the intergalactic space medium should have been washed in liquid H2O before use.


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