SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Just a little update without pics. Pics this weekend.
I'm currently defoliating all the Fan Leaves from the "Cherry On Top" that was in the shed. I'm about 3/4 of the way done, but out of time so I'll have to finish it tomorrow. Then to the closet for 24-36 hours before I chop her down for drying. Next weekend the other "Cherry On Top" will get harvested.
I totally gave up on a Coco / SIP grow. Having way too much trouble getting a seed started in Coco. First seed grew sideways under the Coco. 2nd seed sprouted & has pretty much stunted. 3rd seed sprouted & stunted even worse.
3 strikes & you're out !
So, now I've started a "Do-Si-Dos" & a "Skywalker OG" in soil & in 1 gal. pots. Seeds were planted yesterday morning so I've got a couple of days till they pop. That means I'll only have the 1 Auto GG so it will stay in the 2x4 tent the whole grow.

Update on the wife: First off, today is her 59th Birthday. Unfortunately, the Chaplain came to her hospital room yesterday to have her sign papers to who has the final say so. I had her put her oldest son & Mother, as I didn't want the whole family mad at me if I made the wrong choice. They also had a Palliative Care Doctor come in (similar to Hospice) to set up visits for when she comes home. They are talking about releasing her today so she can come home to pass away. Not sure how that's going to work out as she's still in constant pain & the meds aren't helping much.
Yesterday, I was told she was coming home today so I spent most of the day at the hospital. Things are really getting confusing. Her Lung Doctor Transplant team tells us one thing. The liver doctor tells us something totally different & the cancer doctor tells us another thing. Then instead of having Palliative Care coming once or twice per week, they've changed it to Hospice visits once per day. I guess they have to get Hospice set up, Her feeding tube & pump going & the drainage tube so she can drain the fluid off her liver at home. Talk about an emotional roller coaster ride. Kind of feel like I'm walking through a never ending black tunnel. I'm here but can't really see or feel anything.
I guess I'm glad I have this hobby as it helps me not think about it for a short time. Another benefit of growing weed.
On a brighter note, I got a hell of a deal today. I found someone selling a 4x8 Gorilla Grow Tent (Not the Lite Line) with the 2 foot extension for $150.00. The tent is only 3 months old & looks brand new. I didn't really need the tent, but for that price.... I couldn't resist. I'll swap my old tent out with this one after I harvest in another week.
Good score! Finding good gear at a great price is always satisfying. I think it's the hunting for deals that I like.
Yeah, I check at least once per day for good deals on things. Most the time I buy it just for one or two things & sell the rest & still make a profit plus my free stuff. Bought 2 big bins full of grow stuff from a girl for $50 once. Had a bunch of Blue Lab stuff, Controllers, lights, etc. Well over a grand worth of stuff; probably more. If you watch you can find some smoking deals.
The Window AC in my Shed doesn't seem to be working right...all the time. I'm planning to replace it with my Portable AC. Hopefully, I'll have time tomorrow. If not, next weekend for sure. The portable will take up a little floor space as it will sit right where the window AC is now. For that reason I figured I needed to change my lighting around to better suit the plants needs. Right now I'm running 1 - 150 watt light per plant. So 6 plants with a light over each one. My Shed tends to get High Humidity. That's fine in Veg, but not for Flower. I didn't have an Exhaust Fan out there so I installed a 6" Active Air Fan with A 6" Carbon Filter yesterday. I have it plugged into a Humidity Controller so it only turns on if the RH exceeds 65% right now. I have a dehumidifier, but it puts out a lot of hot air; so trying not to use it if possible.

I also up-potted the 2 "Aurora Indica" girls yesterday. I figured now that they're all in their SIP Buckets it was time for this journal. Spare you all the slow, boring, beginning.

The girls all up-potted to the buckets. Purple Buckets for Aurora & Black ones for Cherry On Top.

My Fan & Filter Set-Up.

And here is how my lights are set up now.

And this brings us up to date to where we are right now.
Holey Crapazoid! Dude, forgive me but I feel like I am Ripped van Winkle waking up into a new world. Which, in a way I am. What you are doing is totally beyond what my brain can and some other folks I have been peeking into. Cheers!!
Crossing fingers for your charcoal as a way to beat the humidity without adding the heat from a dehumidifier. You say you have a gadget that is triggered by humidity? Awesome! I never did find someone smart enough to explain to me any ratio between heat and humidity (minus zero temp +100% humidity equals smoke another doob). Rule of thumb. If it feels ok for you (human person) it's probably ok for Her Majesty the Queen. All your girls look great 👍😃. I am a little confused about your fan set up. I think someone stepped on my glasses. No exhaust fan, got that, but uh, where is/are the fan(s)? Gonna feel like a fool when you show me, but that is totally Situation Normal
Holey Crapazoid! Dude, forgive me but I feel like I am Ripped van Winkle waking up into a new world. Which, in a way I am. What you are doing is totally beyond what my brain can and some other folks I have been peeking into. Cheers!!
It gets much easier as you progress through a couple of grows & there are a lot of great growers here to help you along.
@Emilya Green , @InTheShed , @Phytoplankton , @Bill284 , @Azimuth & a slew of others are of great help; but these are a few of my favorite go to growers when I need help. Have confidence. You can do it !
Crossing fingers for your charcoal as a way to beat the humidity without adding the heat from a dehumidifier. You say you have a gadget that is triggered by humidity? Awesome! I never did find someone smart enough to explain to me any ratio between heat and humidity (minus zero temp +100% humidity equals smoke another doob). Rule of thumb. If it feels ok for you (human person) it's probably ok for Her Majesty the Queen. All your girls look great 👍😃. I am a little confused about your fan set up. I think someone stepped on my glasses. No exhaust fan, got that, but uh, where is/are the fan(s)? Gonna feel like a fool when you show me, but that is totally Situation Normal
The Charcoal Filter helps a lot, but I'm sure the moisture from the Humidity ruins the filter faster. Good thing they don't cost a lot to replace as I replace mine about once per year. I use the old ones for intake air at the bottom of my tent. The general rule of thumb is to try to keep your humidity between 60% - 70% in Veg & 30% - 40% during flower. Depending on the type of lighting you use the tent temps will vary some. HPS lights put out a lot of heat & more of a Red Spectrum so you are trying to stay around 77F in Veg & 68F during Flower. 68F will bring out any colors the plant has, increase Trichome & Terpene production. It isn't necessary to be at 68F, but it does help. I am currently flowering at 78F with no issues. With LED Lights you can run your tent temps higher. I keep my tent anywhere between 78 - 84F since I use LED's. If you want to be precise...., on the money you can get a laser thermometer & point it at one of the top leaves on the plant to get a precision canopy temp in your tent. Leaf temp is the most accurate way to set your temps that I'm aware of. Or, you can buy Inkbird Controllers for Humidity & Temps & let them control your environment for you. Hope this helps you some.
Being at home with loved ones has to be the best way to leave this world. I hope they can send her home with the best pain meds available to make her final days peaceful.
Thanks a lot shed ! Hospice came on Thursday & set up her room with a hospital bed, oxygen, Feeding tube stuff, etc.
While she was in bed sleeping at the hospital Thurs. night Hospice put a "Do Not Resuscitate" bracelet on her. That scared us because she had to have a drainage tube put it her Friday morning. She made it though & Hospice brought her home yesterday. We have to give her Morphine injections every 6 hours + 2 other injections every 4 hours. Thank God her mom came to stay with us. I would not be able to do it as I'm gone about 12 hours a day for work. Anyway, she's home now & making the best of a bad situation.
Thanks a lot shed ! Hospice came on Thursday & set up her room with a hospital bed, oxygen, Feeding tube stuff, etc.
While she was in bed sleeping at the hospital Thurs. night Hospice put a "Do Not Resuscitate" bracelet on her. That scared us because she had to have a drainage tube put it her Friday morning. She made it though & Hospice brought her home yesterday. We have to give her Morphine injections every 6 hours + 2 other injections every 4 hours. Thank God her mom came to stay with us. I would not be able to do it as I'm gone about 12 hours a day for work. Anyway, she's home now & making the best of a bad situation.
Glad she is home Buds. :green_heart:
Bless you both. :Namaste:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Hey Buds,

For some reason I stopped getting notifications of new posts here in my stream. :(

So sorry to hear of your wife's status. Prayers and positive energy sent your way. :hug:

Update on the wife: First off, today is her 59th Birthday. Unfortunately, the Chaplain came to her hospital room yesterday to have her sign papers to who has the final say so. I had her put her oldest son & Mother, as I didn't want the whole family mad at me if I made the wrong choice. They also had a Palliative Care Doctor come in (similar to Hospice) to set up visits for when she comes home. They are talking about releasing her today so she can come home to pass away. Not sure how that's going to work out as she's still in constant pain & the meds aren't helping much.
This can be a difficult time for everyone and family challenges can add to the stress. Having others make those decisions can help, especially since you seem to be resolved to the outcome.

Then instead of having Palliative Care coming once or twice per week, they've changed it to Hospice visits once per day. I guess they have to get Hospice set up, Her feeding tube & pump going & the drainage tube so she can drain the fluid off her liver at home.
Just before my dad passed they brought in hospice, and I can say that was a surprisingly positive move. They were so helpful and caring. And, they don't seem to have the restrictions on pain meds that doctors seem to so their entire focus was to help ease the pain, both physical and emotional. They were open to any treatment or combination of drugs or other therapies. Here's hoping you and your wife have a similar experience. :love:

Talk about an emotional roller coaster ride. Kind of feel like I'm walking through a never ending black tunnel. I'm here but can't really see or feel anything.
WIsh there was more we could do for you. Peace and love your way, brother. Stay strong! :Namaste:
Thanks again for all your thoughts & prayers. It's a rough time, but I'll get through it one way or another. No choice but to really.
Anyway, I'll try to do an update tonight. Just took some pics for it. But getting ready to harvest an Aurora Indica in just a few minutes.... so, after that..... lol.
Thanks again for all your thoughts & prayers. It's a rough time, but I'll get through it one way or another. No choice but to really.
Anyway, I'll try to do an update tonight. Just took some pics for it. But getting ready to harvest an Aurora Indica in just a few minutes.... so, after that..... lol.
Hello my Buds Buddy friend ♥️

I’m so sorry to hear your wife is so unwell.

Grab that pain relief mix end stage, it can make the difference between a traumatic death and a peaceful death, my recommendation - not that you asked lol, would me a morphine, midazolam, haloperidol subcutaneous slow driver mix. A bit of hyoscine if she’s gurgly in the lungs. The haloperidol helps with nausea, midazolam gives a beautiful heroin type stone and the morphine will help control the pain.

You only get one shot at birth and one shot at death. Its the circle of life and there is beauty in both. Hang on to each other and know the hearts of strangers are breaking for you, with you, knowing you are going through this pain.

You are a good egg Buds. Bad things happen to good people. I’m sorry it’s happening to you, your family and your wife. Look after her mum. I can’t even get my head around the possibility of outliving your child.

Hello my Buds Buddy friend ♥️

I’m so sorry to hear your wife is so unwell.

Grab that pain relief mix end stage, it can make the difference between a traumatic death and a peaceful death, my recommendation - not that you asked lol, would me a morphine, midazolam, haloperidol subcutaneous slow driver mix. A bit of hyoscine if she’s gurgly in the lungs. The haloperidol helps with nausea, midazolam gives a beautiful heroin type stone and the morphine will help control the pain.

You only get one shot at birth and one shot at death. Its the circle of life and there is beauty in both. Hang on to each other and know the hearts of strangers are breaking for you, with you, knowing you are going through this pain.

You are a good egg Buds. Bad things happen to good people. I’m sorry it’s happening to you, your family and your wife. Look after her mum. I can’t even get my head around the possibility of outliving your child.

Thank you Trala. You're always so kind & thoughtful.
Yes, outliving your child must really suck. My wife's oldest son was murdered back in 2012 & it seems it's something you never get over.
High Everybody ? Well it looks like this here journal is almost at the finish line. This is my one & only plant left to harvest. She will be coming down next weekend. Appears to be a decent yield; but we'll see once it's all dried. The PK Booster seems to be helping quite a bit with the yellowing leaves. Maybe should have used it sooner.
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