SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Today, I raised the lights over one of the plants in the shed. It was about 4.5 - 5" from the light & leaves were starting to cup, so I thought it's best to do so. I raised them about 8" - 10" making the lights just about 12" 13" above the plant.
The SoHum plant didn't need the lights raised yet, but I think it will by the weekend. Buckets were bone dry again. You lift the float & drop it & you hear the thud of it hitting bottom. Fed them both another gallon each.

The plants in the tent don't need the lights raised just yet, but probably will soon. One plant is now taller then any of my fabric pot plants & the other is the same height. The Fabric pot is also up on a 2" drain pan & the SIPs are not. So both plants are actually taller then all my fabric pot plants. Starting to see the beginning of pistil growth on one plant, but very minute so far.

If they stopped growing in height now, I'd be fine with it; but I don't think that's going to happen. Looks like even 3 SIP Buckets could crowd a 4x8 tent. Just one plant would fill a 3x3 tent wall to wall (No SCROG required.... lol).

I'll take some new pics tomorrow to post. See ya then.
I've always kept my 100 watts at the manufacture recommendation of 18 inches veg and 12-18 flower.

For the sake of educating myself. Why do you lower them?
I've always kept my 100 watts at the manufacture recommendation of 18 inches veg and 12-18 flower.

For the sake of educating myself. Why do you lower them?
Mostly to keep them as short & bushy as possible with tight node spacing. It isn't working real well with the Cherry on Top though. Seems the Sativa in it has taken over. It's suppose to be 70% Indica & 30% Sativa. I can't tell by the way they're growing. One plant has big fat Indica leaves & another has skinny looking Sativa leaves. The stems on the Indica looking ones seem to be fatter & stronger. You only run 100 watts ? Wow, nice growth for 100 watts. I have 450 watts over each plant in the shed.
Mostly to keep them as short & bushy as possible with tight node spacing. It isn't working real well with the Cherry on Top though. Seems the Sativa in it has taken over. It's suppose to be 70% Indica & 30% Sativa. I can't tell by the way they're growing. One plant has big fat Indica leaves & another has skinny looking Sativa leaves. The stems on the Indica looking ones seem to be fatter & stronger. You only run 100 watts ? Wow, nice growth for 100 watts. I have 450 watts over each plant in the shed.
I know what you mean about the tight node spacing. I have alot to learn yet phase ll should be better. My out-door girls are spaced out in pairs. Yet 1 of two grew dark buds. Was worried about rot but @danishoes21 gave me the genetics and noticed that the color was purple later on. Same strain yet 2 different kinds of buds. Will keep them separated and date them. Compare after all the burping is done.
In anothers words, we are both seeing the same shift in plant origin, methinks.
Are there any pure strains out there anymore?

I know what you mean about the tight node spacing. I have alot to learn yet phase ll should be better. My out-door girls are spaced out in pairs. Yet 1 of two grew dark buds. Was worried about rot but @danishoes21 gave me the genetics and noticed that the color was purple later on. Same strain yet 2 different kinds of buds. Will keep them separated and date them. Compare after all the burping is done.
In anothers words, we are both seeing the same shift in plant origin, methinks.
Are there any pure strains out there anymore?

That's one reason I like the Aurora Indica. It's a souvenir strain that's 100% Indica. I guess it's a souvenir because it was one of the original strains breeders used to cross breed. At least that's what the website said.
@Arctic Bowl :rip: had a Malawi that was a bit rangy!
Well guys, these lil ladies are drinking & growing their asses off. Today the plants in the tent are only about 6" from the lights. I think they got Energizer Bunny Shit Fertilizer.... "They keep growin & growin.... lol." I can't even see the 3 plants behind them anymore. Pistils are starting to show pretty good. By next week they should be done stretching & I'll start tying up some branches. All kinds of side branches grew up out of nowhere; after I trimmed most of them off before the flip. I was trying to eliminate most of that, due to the flimsy, skinny branches that wont stand up. Because of the way this strain grows I think it would be an excellent SCROG choice. I've been feeding the 2 gallons a day when possible.
Not always here when the res empties so some days they only get 1 gal. I'm still feeding at 5 gr., but I'll probably be upping it to 5.5 gr. in the next week or so.
Here's some pics of the 2 in the 4x8 tent.

Here's my little 2x4 tent. It did have the 2 Aurora Indica SIP Buckets; but one has been moved to the shed for Flower.
I'm going to Veg this one another week or two & see how big this one gets. By then the other 3 plants in Fabric & plastic pots should be harvested & I can move it to the 4x8. In the process of harvesting a Fab. Pot Chery on Top right now & have an Aurora in the dark today to chop next. The Bud Trimmer came. No handle to crank it in the box. Sent it back yesterday. Going to order another one from a different company today. They didn't pack it very well as the metal bowl also had a large dent in it. I'm going to need one for these 6 plants.
Here's a couple of pics of the one I'm keeping in Veg.
I think these Cherry on Top are really big considering it was : 1 week in Solo Cup as a rooted Clone. 2 Weeks in a 1 gallon pot & then 2 weeks Veg in the SIP Bucket before flipping to 12/12. I have to admit I'm a little worried about trying to tie up all these branches. Played hell trying to keep up with the small ones in the Fab. Pots. Every day another branch falls over. But this weed is so worth it. It gets so thick & sticky with Trichomes & the Terpenes put out one hell of a nice strong scent during & after the cure.
The 2 in the shed are getting really big too. Not much room to move in there .... lol.
Here's the 2 Cherry on Top.

And here's the AURORA INDICA I put out there to START FLOWER yesterday 9-24-22.

And here's a couple a group shots of the 3 ladies.
Good morning Buds :ciao: your gardens are Spectacular my friend. :bravo:
Love the hardwood floors for the girls.
Nothing But the best.
Hope your having a nice weekend my friend.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
The 2 in the shed are getting really big too. Not much room to move in there .... lol.
Here's the 2 Cherry on Top.

And here's the AURORA INDICA I put out there to START FLOWER yesterday 9-24-22.

And here's a couple a group shots of the 3 ladies.
Wow just 1 of them looks too big to fit in a 2x4 lol
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