SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

I was using three buckets in a perpetual harvest setup but have moved on to only two as the SIP plants are so much larger and I don't really need that much output.
This is good news, so one could potentially achieve a higher yield from a smaller pot? The closest I can get to an 8 liter pot is a 10 liter pot but that's fine I'm sure.
my 2G buckets work great.
Maybe time to downsize. Are you running autos, photos or both?
5 G buckets may be too big for that space using SIPs. You can reference @Buds Buddy 's plants for a visual on that. But my 2G buckets work great.
I need to clarify. When you refer to the 2 gal / 8 liter buckets, do you mean the container that the medium is in? How big did you say your reservoir / s is / are? Did you have one reservoir for all pots, or did they have separate bucket systems?
I've recently moved up from flowering in 1L containers up to my now  massive 2G/8L buckets
Amazing. What sort of yields were you getting in the smaller containers? How big do those canopies get?
This is good news, so one could potentially achieve a higher yield from a smaller pot? The closest I can get to an 8 liter pot is a 10 liter pot but that's fine I'm sure.
Much higher yield in a SIP pot vs the same size non-SIP pot. Of course for me the comparison isn't really fair since i"ve increased my flowering container size 8x. Sounds like your container is 2.5G which is great. I have to use the 2 gallon rather than the 5 gallon because the 5G is too tall for my flower box.

Maybe time to downsize. Are you running autos, photos or both?
Only photo's and mostly from clones. But I think the SIP container is the ideal one for auto's and Buds is growing some of those as well.

I need to clarify. When you refer to the 2 gal / 8 liter buckets, do you mean the container that the medium is in? How big did you say your reservoir / s is / are? Did you have one reservoir for all pots, or did they have separate bucket systems?
Although 5 Gallon is the standard size bucket, we can get 2 Gallon buckets from a big box store so that is what I use. Each bucket is stand alone and I have a 1.2L upside down food storage container to define the reservoir void. So, 1.2 L less a bit for the air gap, plus a bit for what the soil outside the food container can hold, so about 1L.
I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's condition and her current distress Buds. I hope she's getting the best care she can and isn't in pain. :peace:
Bro, I think the end must be really close. My wife's doctor told her today they weren't sure How much longer she has to live. They asked if she wanted to die in the hospital or at home. A nurse came to see her & when (if) she comes home the nurse will be coming once or twice per week to the house. Even with the meds at the hospital she says she's still in pain & sick all the time. I think the cancer will take her before X-mas.
Sorry for being off topic here. Just needed to say something to someone.
In a 5 gal. Fabric pot my average yield was 5.5 - 6.5 oz. per plant. So far, my first SIP was 20 oz. +. My 2nd SIP was only 7 oz. My 3rd SIP was 1-lb. 20 gr. Every grow has been better than my old avg. Most the time more than double what I get in a Fabric Pot with the same amount of Veg time. The plants that I got a pound + from got their res filled twice per day in flower. The 7 oz. plant was only fed once per day. I was testing things to see if it made a difference & I believe it does.
Yes, I'm trying my luck with a couple of SIP Auto's. The one in FFOF is doing great. Not having much luck with the one in Coco. I'll probably dump the Coco out & start again for the 4th time, but using FFOF. I give up on Coco. 3 wasted seeds is my limit.
Bro, I think the end must be really close. My wife's doctor told her today they weren't sure How much longer she has to live. They asked if she wanted to die in the hospital or at home. A nurse came to see her & when (if) she comes home the nurse will be coming once or twice per week to the house. Even with the meds at the hospital she says she's still in pain & sick all the time. I think the cancer will take her before X-mas.
Sorry for being off topic here. Just needed to say something to someone.
You are right to say something, very challenging and clearly very much living day by day. You can just do your best which is what you are doing. And your wife has you supporting her and that must give her a lot of comfort. All the very best for you both. :green_heart:
Oh no Buds. What sad and tough times. I wish your wife and you strength and abundant love. As Stunger says, it's a comfort that you are together through this. Be well Buds.
Thank you for the detailed summary of the SIP auto history (taking notes).
Bro, I think the end must be really close. My wife's doctor told her today they weren't sure How much longer she has to live. They asked if she wanted to die in the hospital or at home. A nurse came to see her & when (if) she comes home the nurse will be coming once or twice per week to the house. Even with the meds at the hospital she says she's still in pain & sick all the time. I think the cancer will take her before X-mas.
Sorry for being off topic here. Just needed to say something to someone.
So sorry Buds. :Namaste: :green_heart:

#Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Let me see if I got this right.
In the bottom of your bucket you have a thin layer of gravel. Then Chicken wire on top of that. So what is keeping the soil from getting a direct watering ? Do you have any kind of bowl inside to keep the soil out of the res. ? If not, I'm guessing your soil is getting way to wet. So what exactly keeps your soil 1" above the drain hole to give you the air gap ? Do you have pics of how your pot is in a journal ? If you do.... post the link so I can see exactly what you got going on. They should be drinking from the res. by now.
Holy Crap Buds! As I posted this reply, I saw your post! So sorry bro, hope it all works out. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you. :Namaste:

I have gravel over the chicken wire and a sheet-metal ring 1 inch higher than the water line. My mistake at first, was not filling my center ring with soil. I misread Azi's link, and the water smelled stagnant. I emptied the smelly water out, filled my ring with soil, Bukashi, frass, worm-catings, perlite and a bit of dynomyco.

This is my start-up:

It took a while to reach, needed to top-feed them. Glad that I took it apart and drained the stagnant water.

This is what they are looking like now, my first SIP's


I made these rings out of sheet-metal for the drying nets-8 level. Buds got too flat. Now I am using the same rings every other day to feed the inner. Liking the results so far. :)

So, in answer to your question, @Buds Buddy , my perpetual grow link is there soewhere under the rainbow.

Holy Crap Buds! As I posted this reply, I saw your post! So sorry bro, hope it all works out. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you. :Namaste:

I have gravel over the chicken wire and a sheet-metal ring 1 inch higher than the water line. My mistake at first, was not filling my center ring with soil. I misread Azi's link, and the water smelled stagnant. I emptied the smelly water out, filled my ring with soil, Bukashi, frass, worm-catings, perlite and a bit of dynomyco.

This is my start-up:

It took a while to reach, needed to top-feed them. Glad that I took it apart and drained the stagnant water.

This is what they are looking like now, my first SIP's


I made these rings out of sheet-metal for the drying nets-8 level. Buds got too flat. Now I am using the same rings every other day to feed the inner. Liking the results so far. :)

So, in answer to your question, @Buds Buddy , my perpetual grow link is there soewhere under the rainbow.

Nice. Looks great !
Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers. Much appreciated. The docs told her she could go home after they get the pain & nausea under control. That's not ever going to happen as she keeps getting worse. I visited her yesterday at the hospital & her skin tone was kind of a bluish gray. I really think they are just keeping the pain under control the best they can till she passes. She barely has the energy to talk on the phone. I doubt she'll be here for X-mas. Seems all my family members always die around T-giving or X-mas for some odd reason.
Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers. Much appreciated. The docs told her she could go home after they get the pain & nausea under control. That's not ever going to happen as she keeps getting worse. I visited her yesterday at the hospital & her skin tone was kind of a bluish gray. I really think they are just keeping the pain under control the best they can till she passes. She barely has the energy to talk on the phone. I doubt she'll be here for X-mas. Seems all my family members always die around T-giving or X-mas for some odd reason.
I can relate as my uncle is going through a similar situation where he found out he has bladder cancer and they told him he hasn't got long possibly end of the year. So sorry to hear of this buds try stay strong I know it's easier said than done only the best get taken early 😕
Holy Crap Buds! As I posted this reply, I saw your post! So sorry bro, hope it all works out. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you. :Namaste:

I have gravel over the chicken wire and a sheet-metal ring 1 inch higher than the water line. My mistake at first, was not filling my center ring with soil. I misread Azi's link, and the water smelled stagnant. I emptied the smelly water out, filled my ring with soil, Bukashi, frass, worm-catings, perlite and a bit of dynomyco.

This is my start-up:

It took a while to reach, needed to top-feed them. Glad that I took it apart and drained the stagnant water.

This is what they are looking like now, my first SIP's


I made these rings out of sheet-metal for the drying nets-8 level. Buds got too flat. Now I am using the same rings every other day to feed the inner. Liking the results so far. :)

So, in answer to your question, @Buds Buddy , my perpetual grow link is there soewhere under the rainbow.

Hey Scotty, hope you have been well.
The garden looks terrific.
Your busy busy. :thumb: nice work.
What are you doing with the rings?
Take care.

#Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Bro, I think the end must be really close. My wife's doctor told her today they weren't sure How much longer she has to live. They asked if she wanted to die in the hospital or at home. A nurse came to see her & when (if) she comes home the nurse will be coming once or twice per week to the house. Even with the meds at the hospital she says she's still in pain & sick all the time. I think the cancer will take her before X-mas.
Sorry for being off topic here. Just needed to say something to someone.
My heart and prayers go out for your family, I have lost 4 in the last 2 years.
Hey Scotty, hope you have been well.
The garden looks terrific.
Your busy busy. :thumb: nice work.
What are you doing with the rings?
Take care.

#Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Hi Bill and thanks! All is kinda groovy over here. Still trying to save my cafe racer. I may come out of it all right. Will post soon.

You also have been very busy I have seen. Getting better and better. :thumb:

I made those rings origanally for my dry nets, didn't like flat buds.
Now, every day I will switch between plants. The ring opens up the light to the inside and I make sure to rotate them for light and ventilation.

Take care., bro!
Hi Bill and thanks! All is kinda groovy over here. Still trying to save my cafe racer. I may come out of it all right. Will post soon.

You also have been very busy I have seen. Getting better and better. :thumb:

I made those rings origanally for my dry nets, didn't like flat buds.
Now, every day I will switch between plants. The ring opens up the light to the inside and I make sure to rotate them for light and ventilation.

Take care., bro!
I use wire ties and hold the outside branches open away from the center.
Let's in light and some air circulation.
Just a thought.
Take care Amigo. :passitleft:

#Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
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