SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

My roots grew into the res ... sort of too. They actually stopped about 1" above the water level.
I planted my first SIP's 2 days ago. They just had a little gravel or perlite between the roots and the chicken wire. I am hoping that @danishoes21 was correct about the roots feeding off the moisture. The bottom leaves are starting to wilt so I will prepare some water and rooting excellerator for tomorrow morning just in case.


Virgin Sipper here so kinda nervous.

If they weren't in SIPs before it may take the roots a couple of weeks to adapt to the new, wetter environment and at first they'll look like they are overwatered. I'm thinking it's probably best to go with a SIP from the start if you can.

I'm trialing starting a seed right in its final container to see how that works.
If they weren't in SIPs before it may take the roots a couple of weeks to adapt to the new, wetter environment and at first they'll look like they are overwatered. I'm thinking it's probably best to go with a SIP from the start if you can.

I'm trialing starting a seed right in its final container to see how that works.
Good luck, Azi! Yet wouldn't it be a long way for the roots to travel to the water source?
I planted my first SIP's 2 days ago. They just had a little gravel or perlite between the roots and the chicken wire. I am hoping that @danishoes21 was correct about the roots feeding off the moisture. The bottom leaves are starting to wilt so I will prepare some water and rooting excellerator for tomorrow morning just in case.


Virgin Sipper here so kinda nervous.

Those look like some pretty big plants to be just up-potting to SIP's. That little one in front looks more like the size I do it.
Those look like some pretty big plants to be just up-potting to SIP's. That little one in front looks more like the size I do it.
I know, Azi just told me about it last week. I busted my ass making those for my up-potting last week-end! :rofl:
They will be going downstairs to flower in about 3 weeks when the others get booted to trim. :)
The little on is a Bonzai Mom I am experimenting with.
I just took some measurements from the plants in the shed. The MC plant is 32" Tall & the Re-Charge plant is 29" tall.
The MC is just 5.5" from the light today so it grew about 1.5" in a day. The Re-Charge plant is 7" from the light so it grew about an inch.

The 2 MC plants in the 4x8 tent are both really close to 33" tall so far.
I took a couple of pics of the 4x8 tent plants by their selves so you can get a better idea of their size.

Pretty sure we are on about day 5 or 6 of the stretch. Still a lot of time for more growth.
I just took some measurements from the plants in the shed. The MC plant is 32" Tall & the Re-Charge plant is 29" tall.
The MC is just 5.5" from the light today so it grew about 1.5" in a day. The Re-Charge plant is 7" from the light so it grew about an inch.
Hey Buds,
Sorry, I am tryin'a catch up, but I am getting all my threads mixed up!
Are you doing a comparison between MC soil, and soil with Re-Charge?
Or what is the side-by-side comparison?
Or what am I missing?
Hey Buds,
Sorry, I am tryin'a catch up, but I am getting all my threads mixed up!
Are you doing a comparison between MC soil, and soil with Re-Charge?
Or what is the side-by-side comparison?
Or what am I missing?
I just wanted to see the difference. See if one grew way bigger or something. Still had SoHum left so figured I may as well use it on something.
I just wanted to see the difference. See if one grew way bigger or something. Still had SoHum left so figured I may as well use it on something.
Ahh, ok. Thanks!
So it was MC vs (SoHum + Re-Charge)?
It looks like MC is winning for pure growth.
I am not sure if there is a difference in taste.

Sorry, I don't know either SoHum or MC.
Does MC claim to have its own microbes?
Or why add Re-Charge to SoHum and not MC?
(Sorry for the questions from ignorance.)
Ahh, ok. Thanks!
So it was MC vs (SoHum + Re-Charge)?
It looks like MC is winning for pure growth.
I am not sure if there is a difference in taste.

Sorry, I don't know either SoHum or MC.
Does MC claim to have its own microbes?
Or why add Re-Charge to SoHum and not MC?
(Sorry for the questions from ignorance.)
SoHum is an organic super soil. I use tap water so I have to replenish the microbes per Emilya.
Ahh, ok. Thanks!
So it was MC vs (SoHum + Re-Charge)?
It looks like MC is winning for pure growth.
I am not sure if there is a difference in taste.

Sorry, I don't know either SoHum or MC.
Does MC claim to have its own microbes?
Or why add Re-Charge to SoHum and not MC?
(Sorry for the questions from ignorance.)
MC is a chelated nutrient and is available for uptake by the plant without any help. Sohum is organic soil and needs the microbes to make the nutrients available to the plant.
MC is a chelated nutrient and is available for uptake by the plant without any help. Sohum is organic soil and needs the microbes to make the nutrients available to the plant.
Thanks, @LKABudMan ! :thumb:
Today, I raised the lights over one of the plants in the shed. It was about 4.5 - 5" from the light & leaves were starting to cup, so I thought it's best to do so. I raised them about 8" - 10" making the lights just about 12" 13" above the plant.
The SoHum plant didn't need the lights raised yet, but I think it will by the weekend. Buckets were bone dry again. You lift the float & drop it & you hear the thud of it hitting bottom. Fed them both another gallon each.

The plants in the tent don't need the lights raised just yet, but probably will soon. One plant is now taller then any of my fabric pot plants & the other is the same height. The Fabric pot is also up on a 2" drain pan & the SIPs are not. So both plants are actually taller then all my fabric pot plants. Starting to see the beginning of pistil growth on one plant, but very minute so far.

If they stopped growing in height now, I'd be fine with it; but I don't think that's going to happen. Looks like even 3 SIP Buckets could crowd a 4x8 tent. Just one plant would fill a 3x3 tent wall to wall (No SCROG required.... lol).

I'll take some new pics tomorrow to post. See ya then.
Hmmm, Maybe I'll get crazy on my next grow & do a SCROG / SIP grow. One plant in a 4x8 wall to wall. I really believe it is possible with these buckets & I don't think it would take that long to fill the net. 6-8 weeks of Veg at best IMO.
Hey buds sounds like it's working a treat for you this sip game. Keep up the good (watering) game lol
I just took some measurements from the plants in the shed. The MC plant is 32" Tall & the Re-Charge plant is 29" tall.
The MC is just 5.5" from the light today so it grew about 1.5" in a day. The Re-Charge plant is 7" from the light so it grew about an inch.

The 2 MC plants in the 4x8 tent are both really close to 33" tall so far.
I took a couple of pics of the 4x8 tent plants by their selves so you can get a better idea of their size.

Pretty sure we are on about day 5 or 6 of the stretch. Still a lot of time for more growth.
They are huge
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